Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1081: strengthen

Chapter 1081 Strengthen

"Legend spirit, send me to the center room!" Abel's mental powers commanded the ubiquitous induction circle, and then he was directly transmitted to the center room.

Only he can do the next work at this time.

He first opened the energy cabinet and saw a full 5,000 energy slots. Each energy slot contained an intermediate-level magic stone. It can be seen that the dwarves tried their best for him, even in the energy slot. Full.

But these energies did not satisfy him. You must know that this golden castle is fully opened, and how long these energies cannot support.

His spiritual power stretched out, and the undisguised spiritual power with a touch of gold turned into five thousand small branches, and he took out five thousand intermediate-level magic stones.

Then took out five thousand top magic stones from the artifact space bag and put them into the energy tank, which closed the energy cabinet.

He also put the research spirit in the same position as the spirit, side by side with the magic circle spirit.

The Dharma Spirit will be responsible for all matters related to the Dharma in the future, while his other affairs will be handled by the research spirit.

On the one hand, he has become accustomed to using research spirits, and research spirits have also remembered most of his life habits. If he fully uses Fajin spirits, it will take some time to run in.

On the other hand, it is to study the sorcerer's inheritance data in the spirit, which is convenient for him to search from time to time in cultivation.

For Falun Ling, he has a more important task.

"Falun spirit, I need to arrange a legal formation consisting of ten war fortresses, which will be placed in the air, completely covering the golden castle!" Abel ordered to the Falcon spirit.

Then he transmitted the performance data of past war bastions and various functions to the spirit array by spiritual force.

"Master, is analyzing and processing, please wait!" Fa Zhen Ling responded.

Abel's face turned bright, and the Fajin spirit did not reject him, indicating that such a front could be arranged.

As a specially cultivated magic circle spirit, it is possible to analyze and change the existing magic circle to develop a new magic circle.

What Abel thought was that his new war fortresses were all war fortresses that could not fly and could only take off and land vertically. After receiving the spirit of the battle array, he had arranged ten war fortresses into a battle array. Form, to strengthen the idea of ​​self-defense.

This Golden Castle will be his most powerful defense method. His idea is that even if there are the most terrible enemies on the opposite side, he can also defend through the Golden Castle for a long time, which is enough for him to ascend the war fortress of Firefang, or through large teleportation. The array escaped.

The more he touched the power of the deities, the more he felt that his strength was insufficient.

Although on the surface, his current strength can already run rampant at the level of the rule wizard, but in fact, as long as he faces a 'Godfall', it is enough to kill him today, even if he does not encounter 'Godfall', it is a legend. The power of the level is not something he can handle.

Although the Pharmacist Guild looked at safety, the ability of the entire Elves to deal with danger was not as good as his own strength to reassure him.

His sense of consciousness has always been a sense of crisis, which allows him to spend all the means he can use now on this golden castle.

In particular, he also knows that the Golden Castle can be put into the artifact space bag at any time, which is even more convenient.

"Fajinling, how long will it take to get results?" Abel asked at this moment.

"Master, this analysis will be no less than ten days!" Fa Zhenling replied.

Abel shook his head. Although this time was not long, it was not short.

"Falun Ling, is there a way to speed up the analysis?" Abel asked again.

"Master, apply for the use of the research spirit's computing resources for your calculations, please approve it!" Just then the voice of Fa Zhen Ling came again.

It seems that this analysis has reached the limit of Fa Zhen Ling, or that Fa Zhen Ling feels that it can speed up the analysis.

But when it comes to the speed of calculations, which spirit can compare with the speed of the blue spirit.

He took the half-meter-high Lan Ling from the artifact space bag and placed it in the center of the central chamber to activate it.

"Lan Ling, open Falun spirit's computing authority and let it use your computing resources!" Abel ordered Lan Ling, and asked Fa Zhen Ling: "How long will it take to use Lan Ling's computing resources? Can it be analyzed? "

"Master, please wait for an hour!" Fa Zhen Ling's voice replied, the green light on Fa Zhen Ling's body started flashing frantically, and the Lan Ling on the side also began to flash green.

