Battle Frenzy

Vol 2 Chapter 12: Secret weapon

Losing the soul, human beings are still the weakness of the food chain, but the mouth of the king clearly contradicts this.

"Do you say that the strong king is a projection of high latitude creatures in our place?"

"I also think it's incredible. How can there be such a strong person?"

"Stupid humans, the brothers of the king are you can speculate!"

The OP Forum has been bombarded, and a large number of fanatics have no matter what the songs are, and they don’t care what is reasonable and truth. They are willing to believe what they saw and are crazy about it. This is a life of the crowd. Ways and attitudes.

It is true that they are irrational, and quite a few rational people are caught in deep entanglement. If such a person exists and is hidden in a certain college, how terrible it will be?

Some more sensible people have even suspected that this is a college, or a family is building up for the CHF war, they have a super genius, and the strength of the family is cultivated, in order to make a blockbuster.

How strong is the mouth of the king, how full of ridiculous names, do you want to tell the young generation of the wind, in front of him, you are a group of mouth guns?

The analysis of the strong king of the mouth suddenly boiled up. It must be said that the understanding of the masses is great, and some understandings that have never been thought of in the deep dreams of the king have turned up.

"You guys, why are the brothers of the king not coming up in a month, because you are too weak, seeing no, even one that can make the king warm up, the next time, the king will play ten!"

"The mighty upstairs, I think so, what the North King, the super genius, is a weak chicken in front of the king!"

"Wang brothers accept apprentices!"

"Do you think that the brother of the king is a secret warrior cultivated by the five major families?"

Only the five major families in the entire Freedom Federation have the possibility of creating miracles.

Costan Oleg, playing back the process of his own battle, did not say a word, he was actually penetrated. With the power of pure flesh, it is simply unbelievable to others, but he personally knows, I felt the terror power and technique contained in that punch.

Without the support of the soul, the physical strength of the human being is limited. Unless the cultivation of strong enough skills, the current flow of the college is pursuing the conciseness of the soul, but those who have a family background know that the major families attach great importance to the body. After tempering, after a long period of research and repetition, they found that the soul force is actually a weapon, the weapon is strong, and the body is also matched. If the body can exert a powerful force and cooperate with the soul, the lethality It is going to explode.

Obviously, the strong king has done this, but Costan is really confused. He is the main direction of the major. Before that, he always thought it was an assassin. Brooks’s battle was really wonderful...

But... this war has made him puzzleless, and he can cultivate such a boxing method. This is definitely not an assassin can do. No one can combine styles. People’s energy is limited. Is it true that he really Is it practiced from the mother's womb?

Maybe it really has something to do with the five big families, or is he not a federal person at all?

Costan smiled bitterly, and there were people outside the mountains. Originally his expectations for CHF being too good seemed to be readjusted.

Ma Dong used his textbook to cover his face throughout the whole class. He slept on the table and smiled, not knowing what dreams he had.

This is the class of Moore's Dean. As the dean of the Fuhua Branch, Professor Moore's academic attitude is notoriously rigorous. Ma Dongdong's credits are worrying.

Wang Zhong took his elbow and licked him several times. He did not respond at all. Wang Zhong was helpless.

Today's talk is mainly about the development history of the striated weapon. It is a bit like a history lesson, so that the interest of most people is not very high.

For young people, Professor Moore's analysis and explanation of various new type of embossed weapons is the most attractive to them, and the history of development? What have you been eliminated from, what do you know? I will definitely not use it in the future.

Wang Zhongyi likes this ancient story very much. The previous embossed weapon is very different from the present. The weapon at that time has a soul. Understanding the origin of a weapon is not just learning history. The key is that you can The research engines, design principles, and so on of these weapons have begun to understand these things, in order to truly understand the nuances of the weapons.

"In the three inventions of the Freedom Federation, the greatest influence on the history of human warfare and survival is undoubtedly the power of the striatum. The invention of the striated power, and its use in the field of military warfare, formed the later striated weapons. It can be said that it is the most important innovation in the history of human this, no matter how humans excavated the shape and tactical potential of weapons, they never jumped out of the circle of ordinary hot and cold weapon systems of the old age. The prosperity of the pattern weapon has allowed us to adapt to the rules of the new era, and has completely changed the war mode that we humans have been stretching for thousands of years since the old days."

Mooreton, he certainly knows the impetuousness of young people now, but this is not something he can change.

"The development of the striated weapons is full of hardships and bumps. In the dark years, the Freedom Federation basically has no communication. In the most critical time, the 100-city federations fight each other, even if there is any new weapon development. It’s hard to spread..."

Moore is not only the dean of the Academy's striated branch, but also one of the most famous hexagram weapons masters in the Federation. He has a very broad knowledge of the field of striated weapons. Listen to his lessons. If you are serious enough, you can always understand. A lot of unpopular knowledge.

The striated weapon is indeed the most important and greatest invention of the Freedom Federation.

At the time when the Great Darkness had just arrived, there was no transport railway between the Baicheng Federation. The major cities did not have high wall defenses. The crazy mutant herds were consumed day and night, claiming to allow humans to persist for a hundred years of heat. Arms reserve resources, squandered in less than a decade!

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