Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

Chapter 194 Star Lord, Star Lord

Blood stained the star ring, corpses littered the field. 【Latest chapter reading】

Gu Nan single-handedly and alone - it is not right to say that, because in fact there are dozens of shadow bodies marching at the same time, wantonly slaughtering all the living people that can be seen.

Whether it is a disciple of Tianji Dojo, or a practitioner who comes to "ask about Tianji", they cannot escape death.

What does it matter that the latter group are actually innocent?

Gu Nan didn't have time to spend effort to distinguish who deserved to die and who was innocent, he would only take the most efficient way to deal with it, as for things like morality, it didn't apply to players.

"Who the hell are you? What enmity does my Tianji Daoist have with you?!" A man in charge, who seemed to be alive after being hit by a sword, struggled to get up.

"Where's Tianjiren?" Gu Nan asked expressionlessly.

The steward showed a sneer: "My lord Taoist counted all the world, how could you find him?"

Gu Nan nodded, expressing his agreement with his words, and then cut off his head with a sword.

Gu Nan is not a schizophrenia patient who advocates "the whole world must listen to me". Of course, others have the right to disobey him, and he also has the right to kill all those who disobey him.

Taoist Tianji can run away, that is his ability, but it does not prevent Gu Nan from destroying his dojo - if he can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.

Gu Nan didn't care if the massacre of the shadow body was still going on, or some fish slipped through the net and escaped occasionally.

He was walking slowly into the study of Taoist Master Tianji. Most of the books here have been emptied, and it seems that Taoist Tianji really expected it.

This is also normal. But anyone who has known Gu Nan well will probably not be so stupid as to wait for death at home after attacking Lan Si.

"Run away on your own, leaving the disciples and grandchildren in the dojo to cover up people's eyes and ears, it's really heartless!"

Gu Nan sighed for the decisiveness of Taoist Tianji, but he never thought that he was the one who acted as the executioner.


The process of Tu Jue Tianji Dojo was lackluster, he didn't even put up any decent resistance, and the Taoist master of Tianji retreated early.

"It took so much effort to break through to the fourth level?" Gu Nan would also think about the purpose of Taoist Master Tianji in his spare time, and this is probably the reason.

You don't even need the dojo,

What else could it be for?

But it's not about Gu Nan's business.

After locking Lan Si in the small black room and letting her practice hard, Gu Nan left the white mist and hid in a small town on the mainland, dressing himself up as an ordinary scholar.

The King of the Deep Sea has returned to the Star Universe Realm, and may come to him at any time. After all, he is a fourth-order character, so he should be respected.

The relationship between Gu Nan and Bai Wu can't be hidden from those who are interested, staying in Bai Wu is tantamount to courting death.

"Private copy..." After finishing his funeral, Gu Nan could finally calm down and study his private copy.

Of the dozen or so private copies developed at one time, only one progressed to 100% and showed "Completed".

And the small plane corresponding to this dungeon is called "Splendid World".

The Splendid World is not too small a plane, and only one planet exists in the plane, and the local civilization is a development model of half technology, half supernatural power.

Even in a modern city like a steel forest, there are people with various supernatural powers, and they are the ones that are open to the public.

"Name it 'Splendid World' and open the private copy."

Gu Nan gave an order to the interface, but then he found that his consciousness had returned to the body, and then the soul began to pull out on its own.

This process is very similar to the situation when he was reincarnated, but this time the spirit did not go outside the plane, but came to a strange space.

A small ball of light escaped from his mind, and he could clearly see that it was the ball of light that represented the splendid world.

And his soul itself, after releasing the ball of light, turned into a tiny spot of light, slowly approaching the ball of light.

What surprised Gu Nan even more was that in this strange space, there were countless balls of light and spots of light.

As soon as the ball of light in Jinxiu Shi appeared, it immediately attracted many light spots to approach.

Around the sphere of light, there were clearly four gaps for light spots to enter. Except for one that Gu Nan himself firmly occupied, the other three sparked a scramble.

Gu Nan looked at this scene in astonishment, which he had never seen before in the game.

No, it should be said that he has seen a similar scene - it was a scene where other casual players rushed to enter the instance after a rich player built a map!

Could it be that……

The next moment, Gu Nan consciously appeared in the office of a building, and in front of him, there were three people with happy faces sitting.

A woman, an old man, and a little boy.

The woman is dressed like a beautiful urban woman, with thick eye shadow on her face, but she does not give people a sense of vulgarity, but is very charming.

The old man's attire is slightly retro, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face and a double-breasted black suit, he looks like the old scientist in the portrait.

The little boy was a little boy, but he was dressed up in the weirdest way—he wore a half lady's sun hat on his head.

It was called half because the sun hat had been cut in half vertically, leaving only the left part, and the little boy was wearing it that way.

Gu Nan looked at the three people with different appearances, coughed lightly and said, "Three people, how do you call them?"

The woman showed a smile: "You can call me Ziyi, Your Excellency."

The little boy also laughed, his smile was weird, the smiles on the left and right cheeks were incongruous, as if two people were laughing: "Zuo Zuo, everyone calls me that."

The old man seemed to be the most familiar, and his posture was the lowest, and he said repeatedly: "My humble Qiu Wenran, who just became a star master four thousand years ago, dare not be named with the two seniors."

Hearing this, Gu Nan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he didn't show any more strangeness, and said flatly, "My name is Gu Nan."

Zi Yi and Zuo Zuo seemed to be quite well-known figures, and since the old man Qiu Wenran considered himself a junior, the task of communicating with Gu Nan naturally fell on him.

"Your Excellency Gu Nan is the controller of this small world, right? I don't know that this place is..." Qiu Wenran waved his hands again and again in the middle of speaking, "Don't misunderstand, my lord, I just asked casually."

Gu Nan waved his hand and said, "This is the Splendid World."

Qiu Wenran and Zuo Zuo didn't respond, but Ziyi said, "It's the Splendid World... I came here more than 600 years ago, and I thought it was good at the time, but I didn't expect to be taken away in a blink of an eye."

"The Splendid World is not bad." Zuo Zuo also said at this time, when he spoke, his faces were still completely different, "Except for the cultivation base being too low, leaving only the extraordinary level, the rest are not bad."

Gu Nan watched the three of them communicate, thought for a while and said, "Talk to the three of what's going on now?"

Hearing his words, the three of them couldn't help being stunned. In the end, Qiu Wenran said with a smile: "Your Excellency must be a person who is dedicated to cultivation. He already has the strength to collect a realm. Is this the first time he has entered the Star Road of the Heavens?"

Gu Nan nodded, but did not speak.

He really doesn't know the status clearly, but one thing is certain: the three companions in his private copy... are three star masters!

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