Abel nodded with satisfaction. Lan Ling was placed here only temporarily. It is a great waste to let Lan Ling manage here. This kind of spirit that can manage a subcontinent is to be sent back to the Holy Land. He manages the empire.

An hour passed quickly, the green light of the magic circle no longer flashed, and it was seen that the analysis operation was over.

"Master, according to the information you provided, the best arrangement is the eight-horizon variant, the eight-horse fortress is used to arrange the eight-horse star, and two war fortresses are arranged at the center of the eight-horse circle to divide the entire law The array is under pressure.

After the successful arrangement of the eight-horse star variant array, it can have two defense methods. One is the energy shield defense method. As long as the attacked energy cannot break through the defense shields of ten war fortresses at the same time, the energy shield cannot be broken. cover.

The other is a physical defense method, which can resist the enemy's attack through the sturdy shell of the war fortress.

The Array will have the function of temporarily holding down all targets on the ground. Said Fa Zhen Ling's voice.

Abel hasn't done much research on the legal array, but he also knows that this is definitely a legal array specially designed to take advantage of all the characteristics of the fortress of war.

"Send me to the top platform!" He ordered, and he was teleported to the top platform.

He took out the war fort one by one from the artifact space bag, activated it with the war command spirit, changed its ownership, and replaced it with the top magic stone for energy supplement.

After some operations, and named the ten spirits in the ten war fortresses one to ten respectively, this turned on the hidden system, connected to the magic circle, and handed over the ten spirits to the magic circle. .

Hidden in the sky so that no one else can see, but Abel, the master, can clearly perceive the existence of ten war fortresses.

The ten war fortresses, with the cooperation of the Fenling Spirit and the Firefang Spirit, are moved by the war fortresses controlled by the Firefang spirit to move each war fortress to its corresponding position.

The ten war fortresses began to deform, and the already huge chassis became even larger. It turned into a huge shield in the air and hung in the sky of the golden castle.

Just when the energy on the ten war fortresses began to connect with each other, there was an energy channel between them, turning the ten war fortresses into a whole.

In Abel's eyes, the ten war fortifications turned into an oversized shield, blocking the surroundings and overhead of the Golden Castle, forming a large defensive shield with arcs.

On the surface of the ten war fortresses, dense arrays of law pattern appeared. These law pattern were realized by the law array spirit by changing the surface of the war fortress by controlling the war fortress one to ten.

The fortress of war exists like steel made of unknown materials, but it is the best material for the FF, and it has a good FF energy flow.

Abel did not think of this before, or that he simply didn't know much about the legal array, and did not take these into consideration.

But when the Falcon Spirit was connected with the spirits of these war fortresses, various properties of the war fortress were opened to the Falcon Spirit, especially some aspects that Abel did not mention, and they were also familiar with the Falcon Spirit.

This was the pattern of the legal array that appeared on the surface of the war fortress. These patterns were expanded based on the golden array of the golden castle.

In other words, the eight-horse star variant magic array has exceeded the function originally predicted by the magic array spirit, and has been completely connected with the entire golden fortress. Not only can the attack be distributed to ten war fortresses, but also Distribute more attacks across the Golden Castle.

There is also a short-range teleportation matrix that is also distributed on the surface of the war fortress. It can transport people into the sky at any time. On the one hand, it can enter the hidden system of the war fortress to hide itself. Use the air to attack the enemy.

The current Golden Castle is buckled on the ground like a hemisphere. Attacking the Golden Fortress from any position is equal to distributing the attack power to the Golden Fortress and the ten war fortresses.

Abel couldn't think of anyone who could break the Golden Fortress with ten War Fortresses at the same time.

