Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 302: Law enforcement activities

Lao Wang did not refuse, although the time is tight, it can still be squeezed for two days. I walked along this road. Although everything is in the right place, 'Lie Er' is not important here, important. There is a background, this background may not give you any special favor, but his existence is already the basis for ensuring that you can get fair treatment. Think about the inferior civilizations of the gods that have been pitted and unreasonable, and you know how important this kind of fairness is.

Lao Wang is grateful for this, so when he is invited by the mechanical family, he is almost always a visitor, not to mention that he has just received a special letter, which is sent by the old cow, and mysteriously let He went back and said that there was an old friend who wanted to see him.

I don't know if it is inconvenient to say in the letter, or the old acquaintance wants to create a mystery to Wang Zhong. Actually, the identity is not kept secret in the letter... Pharaoh is too lazy to guess who it is, anyway, go I knew that it was a coincidence that the arrangement of the mechanical family was just right.

Following the Law Enforcement Association, the traffic is naturally very convenient. Whether it is the procedures of the Tianmen, or the transmission array, reception, etc., it is definitely a high-standard and high-efficiency, and the law enforcement location is tentatively set in the morning. Wang Zhong is informed in the morning. It was not until noon, and the group had already stood on the transfer site in the Cartanley District.

"We call this lawsuit law enforcement." In a large mechanical shuttle, Rod D is changing his appearance.

The seemingly stiff mechanical structure, like a cell that wriggles, becomes a kind of heavenly person, and the skin automatically adjusts the brightness and darkness of black and white, and it looks like it is not much different from the Earth. He smiled and explained to Wang Zhong: "The mechanical family is too harsh in the eyes of other civilizations in the land. They are too vigilant. Under normal circumstances, the probability of a case occurring within a kilometer around a mechanical family is only about zero percent. Point one... If it is a law enforcement team, then of course it needs peace and stability, even if this peace is just a disguise of other civilizations out of fear."

When Rowling J took over the vice president, she added enthusiasm to Wang Zhong: "But we came to visit privately. If we reveal the true body of the mechanical family, others will see us to avoid or dare to commit crimes. Then we Law enforcement activities can't be done anymore, so we have to pretend. But Wang Zhong, we are definitely not encouraging crime, but intensifying the exposure of something hidden in the shadows of society."

In fact, it is a micro-service private visit... The reason is very well understood, but this deformability is also an eye-opening for Pharaoh. I always thought that the mechanical family is a constant poker face. I really didn’t expect that people would not change. This change is directly Another race that is alive and kick. The people of this earth whose mimic ability has changed are not only similar in appearance, but even the breath and temperament are incomparable. Even if it is the psychic eye of Pharaoh, if you don’t know it beforehand, I am afraid that it will ignore the past.

Lao Wang gave a thumbs up: "Is this mimicry ability a gift for your mechanics?"

"Gifts plus learning." Rhodes D said seriously: "In the early days, our camouflage was still easy to see through, but there are only a handful of people who can see through us. In fact, this is just a little trick, not a big deal."

Lao Wang can only smile, and he has been in contact with this group of mechanical people for a long time. He also discovered that this group of people is very real, and it is really not to sweep other civilizations all the time.

The so-called plain clothes law enforcement is actually a bunch of 'presidents of the princes who carry tourists to go to the streets and go to micro-services for private visits. One is to monitor the enforcement of law enforcement teams in various places, and the mechanical people who can enter Tianmen have good talents for the future. A group of law enforcement elites trained by the mechanical family to understand the underlying operating methods and law enforcement habits are obviously things they must face.

The second is to do a research, in a number of high-risk areas to collect a variety of criminal facts, evidence, and even social structure, civilized structure, etc., in order to analyze the reasons for high-frequency crimes in these areas. So most of the time, these plainclothes law enforcers will not take off their disguise, nor will they directly participate in law enforcement, unless they are really looking at the kind of thing, otherwise they will basically do this kind of law enforcement activities. A variety of records only.

A total of seven people in a row, Rhodes D, Rowling J and Wang Zhong are more familiar, Rowling J is constantly introducing the situation to Wang Zhong, and also refers to the information already in his hand, listening to Wang Zhong to carry out some details. The addition, after all, he lived here a few months ago, and has a deeper understanding of the recent changes in the region.

As a large area in the middle of the boundary, the previous law and order in the Katangla District is actually quite good, but I heard that the recent crime rate has risen linearly, mainly related to the changes of several important forces in the region.

Lao Wang has some feelings about this. When it comes to the changes in several major forces in the Katang Lai district, he actually has direct or indirect participation, such as the disappearance of the Yin dynasty, such as the exit of the Kayak Lai area, etc. Take the matter of Yan Yinzong, let’s not just see a six-level civilization, but because of their downfall, the area of ​​the block that was originally controlled by them became unowned, and the various forces in the Katanglai District The battle between the divisions, the division, etc., it is said that the war between the big forces is not enough, but all kinds of small fights, assassinations in the dark, the struggle for power, the intrigue, and so on, are absolutely many.

