Astral Apostle

one hundred and twenty seven

Remember [] for a second,!

Zhou Jing was stunned, and followed the sound.

The person who spoke was a half-eldest boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, with thick lips and narrow eyes, with a normal appearance, with a yin-yang head that was half green and half blue.

After looking at it for a while, Zhou Jing knew what to do, and put on a smile:

"I'm pretty good at it, boy, what's your name? Judging from your talent, you should be very capable, right?"

"Of course!" The man pressed his thumb against his chest and said proudly: "Tang Liu, S-rank, my ability is to move at super speed, and the ninth one is me!"

"It's amazing, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhou Jing made a perfunctory sentence as if coaxing a child, found an empty seat to sit down, and then looked at the others.

Among the ten freshmen specially selected by the Department of Crown Studies, there is a wide age range, ranging from young teenagers like Tang Liu to middle-aged women in their forties.

Except for Tang Liu's stinky appearance, most of the others cast friendly smiles, briefly introduced themselves, and only said their names, but they did not have the ability to self-report like Tang Liu.

There was only one person who didn't speak, but he was an acquaintance. It was Wu Fan, who was also on the wake number. He was the twelfth choice, and he also came to the Crown Academy. .

After spending a few months on the boat, the two knew each other, but they just nodded and didn't say a word.

Zhou Jing knew that Wu Fan was taciturn, so he didn't talk at this time, just nodded in greeting.

Seeing this, Wu Fan also nodded to him.

Just then, a gust of wind blew.


A figure flashed in Zhou Jing's eyes, Tang Liu had disappeared from his position, and suddenly appeared on the seat beside him, as if teleporting.

"You haven't answered me yet, what skills do you have?"

Tang Liu's eyes widened and urged, but his slender eyes were still slit.

Zhou Jing unexpectedly looked at each other.

Moving too fast? It's really fast...

Oneself is the speed boost brought about by physical strengthening, and the other party's super-speed movement is pure super power. In terms of movement speed, Jason's four enhancements are inferior to the opponent, and he has never encountered such a fast.

'The combat power level of the main world is indeed much higher than that of the beast world, a new student who has awakened powerful superpowers,

In the field of attributes they are good at, they can crush the warriors who have been tempered in the world of beasts. ' Zhou Jing's thoughts turned.

It seems that just relying on Jason's four different blood enhancements may not necessarily overwhelm all high-potential awakeners in terms of strength, but it's hard to say in actual fights...

Although he was thinking about the question in his heart, Zhou Jing did not show it on the surface, and replied with a smile:

"It's just a very ordinary physical enhancement, of course it can't compare with you."

When Tang Liu heard this, he was immediately disgusted: "What, then your super power is very ordinary!"

"Yes, I also feel that I am ordinary, and I don't know why I was selected."

Zhou Jing casually agreed.

Tang Liu rolled his eyes, suddenly patted his chest, took the lead in the tone of a big brother, and said proudly: "Don't be discouraged, buddy, I think you are a good person, as long as you recognize me as the boss, I will cover you in the future!"

"Oh, isn't it a pity, I already have the boss, he is very powerful, I dare not betray him." Zhou Jing shook his head and sighed with regret.

Tang Liu came to be interested:

"Who is your boss?"

Zhou Jing smiled:

"His name is Lin Kun, and he was selected by the Department of Gemology. I only recognize a strong man like him as the boss... Well, if you can teach him a lesson, I will promise to be your younger brother, although I think you are not at all. There's no chance of winning against him."

"Who said that! Just wait and see! Lin Kun is right, I remember, there is a chance to fight him!" Tang Liu was unconvinced and geared up.

The others laughed without saying a word, happily watching Zhou Jing tease the middle two teenagers.

Zhou Jing deliberately agreed to bring the relationship closer, which soon made Tang Liu feel that the two were familiar with each other a lot, and their words gradually became casual.

Fourteen or fifteen years old is the age for compulsory education. This kid has always been a poor student. He never studies.

It should have a bright future, but it is a good fate, and a powerful super power has been awakened.

A person who is ignorant and incompetent since childhood, but just like this, the future potential directly exceeds that of countless good children who study hard every day, and there is no fairness at all.

Once he got super powers, Tang Liu immediately stopped going to compulsory education, and he was rebellious, so he immigrated and ran away from home... However, his parents and brothers and sisters simply immigrated and came over with him. The reason is that to take care of his life.

Zhou Jing didn't make any comments after listening, and he didn't have any opinions.

Pointing fingers at other people's family affairs is rude in this era, because family conflicts are the norm in the current society, and each has its own difficulties and choices. Not judging is not only respecting others, but also respecting yourself... After all, few people like to hurt each other.

The ten people waited for a while, and finally waited for the tutor group of the Crown Department, as well as some old students.

