Chapter 251, Still typed (1 more)

  Heng House

  Han Qiao left all his nephews and nieces behind, and stood there in the dark.

  After all, the Han family has many cousins, and each family also has many children.

  Large and small add up to one hundred.

  The eldest is already married, the children are two or three years old, and the youngest is still running around looking for a mother.

   "You are all here, I also want to talk to you today, whether you are willing to stay by my side."

   "As for me, I will go to Chenzhou in a few days. It is far away from Xishan Village. It will take five or six days to ride a horse, and it will take half a month to go back and forth."

"Come with me. You can't see your parents all year round. You can't be filial by your side even if your parents have something to do. Although a man's ambition is everywhere, he has three hundred and sixty lines, and he can become the number one scholar. As long as you dare to think If you dare, you can always make a breakthrough.”

"Following me to Chenzhou, the requirements are very high. Reading, literacy, and martial arts are the most basic. Accounting and medical skills also involve a little bit. It will be very hard and tiring. If you will be punished, it is definitely not as easy and pleasant as being with your parents."

   "Those who are willing to follow me, stand here. Those who don't want to go to Chenzhou and are sixteen years old are standing here. Those who have already gone to school for enlightenment, don't think too much, study hard."

  There are only seven people who are willing to go to Chenzhou City with Han Qiao, and there are fifteen people who are sixteen years old and unwilling to go, and the rest have already gone to school. "

  Girls are also learning cooking skills at home now, thinking that they will work as helpers in fast food restaurants in the future, earn more, and find their in-laws easily.

  Since Han Qiao said that he would add two acres of land, their marriage has reached a new level.

  If you can work in a fast food restaurant, it will be a higher level.

  They wanted to go to Chenzhou with them, but they were reluctant to go home.

  Even the children of Han Ming's family didn't stand up.

  Han Qiao has no opinion on this, they choose their own path, and they will live their own way whether it is good or bad in the future.

  All she can do is to go to Chenzhou with her to teach her, at least she can be alone in the future.

   "Okay, the sixteen-year-old came to get the money. This is my expectation and investment for you as an aunt. When you make money in the future, you have to pay me back with interest."

  If it is a loss, the matter will be turned over.

   This is also a kind of compensation to make up for their inability to study in the imperial examination and their absence from that house.

  Twenty taels of silver is already a lot, so it’s no problem to be a small shopkeeper and walk around the streets.

   As long as you are willing to use your brain and endure hardships, there are still many ways to make money. Even if you don't do anything and use it to open up wasteland and farm land, this generation may not have much success, but it will benefit the next generation.

  The road they choose is their own choice, and it is up to them how to go.

Of the six children who are willing to go to Chenzhou with her, three are in her own family, two brothers Da Cheng and Dayong from the first house, Da Hu from the second house, a grandson Han Guang from the uncle’s family, Han Kuan from the second uncle’s family, and Han Yu, the youngest son from the Uncle Yao’s family. .

   "You guys pack your things when you go back..."

   "Gu, our things have been packed." Han Dacheng smiled.

   The others also laughed shyly.

  Han Qiao was a little surprised, and immediately understood that these children had already made up their minds to do things with her, "Well, let Ah Chi arrange accommodation for you, and start learning tomorrow."

   "Gu, what shall we learn first tomorrow?"

   "Learn to ride a horse."

  Heng Yi recently brought back ten horses, all of which are strong and strong adult stallions, and there is also a young pony that is only a few months old, with a black body, which was specially selected for Han Chi.

  Han Chi named him Heiyun.

  Boys still need to learn how to ride a horse and drive a carriage, which is convenient for going out and running errands.

  Han Qiao hasn't planned to let them run errands yet, so let's learn some skills first.

   Before she could make an agreement, Pu Cao came over holding A Yao who was crying loudly.

   The little guy is hungry and wants to find his mother.

  Han Qiao asked Han Dacheng and the others to familiarize themselves with the environment first, hugged A Yao for a while, and took him into the house to feed him.

  This child is also clingy, it's fine if you don't hug him, just stick to him.

  He was lying down, and he would not cry as long as his mother was by his side, and he would cry loudly when his mother was not around for a while.

  When the Han family came and said they were going to leave, he was already sound asleep.

  Han Qiao didn't bother him much.

   Just put it on the bed, covered with a thin quilt.

   "This child is easy to take care of." Han Yuan said.

   "It's really easy to carry." Han Qiao said softly.

  Leave the cattail grass to watch, and take everyone to sit in the small hall.

  Han Yuanshi wants to go back to see Han Xiang.

  Han Xiang seems to be getting better in the past few days, but seeing that Han Qiao never cared about Han Xiang, it is not easy for her to speak at this time.

  Sister-in-law Han and the others cannot stay in the county all the time, and they also have a lot of housework at home.

  Although there is no separate house wine now, things have been clearly distinguished, and everyone will take care of their own in the future.

  Living together in the early days, there were inevitable frictions and occasional complaints. Baba was looking forward to the separation of the family, but after the separation, I realized that it is not so easy to be the master of the family.

  I have to do everything by myself, and my busy feet don't touch the ground.

  If you have parents-in-law, you can share the burden. Now the parents-in-law live in the county to take care of Han Xiang...

   "Ah Qiao, let's go back. Don't worry about these children. If they are disobedient and ignorant, you can just teach them a lesson and don't show mercy."

  Han Qiao thought of Han Dacheng and the others.

  The children have clear eyes, and they are all rare and good children.

  Han Qiao also knew that children should be praised.

   "They are all good children, and they know what they want. They don't need to be told by me, they will work **** their own. Sister-in-law doesn't have to worry, it's just that in this way, the family will rely on her alone."

  The second room also has Han Yuanyuan who can help with housework.

   "Sister-in-law, the family doesn't lack the money. If you are too busy, ask the sister-in-law and aunt in the village to help. Don't wear yourself out."


  Sister-in-law Han was surprised and felt heartbroken.

   "I know."

  If she really wanted to spend money to hire someone, she couldn't bear it.

  It is not easy to make money, and it is even more difficult to save money.

  After sending the Han family to the gate and watching them leave, Han Qiao stood for a while before turning around.

   "Ah Qiao."

  Hearing someone calling her, Han Qiao turned her head to look.

   Then he saw Sun Yiming wearing brand new clothes.

   Obviously cleaned himself up on purpose, and the whole person looked radiant.

  Han Qiao thought that she had just passed the hospital exam recently.

   Did you pass the exam as a scholar?

   "Ah Qiao, I'm a scholar now, can you give me another chance." Sun Yiming looked at Han Qiao affectionately.

  He even wanted to step forward to pull Han Qiao.

   But Han Qiao was so disgusted that she almost vomited out yesterday's overnight meal.

   Without even thinking about it, Han Qiao lifted her skirt and kicked Sun Yiming.

   Kick him to the ground.

   "As for your **** thing that you can't pick up on your shoulders or hands, what about a scholar? Even if you get a title on the gold list and dare to come to me, I will hit it right."

  (end of this chapter)

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