Age of Adepts

Chapter 1395 Battle in the North

Compared with the wealth and wealth of the Silver Alliance, the witches of the Northland rely on their individual bravery to resist the demon tide.

It is really unexpected that in the entire wizarding continent, the group of people with the most direct fighting style, the toughest fighting style, and the fiercest fighting are actually a group of witches. Facing this overwhelming catastrophe, the witches of the North showed courage and guts far better than the wizards.

Instead of guarding the family territory, they walked out of the Wu Tower, gathered the mortal army in the territory, and poured into several strongholds adjacent to the Black Forest.

Under the initiative of the Witch Council, many witch tribes that were not threatened by the beast tide also sent a large number of witches and witch beast troops to the border area for support. They cooperated sincerely and united as one, and pulled up a thick and dense defense net on the edge of the Black Forest.

In this struggle between witches, humans and beast hordes, the witches of each faction put aside their past suspicions, and gave full play to the unique fighting methods of their respective factions.

The main force of the war is naturally the undead army sent by the death witch.

Although this undead army is not as large and diverse as the Lich's undead army, its elite level cannot be underestimated. In particular, the corpse pythons, dust ghosts, bone claws, and floating spirits who act as the core force are almost all good at group battles and melee battles.

Coupled with their unique necrotic and rotten breath, it is even more handy to deal with flesh and blood jungle beasts and ferocious monsters. And with their sacrifices, the impact of the beast horde would no longer be so violent.

In this way, even the mortal army and the witch beast army can hold the front line firmly, and will not be overwhelmed by the swarming beasts.

The Winter Witches also took the opportunity to create a large-scale blizzard over the beast tide. Although not too many beasts were killed directly, they also caused countless troubles and pains for the beasts' attacks.

And the Dark Witches brought their Shadow Legion.

They may not be conspicuous during the day, but at night, the entire battlefield will be dominated by the Shadow Legion. Groups of terrifying shadow creatures were active in every inch of the battlefield, using various weird and insidious methods to kill batch after batch of beasts and ominous birds that lacked the protection of supernatural powers.

The Witch of Pain set up a curse altar, using powerful and weird curses to turn those active monster leaders into soft-footed crabs. And at this time, it is time for the Pale Witch to send a powerful companion spirit body and the Dark Witch to raid the monster lords together.

As for the witches of fraud and hypocrisy, they were responsible for misleading and seducing the beast horde, causing them to usher in an overall defeat in various illusions.

In this entire war against the beast horde, the witches of fate didn't need to set foot on the battlefield at all. Their greatest existence value is divination to predict where the next wave of beasts may appear, as well as the target and possible scale of the attack.

The border between the entire Northland Witch Territory and the Black Forest is long and rugged. Without the correct guidance of the Witch of Destiny, even if the witches of the Northland came out in full force, it would be impossible to protect the defense line.

And once any border is washed away, what awaits the people of the North is a super cruel massacre!

Ordinary people have no power to fight back against the herd of beasts. Once the horde of beasts rushes into the human settlements, anyone who thinks about the terrible consequences will feel cold sweat and shudder.

The Crimson Clan still has an enclave in the White Tower area of ​​the North. Although it is nominally under the banner of the Witch of Fate, the actual control is in the hands of the Crimson giant headed by Meryl.

In order to defend this enclave, Crimson stationed two floating giant ships, more than 700 magic weapon battle groups, and the green dragon team led by the emerald beauty dragon Aredina.

Seriously speaking, such a powerful and elite combat team is simply overkill to defend a territory with an area of ​​less than 3,000 square kilometers.

Therefore, as soon as the herd of beasts in the depths of the black forest in the east of the White Tower showed signs of gathering together, they were directly dispersed by the huge crimson ship that rushed over after hearing the news.

Since then, the high-ranking monster lords in the surrounding Black Forest have been cleared out one by one by Meryl and the others in a planned and purposeful manner. Without their go-betweens and inducements, the follow-up animal hordes would no longer be able to condense because they lacked the necessary core.

As for the ferocious beasts, raptors, and monsters that rushed out of the black forest sporadically, they became the targets of trials for low-level wizards and apprentices.

Compared to the tension and chill in the entire Northland, the surrounding area of ​​the White Tower has become a rare pure land!

Seemingly aware of the pivotal role of floating giants in large-scale wars, the high-ranking witches headed by the leader of the death witch, Kesuna, and the leader of the dark witch, Circe, took the initiative to contact Meryl in the White Tower.

