Age of Adepts

Chapter 1014

Sandy Tallinn, Keslinburg.

In a quiet and mysterious secret room, a group of wizards of different shapes are staring intently at the magical water mirror on the conference table. The light and shadow inside are changing, and the magic power is shaking. What is shown is the earth-shattering wizard family war outside Songta City.

When the Crimson Family's Magic Equipment Legion, the Fabres Family's wizard team, and the Foreign Legion were battered with blood and bones, these wizards were chatting in low voices with nothing to do. A bloody battlefield where dozens of lives are lost in minutes is not worth mentioning at all.

It wasn't until the strongest fighting forces of the two families came on the stage one after another, and a battle broke out between a Tier 4 body-training wizard vs a Tier 4 magic weapon puppet and a Tier 3 fire witch combination, they put away their casual attitude and began to silently examine what happened. That family war tens of thousands of miles away.

"It is said that the Crimson family has a goblin plane with rich metal deposits in their hands. It seems to be true..." A black-mouthed and black-faced wizard looked at the huge metal machine that looked like a moving hill. The puppet exclaimed softly: "Otherwise, even if they hollowed out the Elovis area, they wouldn't be able to gather so many magic alloys!"

"I can't imagine that a third-level wizard can last so long under Declan's hands... Now Declan has stepped on a nail, haha..." Another middle-aged witch with a light veil on her face smiled gloatingly. with.

Several other wizards even expressed their comments on the battle that took place in the distance, but most of them were contemptuous and sarcastic towards Declan.

When the battle became more and more intense, and both sides came up with some astonishing means, these wizards finally began to seriously examine the third-level fire witch who had fought with Declan on a par.

"Who can tell what witchcraft that kid is using? Why can his attack penetrate Declan's defensive force field? It's not reasonable..." Someone finally raised a question.

A wizard with an old face, wearing tortoiseshell glasses, and a pedantic look said: "This should be a very pure light element! It is because it is too pure that it is ignored by the defensive force field. Treating it as a natural magical element is not isolated from the force field."

The rest of the wizards carefully examined it several times, and nodded in agreement with the old wizard's opinion.

Light element... This is a very unpopular and remote natural energy, so it is understandable that the defensive force field will be used as the background of the element.

If that Declan had known earlier that the third-level fire witch possessed this method, he would have found a way to counteract the damage caused by the lost energy. He would not have passively endured the opponent's continuous attacks like now.

And... the attack of that tier 3 fire witch seems a bit too strong!

"That Greem is really a level 3 wizard? Why is his attack power so amazing? I calculated that his basic attack power has reached nine hundred degrees, and it has always been consistent. This... seems to have exceeded the level 3 elemental wizard should be. There are certain categories." A wizard couldn't help frowning and thinking hard.

"Yeah, the basic attack of most Tier 3 wizards is around four hundred degrees. Even those who specialize in elements can only increase the basic attack by about one hundred degrees. How can it reach nine hundred degrees? Isn't this already the same as our 4 Is it almost the same as a high-level wizard?" Someone immediately seconded.

"Maybe it was added to the equipment on his body! The equipment on this kid looks suspicious..." Someone speculated.

"Look carefully at the ring on the little finger of his right hand..." Finally, someone seemed to have discovered something.

The lens of the magic water mirror is looking down from a high altitude. At this time, Greem is standing high on the head of the puppet dragon, casting spells quickly with both hands, leading a milky white beam of light to chase after Declan's flashing body.

And on his exposed right hand, a mysterious ring with a strange shape and a simple style is shining with a strong magical aura. All the wizards could see clearly that the magical halo overflowing from this ring was surprisingly purple.

"Level 4 Lord of the Rings..."

"It's Tier 4..."

All the wizards let out an exclamation in unison.

If the person who owns the Lord of the Rings is a Tier 4 wizard, then there is nothing strange about it. But when the 4th-level Lord of the Rings fell into the hands of a 3rd-level wizard, all the wizards couldn't help but sighed in surprise.

All the wizards have long been aware of the difficulty of creating a Tier 4 wizard weapon.

Even though the dozens of wizards present are all 4th-level, there are still only a handful of wizard weapons on them that can reach 4th level. There is no way, it is simply too difficult to create a witchcraft that fully matches the source of one's soul and innate attributes.

And such things must never be faked by others!

Therefore, almost all high-level wizards are qualified alchemists, but even so, high-level wizard weapons are still so rare. At this moment, a fourth-level magic ring was suddenly found in the hands of a third-level wizard. The hearts of many fourth-level wizards present were extremely complicated.

