Age of Adepts

Chapter 1067 The Choice of the Brain Monster

The plane of Lance, the capital of eternity.

A conversation is going on in the grand hall of the Iron Fortress.

"From the information collected so far, it seems that Greem has completed the promotion and is in the process of stabilizing his mental consciousness... Look, are we taking this opportunity to do something?" The octopus-like brain contained in the chest cavity of the tall mechanical body also showed a troubled and helpless look.

Across a piece of translucent crystal glass, the giant brain floating in the turbid liquid was also slowly wriggling, and the flickering light of thinking was also shining in the brain circuits with ravines on the surface.

And at the moment when the giant brain was thinking silently, the steel hall purely made of special magic alloy was filled with ups and downs of spiritual waves. And in this strange tide of thinking, no external force or means of detection can obtain any valuable information from the hall.

This line of defense is specifically aimed at Alice!

Although the cooperation with Alice last time allowed the different brain Gazlowe to gain a lot of money, but it also made him completely vigilant against it.

For this kind of guy who can peek around through the power of fate, even a third-level strange monster like a different brain will feel a headache. After all, every life has its own secrets and privacy, and no one wants to have a pair of curious eyes watching him in the void when he is not aware of it.

I don't know whether it is because of the sharper mental perception after mastering psychic powers, or whether he is suspicious and scares himself, but Gazlowe has always felt a lingering strange force around him over the years. Various angles, various ways to explore it silently.

But it still can't find the source of this strange feeling, as well as its authenticity.

Honestly, this feeling sucks!

It is precisely this feeling that is deeply tormented, and the alien brain, which has always played with other people's hearts, thoughts and memories, has a nightmare.

It's really incredible to say that, with the control of one's "brain-body" body by a different brain, it would dream like a low-level creature, and it was an extremely unimaginable "nightmare"... This is simply incredible!

However, no matter how unimaginable something happens, there must be a way to explain it.

Therefore, the different brain Gazlowe sadly realized that he seemed to be being targeted by a certain big shot, and this big shot also possessed a strange ability similar to Alice.

The different brain is not stupid.

After extracting the information in its mind and comparing it with its own vague perception, it quickly understood that the guy who had been peeking at it from behind the scenes was none other than the number one wizard in the world who was fighting Alice to the death. Mesa, the Witch of Fate.

Goodness behold, it was hardly Alice's friend or confidant!

The relationship between it and Alice is remarkable, it is a relationship of mutual use and mutual benefit, how could it attract the eyes of that terrible first witch of fate?

To be honest, Yi Nao wanted to have a good chat with the Misha witch who peeped at him through the means of strange fate countless times. It's a pity that he can't even find out the way and means for the other party to spy on him, so Yi Naokong has this kind of thought, but he really can't find a way to contact the other party.

Therefore, over the years, the different brain can only protect itself tightly in this way of constantly depleting its power, so as to avoid the annoying but helpless gaze of the 'peeping person'.

Today, in the face of Gru's worried and worried inquiries, the different brain slowly squirmed its huge brain body like a hill, linking itself with Gru with invisible psychic powers.

"Get ready for war!"

Gruwu was stunned for a moment, and said in shock, "What? What did you say?"

"I said prepare for war! Isn't this what you have always expected?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand more and more!" Fennao Gelu spread his hands with a bewildered expression on his face.

"There is no need to hide. Over the years, I have felt a strange spiritual consciousness in you that does not belong to you and me. And your behavior has become more and more unscrupulous under the guidance of this strange spiritual consciousness. "The huge brain body of the different brain is ups and downs in the solution, but a huge spiritual power has completely enveloped the entire steel hall.

At the entrance of the hall, hundreds of second-tier magical warriors stepped out, forcing the dozens of magical bodyguards brought by Fennao Gru to the corner, and guarded them closely.

"Mastermind, are you crazy? You..." At this point, Gru's voice suddenly changed, becoming a clear and sweet female voice: "Hehe, I didn't expect that you, a mutated brain monster, would be able to detect it. Out of my spiritual consciousness. Hey, cerebellar monster, since you are aware of my existence, why don't you take advantage of this weak spiritual consciousness to eliminate it, instead sit back and watch it grow stronger?"

"You are the Lord Mesa! I have admired you for a long time, and I am very happy to be able to talk to such a great person..." Don't look at the different brain Gazlowe who is sitting in a steel city and has hundreds of thousands of fighting magic equipment. But in the face of a powerful and terrifying witch with ulterior motives, it can only lower its figure and carefully curry favor with it.

