Hail the King

21. He is a beast

"Is there anyone else?" Fei continued to ask patiently.

"In addition to the people just mentioned, some powerful people include Best, the steward of the king's palace. He is Miss Angela's father and your future father-in-law... However, before the enemy attacked the city, Best The steward left Chambord with a large amount of palace treasures, and no one knows what he did."

Angela's father?

Fei was taken aback, so Angela still has a father? No wonder he never showed up, but he happened to leave before the enemy arrived, and he also brought a lot of treasures from the palace... Is this considered an escape?

However, Fei's first reaction was not anger.

It was a pang of pity for Angela.

This beautiful and kind girl was ruthlessly abandoned by her biological father when she needed her most support. At this time, she must be holding back the sadness in her heart, right?

He was suddenly very worried about that weak-looking girl Angela.

The night wind blows, and the opposite river is dotted with stars, which are continuous and continuous. They are the torches lit by the enemy's barracks.

Fei stood on the city wall and chatted with Brook for a while, and he basically understood the general distribution of forces in Chambord City.

Obviously, judging from Brooke's description, although Chambord City is only a small kingdom that cannot be smaller, the intricate forces of various parties and the degree of intrigue are not even a little less than those super empires... This makes Fei suddenly felt that the situation he was facing was a bit interesting.

"I don't seem to have seen Bazel, Kongka, and Oleg in today's battle? Don't they need to participate in the battle?" Fei thought of something, and then asked.

"Lord Bazel once appeared on the city wall during the battle in the morning, that is, the time he brought you up with His Majesty... Military judge Konka was injured very quickly on the first day of the battle, and then he has been fighting for the past few days. He is recuperating at home, and Oleg is the warden. I once asked him to join the battle, but Oleg believes that his first duty is to guard the prison, and he has no obligation to participate in the battle!"

"No obligation? Hehe, that's it..." Fei kept these people in his heart, pondered for a while, and asked again: "Then... how are their strengths? I mean personal strength..."

"Bazel is an ordinary person who knows neither martial arts nor magic. The military judge Konka and the warden Oleg are both one-star warriors...but in Chambord, only Sir Frank Lampard is the real one. The strength of the three-star warrior is also top-notch among the guardian powerhouses of many surrounding countries!"

When it came to the end, Brooke's tone was obviously proud.

"I remember that Bazel's son Gejir is a magician, right?" Fei Fei smiled when he heard this, and a bad idea came to his mind: "Immediately send someone to pass on my order to recruit the magician Gejill." Jill went to the city to join the battle and defend Chambord."

"Your Majesty, Gejir's current level is still not a star magician, he can only be regarded as a low-level magic apprentice at best...Of course, even a magic apprentice can play a big role in battle..." Brooke bowed Responded: "As you wish, Your Majesty, I will immediately send someone to recruit Gejir."

Obviously, Brook is very much in favor of Fei's order.

"Well, let's talk so much tonight." Fei basically knew everything he wanted to know, he smiled and patted the shoulder of 'Honest Man' Brook: "Wait a while to arrange the transition of soldiers in the city defense, Go and rest, I will be on duty tonight."

"Your Majesty, how can this be done? My duty is..." Brook was shocked.

Fei smiled and interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Squadron Captain Brooke, I heard from the soldiers that you have not rested for two days and two nights. This is not acceptable. The next battle may be even more brutal...Okay, Brooke , I want you to take the time to rest and recharge your energy. In tomorrow's battle, you will kill the enemy for me... This is the king's order.

It must be obeyed, let's go! "

Brooke froze.

The next moment, the black-haired strong man knelt down on one knee, put the big sword in his hands on his chest, and solemnly swore in the name of a warrior: "God of War, Your Majesty Alexander, my respected king, Star Warrior Goethe-Bruck is willing to die for you!"


After Brook left, Fei found an excuse and dismissed the guards who followed him.

He patrolled around by himself, carefully observed the various structures and defensive measures on the city wall, and appeased some other soldiers guarding the city by the way. Amidst the grateful cheers of the soldiers, the last person came to the main gate of the city wall enemy building.

This enemy building was originally a small two-story building of wood and stone structure.

Before the outbreak of the war, the decoration of the enemy building was very good. On weekdays, it was the place where the guards and soldiers rested after changing the guard. However, it was completely destroyed in the battles of the previous few days, leaving only four collapsed stone walls. , the starlight all over the sky directly shone down, and it was deserted for a while.

Fei entered the enemy building, found a place where he could observe the movements of the city at first glance, and sat down to watch the night.