Maybe the gods can, but here is near the moon goddess temple. Once a **** comes, it will directly invite the moon goddess to come back and fight back.

He chose to build his own castle, which is closest to the Temple of the Moon Goddess, in the Harden Mountains, but he considered many possibilities.

In the current Golden Castle, he has been thinking whether the Legendary Professional can break it and defend it. At first, it was just the Golden Castle. It is still difficult for him to resist the attack of the Legendary Professional.

Now adding ten war fortresses to share these attacks, the defense of the Golden Castle has been upgraded by several grades at once, making him full of confidence in resisting the attacks of legendary professionals.

"Faljin spirit, send me back to the center!" He was very satisfied with the eight-horse star variant of the normal array, he commanded again.

He was again teleported into the central room by the Fajin spirit. This time he collected the blue spirit and took out the black spirit, carefully separating it from the Fajin spirit and the research spirit. A trace of golden mist penetrated the defensive array.

For this black spirit, Abel specially piled thousands of top magic stones next to it. It is estimated that the gods will detect their spiritual power into the defensive circle and will be immediately found and attacked.

And the spiritual power of the professionals under the gods will be swallowed up once they enter the defensive circle.

Abel paid great attention to the scanning of mental power. Although some of the legal arrays can provide the effect of defensive mental power, he has known that defensive spirit since he has a golden spirit. The force of the matrix, the defense of the golden spiritual force is limited, the golden spiritual force can forcibly penetrate the defense.

This made him feel too dangerous. You must know that he has been doing things prohibited by the Wizarding Society for a while. He is operating the power of the gods, developing believers, and gathering faith.

If these are discovered by the Wizarding Guild, even if he is the master of the potion, they will be chased to death by the Wizarding Guild.

Especially his new neighbor, the Temple of the Moon Goddess, he chose this place for security. Once a **** comes to attack, then the Temple of the Moon Goddess is next to it, and the Moon Goddess should defend him from disaster.

It is ridiculous that he is a twenty-one-level rule wizard, Long Druid, who is considering the attack of the gods.

But in fact that is the case. He regarded the believers of God of War as his own through the "Totem of the Ancients". Although he was a believer of the beast of Beamon, it was equal to his own.

He did even more with the "Crystal Angel Statue", not only in the Kingdom of God, the huge number of 17,000 Paladins given by God, but also constantly increasing the number of clergy who belonged to him, letting the Kingdom of God His faith was divided a little by him.

Choosing to be adjacent to the Temple of the Moon Goddess, but there is the possibility that the Moon Goddess will find him abnormal, but this black spirit can guarantee that all of his will not be peered by the Goddess of the Moon.

Through the practice of artifact armor, he can be sure that if any **** wants to peep at him, the black spirit will be the first to discover it.

He can achieve the perfect defense of the Golden Castle. He has achieved the ultimate. He has an impulse in his heart. Is it possible to find a powerful enemy to test the defense ability of the Golden Castle invested countless resources.

However, it is a pity that although he has obtained a full set of materials for the Super Teleportation Matrix, and also has the ability to directly arrange the Super Teleportation Matrix, he has no way to incorporate it into the wizarding society's transport network.

He was already thinking about how to trade with the Wizarding Guild, and at what cost to get this power.

The setting sun shines on the golden castle, making the golden color of the golden castle even more dazzling. If there is no surrounding magic circle, such a castle may be found hundreds of miles away.

At this time, Abel was sitting on the top platform, standing beside him, who was also receiving the power of faith, holding a dove of the ancient totem.

With this defensive residence, his anxiety has finally been relieved. Although the danger in the spiritual sense has not ended, the degree of danger has been reduced a lot.

He held up a cup of water fruit juice with a look of expectation on the corner of his mouth, which could make him feel a dangerous enemy, and he should be able to test the defense of his new home!

Rarely, he has such a longing for danger. His confidence comes from his trust in this golden castle, and also from his trust in the ten war forts!

(End of this chapter)

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