Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 62: Alternative intelligent life

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The body surface of Gong Yi and others, the layer of thin silver light emitted at this time is even more embarrassing, brighter, obviously in the moment of running the soul against the evil in the air, in active confrontation, such consumption to them It’s not small. Before it was in the periphery, that level of radiation only needed the body’s natural reaction to save energy. It’s different now, plus the extra consumption caused by gravity changes, even the English soul warriors. I feel that the pressure is not small.

I thought that under such pressure, Wang Zhonghui would be particularly strenuous, but what surprised Gong Yi and others was that Wang Zhong did not show too much difficulty, and the head was behind everyone, and the pace was completely up to everyone’s pace. .

A soul-making period can actually do this.

In fact, Wang Zhong’s feelings are not only hard, but even great.

This is a bit different from the radiation formed by the dimensional power drop on the earth. It is a bit of a surprise. The rich dark matter here is a highly toxic energy factor for normal creatures, but for him, it feels gentle and friendly.

The dark matter and evil spirits in the air kept drilling in his body, but they were absorbed by the dark side of the fate of the soul of the sea, and then settled in the darkness of the soul sea, making it thicker, not only for the body. There is no harm and influence, but it is like nourishing, letting his body undergo a subtle evolution, the flesh is nourished more thick, and the blood is stronger. Although this 'evolution' is extremely slow, it is growing up. .

It’s amazing. After the achievement of the Big Five, the feeling of Wang Zhong’s body has actually been strengthened to the extreme, at least the ultimate in the soul-making period. But now, just staying in this dark matter world is just a journey, and it is no longer nourished by this rich environment. If it is cultivated in such an environment for a long time, what kind of body will it grow to? Or, what is the limit?

"It will become an ugly monster." Sinbadse said, at this time he is riding a big white in a circle, although can not go out, but toss a big white is still possible.

Wang Zhong is speechless, but he understands the meaning of Simba. After the last heavy blow, the resilience of the Big Five is also superb, and the meaning of breaking up and standing up has led to a lot of improvement in his physical strength and strength, but balanced physical fitness. Pursue balance. If you are exposed to this dark power for a long time, after the whole blackening, the body will collapse or become a monster.

After hitting Wang Zhong, Simbadse’s continual rollover, Wang’s decisive choice to ignore, this guy is more and more rational.

While following everyone on the road, Wang Zhong is also secretly paying attention to this change of his own soul and body. It is certainly true that he realizes the darkness of the darkness. He is amazed that dark matter is too mysterious, too mysterious, too broad and profound, even if he I have mastered the so-called demonized hellfire, but I still haven’t touched the real core of the dark energy. At best, I have seen a threshold, or what the so-called deification is just a self-satisfaction of the federation. Salvation, compared to the huge dimension of the righteousness, human beings are really small like dust, what deification, what dominates, a drop in the ocean, it is ridiculous.

The more powerful, the more you know how to be awe.

The rich dark factor in front can block most of the light, and even the huge red sun in the air looks dull here, but still can't hide some of the fire in front of the dim light.

It is no longer a plain plain. Many huge canyons and cracks are everywhere. Under some cliffs, the ‘Red River’ that smashes the magma is everywhere. The whole space is extremely hot. However, the dimension creatures are much less, and they are completely different from the little demons on the outer plains. Everyone walked for about half an hour. Except for the occasional large birds flying in the air, few other creatures were found.


Suddenly, the red sister’s face changed slightly and made a banned action. The pedestrian immediately stopped and stayed in the same place, covering the body with a piece of terrain on the side of the body, while eliminating the protection of the soul, and the human soul was easy. It causes the reaction of the dimensional organisms, and it bears the dark radiation for a short time, and everyone can still live.

Gong Yi did not speak, but asked with his eyes.

Although the strength of the red sister does not seem to be very strong, but the insight and perception ability is unusually acute, and the dangers are warned several times in the outer zone, so that everyone is free from being surrounded by the little devil.

The color of the red sister’s face was very serious at this time. In peacetime, the look was not the same. She gently whispered in the northeast direction. Everyone was gazing at which direction, and through the heavy darkness, it was not yet Found anomalies, but soon, a burst of '哒哒哒' voice has been heard.

Two horrible creatures emerged from the darkness.

They are four or five meters high, like dogs, but they all have three heads. Each dog's head seems to be an independent individual. The mouth is drooping and screaming, making a squeaking noise. The teeth are more than half a meter long, and the lantern-like eyes are made up of pure black flames, which exudes a breathtaking glow.

"Hell Three-Headed Dog!"

This kind of dimension creature that once projected on the earth is so famous that it can grow to three levels. It is already a sign that such creatures have entered full maturity, at least the fifth stage!

This fifth order is not a mutant beast outside. In fact, once you enter the spirit period, you will get a new power rating. Only Wang Zhong has been sent to this place without the opportunity. Dimensional creatures may be subject to the law after they reach the earth. The impact will be weakened to varying degrees, and if it is not supplemented by the corresponding forces, it will become more debilitating, so it is extremely aggressive.

Hell Devils There is a head, the two ends are already terrible, as for the three heads, it is not the general English soul can deal with, as for the combat power in the dimension world, then it is even less.

Everyone feels a cool chill behind the neck. The third-order early stage of the creature, like the little demon of the rock prison, is already very powerful. The fourth-order peak of the Hell three-headed dog, everyone is best to pray.

Fortunately, looking at the direction of the two three-headed dogs, it is not coming to everyone. Gongyi signals everyone to ban, not to move.


It seems that one of the three dogs' heads met their companions. Two three-headed dogs started to scream, glare at each other, screaming at each other, wanting to beat, but not waiting for them to start, behind a long flame. The whip is pumped up.


Just two gentle whip, two powerful dimensional creatures were actually sighed and instantly turned into kittens.

(The first is sent to, partners, on the first day of September, ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you!)

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