This was the first time that Ning Fengnian saw his second brother's eyes like this, as if he was not his blood brother, but an sworn enemy. Although Ning's second uncle looked back only for a moment, Ning Fengnian was still shocked and speechless.

Wang Biao was not willing to indulge Uncle Ning's scoundrel behavior: "Don't delay, give me either the prescription or the money. If you can't get the money...the rules of the road are, if you don't pay back the money you owe, cut off one of your fingers first!"

Uncle Ning quickly put on a pitiful look: "Brother, please save me. I was confused for a moment and imitated your family's business, and ended up messing up. Please come up with the recipe and save my brother!" "

"If I don't give Tianxiang Tower an explanation today, they won't let me go!"

Xiaoxiao looked unbelieving: "But you can obviously make delicious bamboo shoots. Haven't all the shopkeepers tasted it?"

Uncle Ning gritted his teeth and confessed: "I took your bamboo shoots to give him to taste. Erlang and Dalang should remember that I went to your stall to buy them on the day I went to the county seat!"

Erlang added without thinking: "You didn't give me any money!"

The villagers were silent, marveling at Uncle Ning's shamelessness.

Xiaoxiao was very satisfied with today's results and gave a finishing speech: "So, uncle, you lied to us and said that grandma likes to eat them, so you moved back a whole jar of bamboo shoots from my house, and then you secretly learned how to pickle bamboo shoots and said it was your own creation. and sold them to the county town at a low price. As a result, my family’s bamboo shoots cannot be sold now. Now that I’m in trouble, you want my family to come up with a recipe for a stable life to pay off your debt?”

The villagers whispered, until everyone in the old house was ashamed.

Xiaoxiao embarrassed Laozhai for a while before asking with a straight face: "Is this what grandma meant?"

Old Mrs. Ning wanted to dig a hole and get in. He hated his second son for not covering up his words, but he was even more dissatisfied with Xiaoxiao for tearing away the fig leaf of the old house and letting everyone see their true colors.

But the ferocity with which Wang Biao smashed her just now was still vivid in her mind, and the second child was still in their hands, so she put on a miserable look on her face: "Boss, are you really going to ruthlessly ignore us? I'm sorry Have you forgotten the kindness of working so hard to make your breasts bigger?"

Ning Fengnian's lips moved when he saw another person walking in outside the courtyard door.

The person who came was a well-dressed woman with a majestic temperament. She looked Mrs. Song up and down: "Are you Song Qiuwan, the one who does embroidery for our Ruyi Cloth Shop?"

Mrs. Song didn't know the person coming, but she was blessed when she heard her ask: "It's just the little woman."

The visitor rolled his eyelids with a very dissatisfied expression: "Very good, you are the one I am looking for!"

Mrs. Song was puzzled and turned sideways to invite the woman into the house. The latter looked askance at the messy appearance of the Ning family, took out two square handkerchiefs from his arms, stood and asked, "Do you know this?"

Mrs. Song looked at it carefully and nodded quickly: "The one on the right is the little woman's embroidery, and the other one..."

Although they are very similar, the stitching is a little hasty and the pattern is not perfect. It looks like it was done in a hurry or imitated by someone else, painting tigers and dogs. She is definitely not her own handiwork. The woman flicked the handkerchief and said: "You too You can tell, the one on the left is a replica."

No one except Xiaoxiao noticed that from the moment the woman took out the two handkerchiefs, Aunt Ning's expression was very unnatural. When she heard the word "imitation", she couldn't help but tremble. .

At this time, the woman began to introduce herself: "I am the steward of Ruyi Clothing Village. The veil on your right hand is the new pattern that our Ruyi Clothing Village came out two days ago. The one on your left is the one that Peony Clothing Store came out on the same day." 'New product', do you understand what I mean?"

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