"It seems that this Lord of the Rings should be obtained by him from a certain alien plane, which can convert his own magical energy into pure light energy..." The old pedantic wizard couldn't help but continued to comment.

"In addition to conversion, in my opinion, that Lord of the Rings can also add a part of light damage, otherwise his basic attack could not be so high..." another wizard said.

All the wizards present are level 4 wizards, all of them are knowledgeable and superhuman masters of witchcraft. They commented a few words and estimated the strange properties of this level 4 Lord of the Rings. One eight * nine is inseparable from ten.

They may not be able to see the hundreds of damages added by this Lord of the Rings, but they may be able to convert their own magical energy into super penetrating light energy. If this strange ability is used well, it will definitely make them The enemy suffers a big loss at a critical moment.

Therefore, when they continued to watch the battle, several wizards couldn't help showing a hint of greed in their eyes.

But at this moment, someone suddenly interjected: "It seems that the idea of ​​destroying this Crimson family is no longer possible. Then... Next, what attitude should we take towards this fire witch? "

For a while, the wizards were silent.

After a long time, someone finally spoke.

The person who spoke was an old wizard with gray eyebrows and beard, and judging from the respect the wizards gave him, he seemed to be the most distinguished and oldest among them.

Freed, a fourth-level wizard, the president of the Sandalin Association.

"Look at the results of this battle! If Declan wins, drive this fire witch and his Crimson family out of Santarin. If there is no victory or defeat...then give the entire Elovis region he."

"What if he wins?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Is it possible?" Fried said indifferently: "Don't forget, Declan has advanced for more than 700 years, how could he fail."

"I mean if..."

"If that fire witch really defeated Declan, I suggest giving him the status and power of a fourth-level wizard, and pulling him into the association..."

"No, I object..." A cold and dry man's voice sounded.

All the wizards turned their eyes, only to find Alfred, the lord of Molten Fire City who was speaking in a gray robe.

"Why, Alfred? Do you have a grudge against that kid?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Hmph, there was an alien beast invasion in my Molten Fire City decades ago, and this fire witch participated in it as a task executor. At that time, I didn't know this kid well. Now it seems that I'm afraid that the alien beast invasion at that time was the result of this kid's tricks. Therefore, if he wants to join the association, the account between us really needs to be settled!" Alfred snorted angrily, simply explained a few words.

"Then...does anyone else object to this fire witch joining the association?" President Fried began to look around.

"I'm against it too!" It was the old pedantic wizard who spoke this time.

"Matthew, why are you..." Fried couldn't help being a little stunned.

"I am not opposing for myself, but for the Sarubo family. They have given me a lot of resources, so I have no choice but to stand up and oppose!" Wizard Matthew did not hide anything, smiling It says it all.

"Well, since there are people who object, let's put aside the matter of bringing this fire witch into the association in advance, and see if he can advance to the fourth rank..."

However, at the time when all the wizards were discussing lively, some unexpected and strange changes suddenly appeared in the magic water mirror in the center of the secret room.


The fighting continues outside Pine Tower.

On the high sky, hidden in the thick clouds, an unusually handsome falcon is soaring with its wings.

Under it is the battlefield where two Tier 4s are fighting hard.

Sensing the terrifying waves of magic power that overflowed, if this falcon was just an ordinary monster, it would have already run away after hearing the wind, and how could it stay in such a dangerous place.

Holding a witchcraft crystal tightly in its sharp hind claws, the falcon is firmly aiming the camera at the battlefield of fierce fighting. And under its watchful eye, the three-hour battle was drawing to a close.

Wizard Declan is about to lose the battle!

Yes, facing the powerful combination of the third-level fire witch and the fourth-level magic weapon puppet dragon, Declan, who is also a fourth-level body-refining wizard, has no strength to continue fighting. And the reason why his battle strength has been lost so badly is the strange white light of the legendary fire witch.

Whenever Declan was hit by that kind of white light, apart from the high-temperature burns on the surface of the flesh, the witchcraft energy in his body was consumed bit by bit.

And Declan's several close-up assaults were all captured by Greem's chip's combat assistance system, and then gathered three energy beams to give the opponent a head-on blow. Even with Declan's super physique, it was difficult to resist this level of energy attack, so he ended up being wounded and retreating.

In order to repair these damages, Declan had to consume a lot of witchcraft energy.

Therefore, after three hours of high-intensity fighting, Declan's physical strength gradually bottomed out!

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