Hail the King

Sixty-six, kill the BOSS

However, Fei didn't go to challenge Novice Village [Rogge Camp] for the time being interrupted by the chief boss. After he entered the monastery, he first went to a small map outside the monastery - [Military Camp].

In the deepest part of the [Barracks] there is a magical hammer that can create magic equipment. Get this hammer and go back to [Rogge Camp] and hand it to the female npc blacksmith Chasi, and she will inject an item into your equipment. Magic attributes.

Fei followed the map path in the memory of the computer game in his previous life, explored all the way, and soon found the [Military Camp]. This so-called [military camp] feels like a super maze, one after another with countless corridors, and one after another with dizzying dark secret rooms, walking in the Among them, it's like being in a dark underground tomb, listening to the inexplicable screams and wind in my ears, big black rats scurrying under my feet, and the smell of stench and blood is everywhere, giving people an extreme feeling repressed.

Moreover, there are densely packed demons and monsters roaming around in the corridors and secret rooms, and many new high-level monster types such as [Blood Clan], [Bone Mage], [Razor Demon], [Dark Demon] and other monsters also appear frequently. A drop of blood is dangerous everywhere.

From the first step into the [Military Camp], the battle could not be stopped. After more than half an hour of bloody fighting, Fei and Yi Lianna were covered in sticky plasma and white as sawdust. Bones, at this moment, they finally found the big secret room where Shenqi's hammer was stored.

"Irina, there is a hammer we need in this secret room, but there is a powerful [Fallen Blacksmith] leading a large number of demons to guard it, when you rush in later, you must stand behind me , don't charge like last time in Tristram, remember?"

Before formally challenging the [Fallen Blacksmith], Fei thought of something, and turned around to remind him carefully.

"My lord, I understand." Yi Lianna lowered her head when she heard Fei's words, and stood in the dark shadow like a quiet and lovely orchid flower. The infinitely beautiful arcs of the room are engraved on the black floor, forming a beautiful picture scroll of cold colors. Elena said softly, "Master, I will definitely not let you down this time."

Fei was taken aback.

I don't know why, but he found that today's Elena's behavior becomes weird from time to time. When fighting with demons and monsters, she is the incarnation of death, cruel and fierce. Her arrows are fierce and fierce, leaving no life left. Against the backdrop of all kinds of light from the magic equipment, the whole person is like an unparalleled beautiful and cruel Valkyrie... But when it comes to talking to herself, she is surprisingly gentle and obedient, and even a little bit shy for no reason. , These are simply two completely different temperaments, but they merged into one in her body.


Could it be that this sturdy little girl has taken a fancy to me? "

Fei laughed, he had an instinctive concern for Elena, so he turned around and told him tirelessly: "Also, the most important thing is to pay attention to safety, and if the situation is not right, you should run away immediately... Leave me alone, I will find my own way to get out safely when the time comes."


Three minutes later.

Fei finally understood that his careful instructions before were so superfluous. The [Fallen Blacksmith] who was originally very powerful in his memory was strangled by him and the female mercenary Elena. Unexpectedly, he didn't have the slightest strength to struggle, like a passerby who passed by soy sauce, howled a few times and obediently raised his head, and didn't even let Fei consume even a mere bottle of [Life Healing Medicine Water].

"Bah! This bastard died so quickly, and didn't even reveal a decent piece of equipment!"

Looking at the three or four pieces of blue equipment scattered on the ground, Fei kicked the body of [Fallen Blacksmith] fiercely. This guy who is over two meters tall and has blue skin all over his body has no weakness at all except for being stronger. saving grace.

They are also Boss-level characters, how can there be such a big gap between Bosses? Although the dark countess of [Forgotten Tower] didn’t reveal any good equipment, she kindly gifted more than 5,000 gold coins after her death. , ugly, stingy and poor, can Fei be in a hurry?

The only thing that makes Fei feel a little balanced is that [Fallen Blacksmith] has a lot of experience points.

At this time, Fei finally upgraded again.

Counting the level up when killing sporadic little monsters before, the barbarian character has been upgraded to level 14 at this time, Fei thought about it, and continued to add attribute points according to the previous method of adding points. In addition, He added one of the two skill points gained from the upgrade to the skill of [Finding Potion], and the other to [Controlling the Long Sword].

The fragments of equipment dropped by the monsters were scattered on the ground. Fei couldn't take a look at them. He checked his status and found that after two hard battles, the durability of weapons and equipment was greatly reduced. The medicine water was almost consumed, so I used the [Town Return Scroll] to open the portal and returned to [Rogge Camp].

