Liang Yongqi is still too stupid.

Even though Lin Fan hadn't been friends with his father for too long, he knew that the Yuan and Liang families were afraid of his father at a deep level.

It's just that he doesn't want to admit it.

Young people are still too young.

Never seen the world.

It's about a bastard like Liang Yongqi, who has no knowledge at all, yet yells at the Lin family, it's really presumptuous.

"Liang Laosan, I advise you to be kind." Lin Fan said helplessly.

Liang Yongqi was so angry by Lin Fan. If they were in the wild, no one would know where they were. He dared to swear that he would beat him until his parents couldn't recognize him.

Master Yuan said: "Brother Lin, I didn't suspect the Lin family in this matter, but it has already happened, and the target is too obvious, it was deliberately targeted."

Lin Wanyi smiled, "Brother Yuan, Ming people don't speak dark words, just say what you think. I, Lin Wanyi, am also a reasonable person. If I can, I will cooperate."

"Okay, thank you Brother Lin for understanding." Master Yuan cupped his fists and said, although he would secretly fight Lin Wanyi, but he believed that Lin Wanyi would never do such a sinister thing.

"Father, why don't we go to Master Yuan's granary to have a look, maybe we can find a clue." Lin Fan said.

Liang Yongqi muttered, "Clues? My Liang family's granary was stolen, and Mr. Zu didn't find anything. You think you can do it."

Lin Fan glanced at Liang Yongqi, "What are you afraid of? I didn't say that I would definitely find something, so I went to see what happened. Also, I wondered if you did it. The Yuan family's granary was stolen. We didn't know it yet, but you knew it immediately, it's weird, it's weird."

Yuan Tianchu looked at Liang Yongqi, stupefied.

That's right, before anyone else knew about it, Liang Yongqi rushed to the scene immediately and said that it was the Lin family who did it, which is too strange.

"Anger points +111."

"Don't spout blood." Liang Yongqi blushed, and then he clasped his fists at Master Yuan and said, "Master Yuan, my granary was stolen, and I suspected that the person who stole the grain was still in the city, so I arranged for people to observe everywhere. After the thief found out, it happened that the person I arranged was on the scene, so they knew about it immediately."

He didn't expect Lin Fan to be so insidious.

This is murder.

It's so fucking cheap.

"Hey, this explanation is too forced. The more you explain, the more guilty you are." Lin Fan said.

Liang Yongqi roared: "Lin Fan, don't frame him."

"Anger points +233."

It turned out that he still had potential, and Lin Fan burst out 233 out of anger.

Lin Wanyi didn't stop the farce, just watched it like this, for some reason, he suddenly found that this rebellious son of his family seemed to be much better than this boy of the Liang family.

That's all he can say.

Liang Yongqi was so angry that he wanted to jump up.

Why didn't I find it before.

Lin Fan said indifferently: "If there is any frame-up, just go and have a look. You look like this, and you always want to put the matter on my Lin family's head. It's hard for people not to think too much. Master Yuan, you say yes."

Master Yuan would not tear his skin apart with Lin Wanyi.

"Brother Lin, you have a lot of knowledge, why don't you go and have a look together."

Lin Wanyi didn't refuse, he wanted to see what kind of backhand this rebellious son had.

Had a great time.

He said over and over again that he would go to Yuan's granary to have a look.

It's so urgent, is it okay?

Yuan family granary.

A group of people arrive.

Many civilians gathered around when they learned that Yuan's granary had been stolen.

What's going on recently, why one family after another was stolen, who is so bold, it's too scary to do all this.

"Master." The guards of the Yuan family trembled and opened the door to let the master in.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Lin Fan sighed, "This thief is also very particular. He doesn't leave any dog ​​or dog, not even a single grain. Being particular is really particular about people."

Lin Wanyi looked at his own son.

boast about it.

Also pay attention to.

If this matter is not resolved, it must be the Lin family who stole it, and I'm afraid it will be embarrassing.

"Brother Lin, look at the situation here. They were all stolen overnight. When the three guards found that there was no food in the morning, they had already fled and disappeared." Master Yuan said.

"I must have run away. If I didn't run, I would die." Lin Fan said.

Lin Wanyi said: "Being able to steal the granary overnight is not something ordinary people can do."