It's a pity that the other party obviously doesn't accept it.

"Heck, just you, a mutated brain monster that is no more than level 3, also want to talk to my main body? Do you think that just because you are a level 3 brain monster, you can let the great Master Meisha watch over you day and night? Hahahaha ...Stop dreaming. To tell you the truth, I am the 1376th clone of destiny of Lord Meisha who is talking to you. And my task is to guide you to fight against that Greem. Unfortunately, your performance is too Too bad!"

The mind of the different brain Gazlowe trembled silently.

"Why? You didn't need to tell me these things? Since you chose to say it in such a direct way, could it be..."

"That's right. The only reason why I'm telling the truth is that I'm no longer needed here. After 67 seconds, that Greem will step into this hall. I think you're very familiar with what his arrival means." It's clear. Whether to surrender or resist, I am looking forward to your choice..."

With the long sound of the word oh, the mental consciousness that controlled the split-brain Gelu suddenly and silently collapsed. As for the split-brain Gru, as if he had just escaped from a terrible dream, he shivered and regained his original intelligence.

"Master, what happened just now? Why did I suddenly lose consciousness?" Branch Brain shouted in panic.

"Shut up, you idiot. If you didn't stupidly intervene in the affairs of the goblin plane, our relationship with that fire witch still has a little room for change. It's good now, the other party is coming, what should we do? Damn, damn Damn, 67 seconds... so short, what is it enough for?"

The communication of consciousness is the fastest, almost instantly, the different brain Gazlowe and the split brain Gru can complete hundreds of thought exchanges. Only then did the split-brain Gru fully understand the situation they were facing.

Taking advantage of Greem's retreat and having no time to look outside, Fennao Gru "quietly" instigated and manipulated those idiots from the Magic Society. What the other party wants is freedom and independence, but what Gru wants is the batch of Quelas alloy stored in the central Wu Tower of the Mechanical City.

With the Crimson family's vigilance against Alien Brain and Eternal Capital, it is impossible for the Quelas Alloy to fall into their hands. Therefore, Brain Gru just used a small trick, gently pushed those goblins at some critical moments, and easily achieved his wish.

Maybe at the last moment, Brain Gru would still regard this 'feat' as a perfectly planned action by himself. It's a pity that now, it clearly knows that the self who thinks it is behind the scenes and controls everything is also the object of being manipulated by others like a puppet.

Implantation of ideas, guidance of thoughts, these familiar spiritual means that it usually uses, once it finds that it is acting on itself, the anger and annoyance of the split brain Gru can hardly be described in words.

Deep down in his heart, Fennao Gru had already "kindly" greeted all the female relatives and elders of that damn first Witch of Destiny who was far outside the territory. But this does nothing to make up for the imminent crisis.

The fire witch is coming!

After advancing to level 4, his first choice when he showed up was to come to the Eternal Capital of the Lance plane, which fully showed that his anger and vigilance against the alien brain came first. And in this, there is no doubt that it is a 'huge' contribution of Brain Gru!

"Block the teleportation array... Hurry up and block the teleportation array! As long as we don't let that fire witch teleport over, we will have more time to think and respond..." Branch Brain Gru screamed frantically.

"It's too late! That damned woman has already seized the time. When she was telling us all this, the fire witch had already appeared in the teleportation array!"

With the control of the entire Eternal City by the different brain Gazlowe, how can he let go of such a key hub as the interplanetary teleportation array.

But before tearing the face apart, the teleportation array in the Eternal Capital is still open to the Crimson family.

Therefore, when the different brain was talking to the bitter and mean Mesa's fate clone, a familiar figure had already appeared in the teleportation array at the top of the steel fortress 2 miles away. And at this moment when the two big and small heads were in a panic, the other party was slowly walking towards the steel hall along the criss-crossing steel road.

"Guards... Guards... Let's quickly gather all the steel guards to block that fire witch back..." Fennao Gru roared at the top of his lungs.

"I have given you all the authority of the Eternal Capital, you go and block that fire witch. It will take a little time for me to fully activate here, you go up first!"

"Understood, leave it to me, Mastermind!"

Maybe it was the fate clone of the damned witch that was still affecting Gru's mind, making him feel disgust and hatred for Greem from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, under the instigation and instigation of the mastermind, the split-brain Gru took over all the authority of the Eternal Capital without hesitation, and while using the spiritual link to quickly deploy the battle magic equipment, he strode out of the steel hall.

And from the moment it stepped out of the steel hall, a strange war broke out quickly!

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