"Everyone, you are welcome to join the Crown Academy. You are the freshmen we have designated, and the department has high expectations for you."

Li Yun's tone was warm.

He is the chief instructor of the Crown Academy, wearing a purple star badge on his chest, a fourth-level power user, a middle-aged male.

"Hello, Instructor Li." Zhou Jing and other ten people stood up to say hello.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the tutor group of the Crown Academy..."

Li Yun reached out to introduce the ten people and introduced them one by one.

All courses of the Super Energy Academy are not limited to the department, and courses are selected according to the needs of each student. Each tutor's course faces students from three departments, so for most students, it is not a matter of what department the tutor is. important.

However, for the top students who are focused on training, the tutor group of a department is a private teacher who opens a small stove, specially trains the leaders of their own department to deal with the competitive activities of the department. This is an open welfare and special treatment.

The world of superpowers is still very real. If you have the ability, you will receive special treatment. The cost performance of cultivating potential stocks is naturally higher than that of cultivating ordinary abilities. Fairness and equality only guarantees the basic situation. We cannot expect the strong to have no privileges at all, and the system cannot violate the law. Human civilization has entered the interstellar era until now, and it is rare to use ideas to fool people. It is what it is. After all, the world's cognition of reality is getting clearer and clearer, and it has been concealing and distorting reality. It is completely unnecessary for a star consortium of hundreds of planets, because technology and economy are expanding almost endlessly, and material guarantees are sufficient.

"They are the leaders of the Wangguan Department, and the main force in the department's competitive activities..."

After getting to know the mentor group, Li Yun pointed to a group of old students and explained the role of the crown club.

Deng Yunjie put his hands in his pockets, stepped out more and more, glanced at a few people, and said slowly:

"I'm Deng Yunjie, the president of the Crown Club. You can call me President Deng. In the freshman competition a month later, you ten will be the absolute main players. Prepare well. You will listen to my instructions and arrangements. It's up to us to decide whether to participate in the ring match or the team match and when to play."

Zhou Jing and the others nodded and said nothing.

On the contrary, Tang Liu was a little unhappy:

"Ah? I have to follow your orders? Why can't I choose by myself?"

Deng Yunjie looked at him and explained calmly:

"Do you think the competition in the department is fun? It's not just your business. The grades you achieve also affect the grade points of everyone in the department. This concerns the interests of the collective and cannot be left to individuals. Of course, if you have Opinions can be raised when the time comes, and we will consider them as appropriate, but in the end we must listen to our command, and the team can only have one voice."

"Okay, okay."

Tang Liu angrily closed his voice.

Although he was flowing, but seeing Deng Yunjie, a more ruffian senior, he didn't dare to stab.

Li Yun secretly noted that Tang Liu might be a thorn, but his expression did not change. He took over the words and said with a smile:

"In order to cope with the competition for freshmen, our tutor team will track your class performance, practice progress, and give you one-on-one guidance this month, so everyone should cherish this opportunity."

Several people nodded, and the privilege fell on their heads, of course no one would push them away.

At this time, Tang Liu asked curiously:

"Well, there are thousands of freshmen in this class, and each department has recruited at least a thousand people. Are there only ten people from each side?"

Li Yun smiled and waved his hand: "Of course not, this freshman competition, each department has 20 places for the ring competition, 30 places for the team competition, and the three departments add up to a total of 150 places. For the freshmen to participate, we still have to select some people from the freshmen to fill up the places, but the ten of you do not need to be selected, and they will definitely participate."

It was too time-consuming for thousands of freshmen to appear on the stage. Only 150 people had the chance to compete for the ranking.

This is unavoidable. In addition to re-education of all awakened people and maintaining stability, the other goal of the Super Academy is to select people worthy of training and to select talents for governments and various agencies.

However, although they cannot perform on stage, in daily courses, ordinary students can still shine for the department collectively and earn points.

There are top students, and the average level of UU reading cannot fall.

At this time, Deng Yunjie glanced at everyone, his eyes stopped for a second on Zhou Jing, and suddenly said:

"You all have good potential, you don't need to go through internal selection, but we still need to have a clear understanding of your combat power... After selecting other freshmen, we will hold an internal discussion to understand your combat power. Only by comparison can you decide whether you will participate in the ring competition or the team competition."

Tang Liu's eyes lit up, and he looked around the other nine people with great interest:

"So it's time to fight? Great! I'm definitely the strongest."

Hearing this, several people looked at each other and did not respond.

Zhou Jing shook his head secretly.

It seems that this is also an assessment. Although it is a designated candidate, if the freshman selected in the actual battle is defeated, it will not only lose face, but may also cause the department to shift the focus of training.

Therefore, most of the selected freshmen will try their best to beat ten of them.

"Competition is really everywhere..." Zhou Jing understood the atmosphere of the academy deeply.

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