As a region in the middle of the boundary, the mechanical squad possessed by the Katanglai District is very limited and cannot be taken care of at all. The lack of law enforcement forces has further led to the deterioration of various situations. There are no big troubles and small chaos.

Even the last time the old cow gave Wang Zhong’s letter, it was mentioned that the people on Tianbao Street are not too dare to go to the street, but they are afraid of getting into trouble.

After entering the Katanglai District, seven people walked all the way. In the hands of Luo De D, there were information about the streets and forces of the Katanglai District. Together with Wang Zhong’s 'locals', they kept doing various supplements. Such a street and street patrol down, but also has a lot of gains.

The original Yinyin Zongjie District has now been developed into a tourist business district. The original Yinli wood of the Yinyin Zongzong has been cut down. The whole block looks like the dark and damp in the original impression. It is completely different, but at the same time it is also the focus of today's investigation. The law and order is chaotic, and the forces are indiscriminate. Although the local machinery family has stepped up the enforcement of this law, the number of mechanical patrols everywhere is also exceptional, but it is still impossible to completely eliminate all kinds of Frequent disputes.

Just two or three hours of noon inspection, Rhodes D and Wang Zhong and others have discovered at least three cases of intentional wounding against civilians, and they are all secretly carried out, quickly processing various kinds of evidence, is quite professional The means of law enforcement by the mechanical family, if it is just happened to be hit by a pretender like Rod D, will definitely become an ordinary case of disappearance.

"Summary down, mainly the lack of manpower in the law enforcement team, otherwise the three incidents, if the law enforcement team can rush to the scene, the people can not annihilate the evidence." Rod D shook his head: "Ka Tanlai The law enforcement team of the district has already increased the number of people in the Yinyin neighborhood. The number of resident patrols has remained at around 30. It is still not enough. There are too many unexpected situations. The new political security environment like this is in the reconstruction period. There are too many struggles, and I feel that at least 50 people need to be resident..."

"Fifty people? Impossible." Rowling J shook his head: "At least the tank tank area does not have such law enforcement conditions."

Under normal circumstances, a large area in the central area of ​​the boundary will be equipped with a thousand mechanical law enforcement teams. In a similar area, there are at least dozens of blocks and different forces. In the 1,000 law enforcement teams, the special situation for handling various emergencies is removed. Action teams, logistics units, office workers, and staff at the trial level, and even the top, there are only about three or four hundred people who can actually patrol the streets. They have to manage dozens of patrols, and the average one-block resident law enforcement, at most As for the six or seven people, it is enough under normal circumstances, but now 30 people are stationed here, which has greatly increased the security workload in other areas of the Katanglai District, which has caused a decline in the security level of the entire region. . If the 20th person is transferred again, the law and order of the entire Card Tankai District will probably collapse.

“It’s still only from the headquarters,” Rhodes D is seriously doing the final research assessment.

"The overall security level of the Katanglai District is rated B-, and the public security score of the Yuyin District is D. Many forces are chaotic and mixed. There is no unified civilized power belonging to the main cause of public security confusion. Suggested treatment: one From the headquarters, five temporary law enforcement teams will be deployed to complete the patrol power of the tank tank Improve the security level, the bright yellow alarm in the tank tank area, the special red alarm for the cunniling district, chaos The bureau uses heavy codes and cannot let the situation go out of control. Third: the unity of the civilized forces, coordinated by the local courtroom, and the end of the chaotic competition by the bidding method. If necessary, enforcement measures can be taken, or directly by the local courtroom. Nomination belongs to civilization! Four..."

I have to say that Rod D's vision and the way to submit suggestions are quite straightforward. It is the elite of the Law Enforcement Association. It is only a half-day investigation that has completely clarified the whole situation of the Katangla District.

The struggles of the various forces in the land are the main sources of the scourge of the gods and the crime. Some small traders may be distressed by the so-called 'protection fees' they pay to the local forces every month, but in fact they are born. Fuzhong does not know how to be blessed. If there is no such unified civilization to govern, there is no such thing as the 'protection fee' they collect to carry out unified standards. Like the ruined area, which is dominated by many forces, the residents are called a real Miserable!

At the same time, it will increase the workload of the mechanical family. The mechanical family is not a machine. They also need to rest and also need their own time. This is even more clear. In fact, the mechanical family is also a good player.

After writing the report and discussing it with you, Rhodes D turned to look at Wang Zhong, with a rare smile in his eyes: "Wang Zhong, I heard that you have not yet a formal base in the earth." In fact, your current strength and reputation in Tianmen are already stronger than the six-level civilization that occupied the territory in Central."

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