After some bargaining, the Crimson Family dispatched two floating giant ships and a magic weapon battle group of more than 400 people in the name of "recruitment". They are mainly responsible for transporting the witch beast troops of the witches of the Northland and various supplies, materials, and resources, and do not actually participate in the battle in the Northland.

However, even so, the addition of these two sky giants has brought about a sudden change in the battle situation in the entire Northland, from the original strict defense to the current active attack.

The gathering points of the demon tide were directly destroyed by the witches of the Northland with fierce offensives, and the monster lords were assassinated in their lairs one by one, and the areas returned to tranquility due to the arrival of the giant floating ships...

It has to be said that the giant floating ship built by the Crimson family is like a heavy war fortress that can float and transfer at will. Except that its defensive performance is slightly worse than that of a real wizard tower, in other respects, the giant floating ship is already close to perfection.

Therefore, after several battles with the floating giant ship, all the witches of the Northland were very interested in this silver fortress that could fly high in the sky.

The witches of the Northland are not all barbarians. Their attainments in witchcraft and high-level knowledge have also reached the pinnacle. Naturally, they were also full of curiosity about the magic energy system of this giant floating ship.

With the knowledge, abilities, and resource reserves of the witches of the North, it is not difficult at all to build such an all-metal giant ship. However, the difficulty is that if you want to drive such a behemoth, the magical energy consumed every moment is extremely amazing.

If the giant floating ship had no external energy source and was driven entirely by burning magic crystals, it would probably be enough to burn an entire mountain of magic crystals in one month.

Therefore, the knowledgeable witches of the Northland pay special attention to the power core of this floating giant ship.

Finally, they discovered the existence of the magic furnace through various witchcraft methods!

This miraculous magic melting furnace can directly penetrate the barriers of the planes, continuously absorb the violent and ferocious chaotic energy from the endless void, and then use special means and methods to tame it and transform it into corresponding magical energy ...

This kind of technology and knowledge is obviously more advanced and mysterious than the elemental altar of the wizard's tower.

It can be said bluntly that this ability and means of building a magic furnace is far more valuable than these giant floating ships!

At this point, those guys who had looked down upon the so-called legendary fire witch in the past finally corrected their attitude and realized that Greem was indeed an extremely terrifying but talented wizard.

Not to mention anything else, just this technology of creating a magic furnace can make him the most valuable and convincing genius wizard in the wizarding world in one fell swoop!

It's a pity that this magic furnace is undoubtedly the most important secret of the Crimson family. Therefore, many Northland witches have no other way to get her in their pockets other than drooling with greed.

Kesuna also had the idea to bargain with Greem through Alice to see if she could obtain this magic furnace technology through resource trading. But the information fed back from Greem immediately blocked this path.

Greem's transaction conditions were very simple. The Crimson Family could sell a batch of finished products of the Magic Forge to the Witches of the North, but the Witch Council must approve Alice's public marriage to him.

To be honest, upon hearing this condition, Kesuna decided to give up almost instantly!

After all, the Witches of the Northland are still a relatively closed and regional wizarding organization. For a long time, they have been carefully balancing the witch factions and trying to maintain the past witch traditions.

And letting Alice, the leader of the Destiny Witches, publicly marry Greem is undoubtedly challenging the dominance of the Northland Witches.

This is something they will never agree to!

However, if it could be reversed and the legendary fire witch Greem entered the Tower of Destiny and became a vassal of the Witches of the Northland, they would welcome him with both hands and feet.

Unfortunately, with Greem's current status, such an idea is simply not feasible.

In the north, witches are respected, while in the central part of the mainland, the strong are respected.

Once a superpower like Greem condescends to become a vassal of the Northland, his tendency to unify the entire central region will disappear. Greem's high popularity accumulated through hard work in the past disappeared in an instant, and the Crimson family would become the object of suspicion and resistance by the wizards in the central region.

Things are often so ridiculous!

Some things that obviously sound absurd and ridiculous, but when they are placed on specific characters and characters, they must be extraordinarily serious and critical.

They can't even accommodate any blemishes and imperfections!

Therefore, the combination of Greem and Alice, not to mention the Witch of the North, even in the central part of the mainland, even within the Crimson family, has a lot of resistance and opposition.

The combination of love spanning the two major forces will even affect the ebb and flow of power in the Wizarding Continent. Such a big event cannot be controlled by the two of them, and the forces behind them are careless!

After all, the Northland is a totalitarian witch organization built around the Witch King, and any attempt to challenge the witch's dominance will be unanimously opposed by all witches.

Therefore, no one cares about how ambiguous and intimate Greem and Alice are in private. But once they want to make it public and get the blessings of everyone, then the resulting power turmoil will no longer be under their control...

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