Lin Fan, who was pretending to investigate, secretly smiled smugly. It must not be something ordinary people can do.

That's what my son did.

The means are quite legendary.

If there is a list of thefts, these two big things must be the top two.

Liang Yongqi pulled Yuan Tianchu aside, glanced at the pretending Lin Fan, and said, "Brother Yuan, I won't tell you lies, he must have stolen the granary, you must not be deceived by him."

"I was in Chunxiang Pavilion that day, and he personally told me that he stole my granary. Think about it carefully, do you feel something wrong?"

Yuan Tianchu believed Liang Yongqi's words.

Whoever caused him to have conflicts with Lin Fan must hope that Lin Fan stole it, and finally found evidence to make him feel ashamed.



Lin Fan, who was groping, exclaimed, "Come and see, there are clues here."

Everyone gathered around.

An ant died there. If you look carefully, you can find that the ant seems to have been trampled to death.

"It's just an ant." Liang Yongqi said.

Master Yuan frowned, picked up the ant, and looked at it carefully.


at this time.

Lin Fan exclaimed again, "There is a very small hole here, and there are still food residues."

When everyone looked at it, it was indeed a very small hole, so small that even if they looked carefully, it would be difficult to find it.

Lin Wanyi was helpless, Nizi, Nizi, you are too obvious.

No one else can see it, but you can.

Can you pretend to be a little bit like it.

"Master Yuan, ants, food, the small hole, have you thought of anything?" Lin Fan raised his head and asked, his expression seemed to say, you can definitely think of it, think about it carefully.

Master Yuan pondered for a long time, then raised his head abruptly, and said, "Ants are stealing food."

"That's right, the ants are stealing food, and the means are so superb, it's no wonder they can't find it. Even if they are on the spot, it's impossible to guard against it." Lin Fan said.

"Master Yuan, bring water."

Master Yuan ordered the guards to bring water.

Liang Yongqi and Yuan Tianchu looked at Lin Fan's operation with confusion, especially Liang Yongqi sneered.

Let's see what you can come up with.

The guard brought the water over.

Lin Fan took the water, slowly tilted, approached the small hole, and poured water into it.


The water flows into the hole, occasionally bubbling.

"Come out with me." Lin Fan walked towards the outside of the granary and came to the opposite corner outside.

No one knew what this was for.

Lin Fan took the knife from the guard's hand and cut open the dirt outside.

The cut soil, where there is water flow, proves that it is connected.

Lin Fan said: "Did you see that, the passages are connected, and now we can prove the direction of grain transportation."

"Master Yuan, do you have a map of the distribution of Youcheng City?"

"Yes." Master Yuan said.

The map is placed on the ground.

Lin Fan squatted there, wanting to continue talking, but everyone was standing, and it was useless to say, "Everyone squats down, standing so high, how can I see clearly."

Master Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally squatted aside.

Lin Fan pointed to the map and said: "As you all saw just now, the passage spreads out in a straight line, with the granary as the center, and an inclination of 45 degrees."

"This makes it possible to narrow the range within the sector."

"Look at my hands."

He stretched out his finger, pressed it on the map, then moved forward, walked a long way, and finally stopped at a corner, which was the Liang family granary.

But he didn't say so.

"Look, this is the route, the route for transporting food."

After finishing speaking, he pressed the Liang's warehouse a few more times on purpose.

As if to say.

See, this is the warehouse of the Liang family. If there is a problem, go and have a look.

"Liang Laosan, don't frame my Lin family. This route is going there, not my Lin family. Besides, your Liang family's granary is still in line with the Yuan family's warehouse. If you doubt it, you also doubt your family."

"Stop talking, I said so much just to prove my Lin family's innocence."

"Father, let's go."

Lin Fan waved his hand, and said all that should be said, the rest is to see if Master Yuan is enlightened.

If there is no understanding.

Deserves to be stolen.

Thank you: Ten Thousand Buddhas Dry Tomb, Fan Di, The Black Dress Is Too Lang, The Man Who Loves Baijiu, Book Friends 20180623093114139, zi3, Zhiqiu Nianmo, Yimeng, Wentianw, Return of Myriad Tribulations, etc. , thank you, thank you.

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