I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 639 Is This Game Awesome? Infringement warning?

Chapter 639 Is This Game Awesome? Infringement warning?

On the Internet, games have always been a very large section, and many people pay attention to this section, and some game fans even pay attention to game-related videos every day.

Therefore, the short video platform will also recommend some game videos to these people according to their personal preferences.

Cheng Dongdong is such a person.

He pays attention to the game videos on the Internet every day, especially when he sees a game that he is very interested in and thinks it is fun, he will also specially download one to play.

Cheng Dongdong, as usual, walked to the computer after eating, intending to turn on the computer and play a game, and took out his mobile phone to watch a short video while turning it on.

In today's society, with mobile phones in hand, every second counts, and you have to scan the video when you go to the toilet.

If you get two videos of really good girls, maybe you can directly accomplish some kind of pleasant thing.

Cheng Dongdong flicked through two videos that were not at all interesting, and suddenly, a video caught his attention:

"This game is so real, it's incredible! "

When Cheng Dongdong saw the word game, he clicked in curiously.

What game said so.

He also took a look at who the blogger who posted the video was: Mr. Qin!

Seeing the video content of Mr. Qin, he was suddenly a little disappointed. Mr. Qin has a lot of fans, but he is not a game blogger at all, but the boss of an advertising company.

The content posted by this private account is also very complicated, probably daily life, but the daily life of an advertising company boss is very engaging to ordinary people, so it can attract a lot of attention.

But he finally clicked on the video.

When I clicked in, I saw a person who didn't know what kind of equipment he was wearing was punching and dodging.

If Qin Ren would recognize it here, it would be him.

This is him editing Qin Long's video of himself.

Cheng Dongdong's pupils widened slightly, and he looked at the screen in the video in disbelief.

On the screen, it seemed that Optimus Prime was doing the same movements as that person.

It's just that the next moment, Optimus Prime was defeated by Megatron, and he couldn't be sure.

Then, another person was changed in the video.

Naturally, it was Qin Long's turn to play.

After he put on the sensing device, he began to control Optimus Prime.

This time, Cheng Dongdong saw it more clearly. With the control of the second person, Optimus Prime was really doing the same movements as him.

It is really that players can control the Optimus Prime character to fight in this way.

Moreover, the second person's technique is obviously better than the first person's.

But it's just better.

In just a moment, Optimus Prime controlled by this person was also defeated by Megatron on the opposite side.

"What kind of bad technology is this? Can't even beat a computer?" Cheng Dongdong couldn't help but cursed.

He probably knew what kind of fighting game this should be.

In this game, the player can control the game character through the sensor device on the body, and then fight against each other, as if the player is fighting Megatron in person.

Then, the third player in the video went up, seeing this player, Cheng Dongdong froze for a moment.

Not only him, many people who saw this game video on the Internet were stunned, and the comment area also exploded.

"It's Xiao Qin!"

"Be more polite upstairs, it's Academician Xiaoqin!"

"Little Qin Knight!"

"Little Qin Beast Tamer!"

"Little Qin Chef God!"

Qin Lin's names were commented out one by one.

Originally, everyone didn't pay much attention to Mr. Qin, but suddenly found that he was playing with Xiao Qin, so they must pay attention.

This invisibly added a lot of fans to Qin Ren's private account.

This is Qin Lin's influence on the Internet.

Xiao Qin is just like Boss Ma, even if he doesn't have a social account or post any comments on the Internet, as long as he is there, he is famous.

But soon, these people on the Internet were also attracted by the next scene in the video.

They only saw that after Xiao Qin put on the device, he began to control Optimus Prime on the screen.

Everyone also began to wonder how Xiao Qin's skills are.

Everyone was shocked by what happened next.

I saw that Xiao Qin did a backflip directly at the very beginning, and almost at the same time, Optimus Prime on the screen simultaneously did a backflip to avoid Megatron's attack.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Qin used various fighting postures, and Optimus Prime also used the same moves, fighting back and forth with Megatron.

The battle between the two sides is very entertaining, especially a special shot edit, which almost puts Xiao Qin's movements and Optimus Prime's movements in slow motion, almost in sync, very shocking.

It can be said that the battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron on the screen will not lose to the movie screen at all, especially the appearance of the metal colliding with sparks.

Finally, Megatron was directly knocked to the ground by Optimus Prime.

The video ends here too.

But the game fans on the Internet were excited. Countless game fans began to repost this video, or @other people, or leave a message on Qin Ren's account, asking what game it is.

It's just that Qin Ren didn't reply to anyone.

what game?

He himself didn't know what game it was, and Qin Lin didn't say anything.

