Spatial Peasant Girl: These Mad Darlings Are Delicate and Gullible

Chapter 78 Why am I embarrassed to accept your money?

Shopkeeper Liu rolled his eyes: "That's the bad girl's own trouble. She's not in a hurry. Why are you so anxious?" However, not long after he finished speaking, he asked again, "You looked at that girl and took it seriously. Aren’t you afraid?”

Shopkeeper Xu secretly laughed in his heart. He knew that Shopkeeper Liu had a hard mouth and a soft heart, so he sat down and talked to her in detail.

At this time, Xiaoxiao not only didn't get angry because of being robbed of her business, she was also very happy and took her second brother to find a corner where it was convenient to watch the show, and just watched Uncle Ning coming out of Tianxiang Tower.

Uncle Ning came to Tianxiang House after Wuxiangju hit a wall. Although he felt unhappy about being underpriced again, in this kind of costless business, he would make money no matter how much he sold.

There are too many bamboo shoots on the mountain, and he doesn’t have to dig as much as he wants. The pickled aniseed is not worth much. You can use it again after using it once. Besides, when delivering the goods, put more water and less bamboo shoots, and put the pickles in the jar. If the weight is lifted, the suppressed price will be earned back.

Thinking of this, he happily went to meet Aunt Ning.

It was impossible for him to carry such a big jar back and forth all the time. It would be tiring, so when he went to negotiate a sale, he relied on his sharp tongue. After the negotiation was completed, he would send the goods for inspection.

To save others, he carefully poured out all the soup before taking away the pickle jar, keeping it so that no one could see what was added to it. After making sure that everything was ready, he easily picked up the much lighter jar. .

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao followed them all because of their small stature, until they hid under the wall at the entrance of the alley where Aunt Ning was waiting. Ning Erlang became anxious when he saw their second uncle coming out of the alley, and rolled up his sleeves as if he was going to fight. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao has quick eyes and quick hands. Hold the person.

Ning Erlang scratched his head and scratched his head: "Sister, why are you pulling me? Let me expose the second uncle!" Even if he has never gotten their help, he still wants to poach their corners. What kind of family is this? What kind of family is this!

Xiaoxiao raised her arm and patted Ning Erlang on the shoulder: "Second brother, please be patient. It's all if he can't succeed in this business. If it succeeds, only he and Tianxianglou will be unlucky."

Ning Erlang responded slowly, so Xiaoxiao reminded: "Have you forgotten the ingredients I added to the pickle jar?"

Thinking of this, Ning Erlang calmed down and followed his sister and then his second uncle obediently.

Sure enough, the latter went to Tianxiang Tower again, and it was obvious that the deal had been concluded just now, but something strange happened. Just when he stepped on the threshold of Tianxiang Tower, he suddenly stumbled forward and heard " With a "clang" sound, the jar of pickles fell to the ground and broke into pieces, and the whole jar of pickled bamboo shoots was scattered all over the floor.

Second Uncle Ning was dumbfounded, and turned around and cursed: "Which blind son of a bitch pushed me?" However, there was no one behind him, and it was obvious that the fall just now was his own problem.

Wrestling is a small matter, but business is a big deal. The shopkeeper is still waiting inside to try the food. If this doesn't happen, the price just negotiated will be in vain.

Uncle Ning is a quick-reacting person when it comes to money-related matters, so when he looked at the mess on the ground, his first reaction was to say hello to the waiter and then ran out again.

The waiter looked at the mess at the door and his face was as long as a donkey's. However, the instigator had already run away, and the shopkeeper specifically told him to be polite to him, so he could only mutter in a low voice and bend down to clean it up.

But as soon as he got close to the pile of things, he couldn't help but feel like vomiting - what kind of weird smell is this? Is this stuff really edible?

Because this jar of sour bamboo shoots brought from the main house has great uses, no one has touched it in the old house except for Mrs. Ning to pick up a few chopsticks to test the taste, so no one knows what the bamboo shoots in it are. what's the situation.

Uncle Ning walked too fast, and of course he missed the opportunity to discover something was wrong.

Xiaoxiao and others continued to follow their second uncle. The more they walked, the more familiar the route became. Xiaoxiao quickly thought of something and quickened her pace while muttering to her second brother. Relying on his familiarity with this area, Ning Erlang took a shortcut and quickly returned to the place where he usually set up a stall. When he arrived, he saw Rong Yan and Yun Yiye strolling over slowly.

He and Xiaoxiao went to deliver the goods first today. Dalang Ning was looking at the stall. Dalang was a little surprised when his second uncle suddenly appeared. He was even more surprised when he heard that he wanted to buy his own sour bamboo shoots. Just as he was hesitating, he saw him and his sister. The second brother came back after not seeing him for a long time after going to deliver goods to Wuxiangju together.

His younger brother had an impatient temper, especially when it came to things related to the old house. He would easily get angry easily. Ning Dalang stood up quickly, preparing to send his second uncle away before his younger brother said anything unpleasant.

Unexpectedly, Ning Erlang was faster than him. He jumped up in three steps and took the spoon from his brother. After filling his second uncle with two tablespoons of bamboo shoots that were still sticking out, he started wrapping them in oil paper. Ning Dalang thought that he wanted to make more money from his second uncle. Second uncle Ning thought the same thing himself, and he was already prepared for heavy bleeding. He took out the two copper coins in pain.

Unexpectedly, Ning Erlang changed his usual attitude and handed the oil paper bag forward: "Second uncle wants to eat sour bamboo shoots, just say so. I don't have the nerve to take your money."

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