I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 770 It's just better than acting skills! This is incredible!

Chapter 770 It's just better than acting skills! This is incredible!

Qinglin Scenic Area.

In the technology park.

Academician Chu and the three were writing various formula data on a drawing board, and the three of them became more excited and smoother as they wrote.

They are experimenting, not specifically researching any formula.

They're going to experiment with what they've found, and it would be incredible if it could be confirmed.

Before, they had an epiphany here, and after they suddenly wrote the second-step research formulas and theories of space depth rockets, they felt familiar.

That feeling was like having an epiphany at Qinglin Manor.

So, they've been experimenting to see if that's the case.

In Qinglin Manor before, it was very rare to encounter that kind of epiphany state, and no matter how much they researched, they couldn't find out why.

It can only be attributed to the environment and state.

That's why it's hard for them to master it, and they can't find any rules.

Naturally, they didn't know that it was because of the moonstone. Qin Lin didn't activate the moonstone, so they couldn't research anything.

This time, they obviously felt different.

So, they took the drawing board and experimented on it.

They didn't expect it, but it really made them discover and grasp some rules.

Can you believe that research here is really smoother, clearer, and easier to write some formulas and data than anywhere else.

Their experimental method is also very simple, that is, find some small problems that they usually encounter, solve one outside, and solve another inside.

Undoubtedly, there is always an easier solution here.

Moreover, in order to ensure greater certainty, they also solve the same problem with one person inside and one person outside.

Their abilities are similar, but the people inside can solve them more easily.

If it happens once it is accidental, if it happens many times it is not accidental.

Moreover, they also tried to substitute players, but the result was the same.

The key is that every time in this science and technology park, you can always enter that epiphany state more or less.

This is very incredible.

Think about it carefully, if this is the case, how much help will it be for these researchers? If even national scientists can conduct research in this environment, how terrible is that state?

How long will it take for their country's technology to surpass that of the West? Or will it soon be able to crush the West?

Soon, Academician Chu and the three stopped their movements and looked at each other in disbelief.

"It really is."

"It's already confirmed."

"This can't be done by Boss Qin, can it?"

"Yes, the construction of this science and technology park was not led by Boss Qin, and even changed a lot later."

"Anyway, it's incredible. Although it may be a coincidence, we still have to give Boss Qin a try!"


Finally, the three of them nodded in unison, and decided to test Qin Lin first.

Therefore, they arrived at Qinglin Manor as quickly as possible, and the staff inside couldn't help but look sideways when they saw the three people in a hurry.

When Academician Chu and the others arrived at the office, they saw Qin Lin who was in a daze.

Qin Lin was naturally not in a daze, but was looking at the game screen on the light curtain in his mind. He was controlling the game character to complete daily tasks.

Unfortunately, he still has nothing to gain today.

When the three academicians arrived, he just came back to his senses and asked the three academicians: "Three academicians, you seem to be in a hurry, what happened?"

Academician Chu immediately said: "Boss Qin, have you been to the science and technology park? It's amazing there. Through your design and construction, the science and technology park can actually help scientific research, and only you can create such a place. "

Qin Lin knew the reason when he heard this. Probably the three academicians discovered the attribute of the science and technology park that can increase their perception.

He immediately realized that the three academicians were testing him.

Qin Lin immediately put his acting skills online, and asked with a puzzled face, "Academician Chu, what are you talking about? What happened? I confused you."

With this kind of acting skills, Academician Chu and the three looked at each other in bewilderment.

They seem to have made a mistake.

That state has nothing to do with Boss Qin.

Boss Qin also looked confused.

If Boss Qin had something to do with him, Boss Qin would definitely not be in this state.

It is true, the environment of Qinglin Manor was designed and built by Boss Qin, you said that the magic of feeling has something to do with Boss Qin.

Now this science and technology park has a fart relationship with Boss Qin, it has nothing to do with it, okay?

The three academicians were perfectly deceived by Qin Lin's acting skills, and they realized that they were right.

Afterwards, the three of them also left Qin Lin's office, and called Minister Lu when they got outside.

They felt that they had to report this matter to Minister Lu.

After all, Boss Qin's science and technology park has this kind of effect, so he has to make good use of it, and Minister Lu can only negotiate with Boss Qin about this kind of matter.


Minister Lu's phone was connected.

"Academician Chu, you are so amazing that you have completed the second step of deep space rocket research like this. I have arranged for people to conduct experiments immediately. When the data is calculated and the mold is completed, then the entity can be made." As soon as Minister Lu answered the phone, he talked excitedly.

As the person in charge of the Hua* Institute, he naturally knows more about the significance of this research breakthrough.

This is directly leaving Western countries further away.

When those people saw that the rocket they made could turn freely in space, how would they feel?

The breakthrough of this step can also make their yearning for the spaceship a step further.

Academician Chu did not respond when he heard the praise, but immediately told Minister Lu about the abnormality in the science and technology park.

Minister Lu is still excited about the breakthrough in rocket technology.

Hearing this news suddenly, the whole person was surprised and unbelievable.

He knew that Qinglin Manor had this function, and when the situation was good, he could enter epiphany.

Not only the three academicians Chu have this experience, but also other academicians have this experience.

It's just that this kind of epiphany depends on luck, if it is uncontrolled, if it can be controlled, how good will their country's scientific research be?

What is Academician Chu saying now?

The science and technology park in Qinglin Scenic Area can make people freely enter the state of epiphany?

It's just unbelievable, isn't it?

This kind of place should definitely be put to good use.

Minister Lu subconsciously asked: "Is this related to Boss Qin?"

Academician Chu immediately explained: "Minister Lu, I can guarantee that this has nothing to do with Boss Qin. The three of us went to test Boss Qin, and he was also very confused. If it has something to do with him, it is impossible for him to deceive him. Our eyes!"