But this undoubtedly adds to the mystery of the game.

When Cheng Dongdong finished watching the video, the computer had already started up, but he didn't have the mind to play games at all right now, his mind was full of the games in the video.

He could see that the degree of freedom in this game was very high, not only the real control of the player, but anyone could see that Xiao Qin used various fighting techniques to control Optimus Prime.

That being said, even Muay Thai, wrestling, karate and other skills can be used in this game for control.

This is definitely the most popular battle game in the future.

Even at this stage, even Penguin can't make this game.

Well, it was a mistake to use the penguin as an example. Penguins are not creative in games, they just kill other people's creativity.

But the fact is that there is no such technology in the world now.

Just as he was thinking, he immediately opened a group, where he wanted to ask about the details of the game.

Because there are the most game fans in this group, there are even many domestic game masters and bloggers, and the bosses of some small game companies are also in it.

If there is any trouble in the gaming world, someone in this group must know about it.

Especially the group leader, the opponent is the most well-informed in the game world.

But when he opened the group, he was shocked to find that everyone was asking about this game:

"Who knows what game this is?"

"Yes, I have never heard of this game."

"I haven't heard of it, let alone inquired about it."


No one in the group knew, not even the most well-informed group leader.

Cheng Dongdong was puzzled now.

What game is so mysterious?

On the Internet, countless people are also curious.

Who has seen such a realistically controlled game?

Just seeing the cool and real picture of Xiao Qin operating Optimus Prime is enough to make people want to stop.

Thinking about what it would be like if I could control and play this game myself?

Therefore, there are countless netizens on the Internet asking what kind of game this is.

"Can anyone tell me what is the name of the game that controls Optimus Prime to fight Megatron? "

"I want to know what game Mr. Qin is playing, and I would like to thank you for letting me know!" "


It's a pity that no one can ask what kind of game this is, as if there is no such game at all.

The heat lasted for a week.

Because for a week, people have been asking about this game, and some people have even sent out rewards for notification.

Everyone also thought that this was a game that hadn't been released yet, and Xiao Qin and the others had obviously obtained the qualification for the closed beta.

Naturally, some people think that this is a game created by Qinglin Company?

It's a pity that this doesn't make sense, because Qinglin's business, products and games have nothing to do with each other.

On the other side, Universal Pictures' copyright company in China also got the news.

Dargis (chapter 626) is also frantically looking for contracts that have been signed in the company.

This Optimus Prime and Megatron game is so popular now, it also brings them huge exposure.

But to their Universal Company, this is not important, what is important is whether the other party has paid the copyright fee for the game.

Dargis read all the contracts signed in the past, and took out the contracts of the authorized game companies.

Then he organized people to call those game companies one by one, wanting to inquire about the situation.

But the final result is that these companies that have obtained the game authorization have never developed this game at all.

In other words, this game company has not obtained authorization from their company at all, which is an infringement.

Dajisi laughed when he heard this. They are not afraid of other people's infringement, they are afraid that the company of the infringer is not big enough, and the capital is not big enough.

That would be meaningless.

Now this game must have been developed by a company that spent a lot of capital, because there is no such game technology in the world.

But the other party is willing to spend so much to study this kind of game, but they are not willing to pay them endorsement fees, which is very good.

Dajisi immediately invited the person in charge of the company's legal department, and then ordered: "Immediately issue an announcement saying that we firmly defend our copyright rights. For unauthorized infringement without our authorization, please ask the other party's game company to immediately Come to discuss."

After finishing speaking, he thought for a while and said, "I also sent an authorization warning letter to Qinglin Scenic Area, saying that our authorization to them can only be used for appearance use, not for games or other aspects."

He has investigated that Xiao Qin, and the other party is from Qinglin Company, so it is very likely that Qinglin Company is developing this game, but there is no evidence, so they can only warn.

If it is, the other party will pay a large sum of money.

Universal Studios' announcement was quickly posted on the Internet, which also surprised many people.

It was really a surprise that the game that everyone was asking about was not authorized by Universal Films.

After all, the company that can make this kind of game must be very strong. There is no reason why they are reluctant to pay the copyright fee, right?

Now that Universal Films has made such an announcement, it is obviously going to be a big deal.

After all, the infringement compensation is much higher than the copyright fee.

If Universal insists on this matter, the game will not be released unless the modeling appearance of Optimus Prime and Megatron is changed first.

It can be said that Universal Studios' announcement caused an uproar, and made those players who were waiting for the news of the game a little anxious.

It's just that no one knows, what is about to happen will shock everyone's jaws, so what kind of game is that?

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