A few guards stood far outside the stone wall, standing guard for their king.

"The situation is not good. Although the enemy's offensive has been repelled, it is obviously not an option to go on like this. These black-clothed enemies who do not know where they come from are not only well-equipped and well-trained, but also have far more numbers than the defenders of Chambord City. If you keep fighting, Chambord City will definitely be destroyed in the end, so we must think of another way!"

Fei thought hard in his heart.

But after thinking about it, he didn't get a good idea.

In the final analysis, Fei was just an ordinary third-rate college student in his previous life, not a super killer, not a special military elite, not even a student union cadre with a strong heart, so an otaku like him, in this situation, immediately figured out The way to do it is really a bit difficult.

"It seems that at present, we can only seize the time to improve our own strength, and we will talk about the rest slowly."

Fei gave up his efforts in this area. He made up his mind, closed his eyes, and began to communicate with the mysterious and cold voice in his mind, trying to enter the world of Diablo to 'level up' to improve his strength.


"The storage of mental power is not enough to enter the game space, please try again later."

The mysterious and cold voice quickly replied.

This made Fei feel depressed for a while.

He closed his eyes and rested his mind for a while, and tried again, but the answer he got was still the same. I tried more than a dozen times at intervals, but failed to enter the consciousness space as I wished. The answer from that mysterious and cold voice has always been 'not enough mental power storage'...

Fei tried and fell asleep quietly without knowing it.



The south bank of the Zuli River.

The camp of the Chinese army of the mysterious army of soldiers in black.

In the middle of the black camp, there is a black tent that is obviously bigger and more magnificent than the surrounding tents. Under the light of the flickering torches, it looks like a terrifying monster hidden in the darkness. Be ready to pick and choose.

But inside the tent, it was warm and bright.

The silver-masked man who appeared by the river in the morning was sitting on a chair covered with the black fur of a huge unknown monster. A transparent white jade cup gently shakes the red wine in the cup.

On both sides of the silver-masked man, nineteen black knights lined up neatly, guarding behind them.

On the left side of the tent, a mysterious man covered in a black cloak sat next to the table below, and the magic wand placed beside him revealed the identity of the mysterious man in the cloak—a magician.

An invisible and strange energy stance surrounds the mysterious man, appearing and disappearing from time to time, making this mysterious cloaked man blurry in the eyes of everyone, unable to capture his true appearance. The lower body exudes a bit of chill all the time.

And the three-star swordsman Lang De, who was severely injured by Fei during the daytime battle, was kneeling at the feet of the silver-masked man.


There was a slight burst of charcoal burning and crackling in the brazier, making the atmosphere in the entire tent extremely peaceful and eerie.

Finally, the silver-masked man looked up.

He looked at Langde, a three-star warrior kneeling on the ground, and asked casually: "Langde, tell me about what happened on the city wall today? I'm curious, how you, a three-star warrior, suffered such serious injuries ?”

The three-star warrior Lang De knelt on one knee on the red carpet in the center of the big tent, with a shame on his face.

Surprisingly, facing the questioning of the silver-masked man, with Langde's strong three-star strength, he seemed to be very scared. Hearing the question, he quickly lowered his head and explained everything that happened on the city wall during the day in detail. Once again, without any concealment.

The silver-masked man seemed to be listening casually, but he was focused on looking at the jade cup in his hand from beginning to end, as if something incredible stuck to his eyes on the crystal clear quilt.

It wasn't until Lang De finished speaking that the silver-masked man paused for a moment while shaking the cup, and said softly, "So that's it, hehe, interesting and interesting... Lang De, get up and talk!"

The three-star warrior Langde has been granted amnesty.

He breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and added a few words: "Thank you master, I have one more thing to report: I discovered a strange phenomenon when I was fighting that three-star warrior in Chambord City today."


"Master, my subordinates found out that the three-star warrior with water attribute Dou Qi in Chambord City seems to be unhealed from injuries, and his Dou Qi is not running smoothly... According to the astonishing judgment of my subordinates, it is very likely that the man was left in his body for some reason. He got a dark wound and it has not healed, so it has affected his strength... The next time we fight, the subordinates are confident that they will be able to chop off his head and present it to the master!"

Lang De expressed his achievements with confidence.

But he obviously missed the point.

Because the silver-masked man didn't seem to have the slightest interest in Lampard, the strongest man in Chambord City, but changed the subject and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Land, what about the bull in heavy knight armor that appeared later? What's your opinion?"


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