Academician Chu spoke with confidence.

Minister Lu naturally chose to believe it. After all, they are the three old seniors of Academician Chu. They have eaten more salt than Boss Qin has eaten rice. .

However, with this discovery, Minister Lu was also very anxious, and immediately asked his secretary to book a flight ticket to Mingshi, and then rushed to Youcheng as soon as possible, where he met the three seniors.

And he went to the science and technology park with the three seniors to check the situation immediately, and confirmed that the science and technology park did have this effect.

Then, he went to see Qin Lin and asked, "Boss Qin, you really don't know the situation of the science and technology park?"

"I know!" Qin Lin replied.

Minister Lu's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at the three old academicians.

Didn't it mean that it has nothing to do with Boss Qin?

Why did Boss Qin say he knew?

The three old academicians were all dumbfounded. They looked at Qin Lin subconsciously, as if they were asking, were you fooling us before?

But Qin Lin immediately said seriously: "There is a lot of noise on the Internet, saying that my science and technology park has changed suddenly. I don't know what happened. Anyway, everyone is talking about it."

Minister Lu and Academician Chu couldn't help being stunned when they heard this.

It turned out that Boss Qin was talking about this, but was that what they were talking about?

Boss Qin and To them are really not on the same channel.

Minister Lu also said at this time: "Boss Qin, what we are talking about is not this, but your science and technology park is a bit magical. Anyway, we don't know the reason for the time being. It probably has something to do with the environment, or there is a magnetic field that stimulates the human brain." , can make people's brains better used, and conduct scientific research experiments more clearly."

"What?" Qin Lin pretended to be shocked when he heard this.

Anyway, the acting skills are as superb as they are, and Minister Lu and the three old academicians were directly stunned.

Minister Lu couldn't help but said again: "Boss Qin, didn't you understand? It's just that your science and technology park is very amazing!"

He repeated the matter again.

Qin Lin pretended to be very shocked and said, "How is it possible? Then how could the science and technology park have such an effect? ​​Isn't this incredible?"

Minister Lu nodded and said, "Really? Boss Qin, you also find it incredible, right? So, we plan to build a small research institute in your science and technology park, which will be a branch of our Hua* Institute."

That's why he had to come here right away.

He didn't ask Qinglin Scenic Area to give him the entire science and technology park. After all, if they really rely on this function, those researchers may slack off, and their research may not be serious by then.

That is also a very scary thing.

At that time, it is really caused by some magnetic field, and the function is gone. Those researchers get used to it, and it may be useless.

Therefore, this thing should be used wisely, for example, the major research of academician Chu and three people can be arranged here.

Or when some kind of research is about to make a breakthrough, and you encounter critical problems that are difficult to solve, you can use the excuse of traveling and gathering people to arrange people to study in it.

In this way, with the help of the special effects here, those researches will be able to make breakthroughs, which will not only maintain the advantages of scientific research, but also prevent those researchers from getting used to it, losing their autonomy, and preventing this function from suddenly disappearing.

This arrangement is much more reasonable, and the key will not attract attention.

Otherwise, with so many people from Hua*yuan coming here to stay for a long time, it would be difficult not to attract people's attention.

Qin Lin naturally knew that Minister Lu came here for this purpose, so he also nodded with a smile, after all, he had already prepared for it.

With Qin Lin's consent, Minister Lu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Hua* Hospital, and then made arrangements. .

Therefore, within a few days, the good news from the Hua* Institute came. The research of academician Chu and the three had been initially verified, and the first formula was verified.

This also made the three seniors busy, analyzing and verifying all the formulas of this second step together.

Naturally, Minister Lu also recruited some people from the Hua* Institute, and then went to the Youcheng government together to discuss some things with Sun County and the others.

Not long after, a central area in the science and technology park was suddenly cordoned off, and a range was demarcated in this area, and there were guards guarding it all around, otherwise people would approach.

This made many tourists feel puzzled. They would be warned by the guards as soon as they approached here. This is the first time they have encountered such a situation in the scenic spot.

"What's the situation? Why are there guards?"

"Are the guns in their hands real?"

"They stand so tall and straight, they should be real soldiers, right?"


Many tourists found out, took photos and videos and uploaded them online.

There is no way to do this, and there is no way to hide it in this kind of place. Therefore, it didn't take long for the Internet to become an uproar again.

Everyone is curious.

Could it be that some scientific research laboratory is going to be built here? Moreover, there are guards with weapons watching, shouldn't that be unusual?

But at this time, someone discovered that there was an extra sign at that location, which read: Special mysterious scientific research base research tour project.

Moreover, there is an introduction above, saying that this is a mysterious tour project, a project that simulates a mysterious scientific research base, and the soldier is also a veteran, specially recruited.

Naturally, this project can only be seen from a distance, not up close, which means that it can only be seen from the outside, and cannot enter the inside, and there is a project fee of 100 yuan.

When these were uploaded on the Internet, all the tourists made a noise. How many years of brain thrombosis did it take to come up with such a project?

Many tourists couldn't help leaving messages on the official account of Qinglin Manor, suggesting that the planner of this project should be fired.

This proposal has been approved by many people.

Therefore, a planner who does not exist at all should be panicked.

It is precisely because of this that people on the Internet began to stop paying attention to this matter, and they were well fooled.

Qin Lin has been paying attention to the situation on the Internet, and wanted to know how Minister Lu and the others would solve this problem, but he did not expect that the problem was solved in such a simple way, which is a bit incredible.

It can only be said that this netizen is really good at deceiving, and it is not difficult to influence the minds of netizens.

This is probably why so many netizens with a strong sense of justice are often easily led and treated as knives.

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