After finding the female NPC blacksmith Qiaxi, Fei Fei handed over the magical hammer to the unhappy girl.

"Wow, it's unbelievable, you actually killed [Fallen Blacksmith] and got this hammer, this is really bang! Young warrior, you won my friendship, to show my gratitude to you jī, I am willing to inject magic power into a certain piece of equipment you choose!" After seeing the magical hammer, the female blacksmith's eyes lit up, and all the worries seemed to disappear in an instant, and the beautiful face burst into sunshine With a stern smile, it seemed that the vitality and color of life that had disappeared for a long time returned to her body in an instant. Unprecedented enthusiasm.

Such a change made Fei slightly surprised.

Because everything in the computer games in the previous life didn't seem to be like this.

Fei's heart moved, he hit the snake and climbed onto the pole, and had a warm chat with the female blacksmith Qiaxi. After repairing it, she said that as long as Fei needs it, he can buy equipment and weapons from her with a 20% discount.

Such a result made Fei overjoyed.

However, he did not choose to inject magic power into the equipment immediately. This was a very precious opportunity. Fei decided to think about it for the time being, and what kind of equipment would be the most reasonable choice for magic injection.

After finishing all this, Fei sold all the blue equipment in his backpack, and with the gold coins he had saved, Fei was already a rich man with 54,000 gold coins. He looked at the man standing beside him. The beautiful mercenary Yi Lianna, moved in her heart, bought a few more pieces of armor and equipment suitable for the beautiful mercenary.

"Sir Fei, thank you for your generosity!"

After putting on the new equipment, Irina looked even more heroic, with a slender figure and an impressive temperament, like a unparalleled and magnificent Valkyrie. Her fiery red head swayed gently in the breeze, like a ball of burning and jumping Flames, she is even more contrasted by her white, flawless, delicate, beautiful lady with a pretty face like a cow's milk, exuding an indescribable aura all over her body, no wonder she is called the most beautiful [Rogge's flower] in the entire camp.

The female npc blacksmith Charsi watched the once cold and proud [Rogge's Hua] smile charmingly in front of Fei, a little surprised, there was a faintly imperceptible strange look in her eyes.



"...When the flower sees her color, the flower will also wither.

When the wind hears her voice, the wind will also be silent.

When Sunshine sees her smile, Sunshine will also be shy..."

This beautiful short poem was once used by poets on Rogge continent to describe the young nun Andariel. Long, long ago, in the monastery on Rogge continent [Tamo Heights], there was a The beautiful girl who makes the entire continent proud. Her name is Andariel. Countless men are crazy about him, and countless women are crazy about jealousy... This girl who was born as an orphan has the name of an angel, and her every move attracts the attention of the entire continent. Even the most pious priest would lose his mind when he saw him.

But later, due to some unknown mysterious reason, the most beautiful woman in Rogge Continent unexpectedly fell in love with the legendary and terrifying hell devil Diablo, and accepted the power of this devil, Became the most terrifying female devil in the entire Rogge continent. She occupied the monastery, slaughtered all the nuns and priests, and turned the Holy See Monastery in [Tamo Heights] into a hell on earth. The road from the mainland to the big eastern city [Lu-Gauin] turned the Rogge continent into an isolated island.

On the way to the monastery, Fei learned about this embarrassing history from Elena.

"A nun in love with a demon? The power of love is really great... Irina, the time for the decisive battle has come. Kick open the door in front of us, and we are about to face Andariel, the scariest female demon in Rogge Continent." , you must remember that no matter what happens, you have to keep a distance of 30 meters away from this female devil, you know?" Standing at the door of the secret room hall on the fourth floor of the underground catacomb in the church hall of the monastery, Fei once again looked Seriously exhort the beautiful mercenary.

In the past one hour or so, the two of them swept all the way to the entire monastery, finally found Andariel's lair, pushed open the huge wooden door in front of them, and behind them was [Rogge] Camp] This novice map is the scariest Super Boss, Andariel. There is no doubt that it will be a fierce battle for the two of them.

Elena looked a little nervous, but still nodded with firm eyes.


Today is Xiaodao's birthday, please collect and support with red tickets.

Recently, my physical condition is very poor. I have migraine and eye pain on the left side, and insomnia. This is an old disease. It is intermittent. Do I need treatment?

The first chapter of Diablo's first map [Rogge Camp] is over, and more functions will be released.

Let's wait and see. (83 Chinese website)

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