Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 99: Fan Chain (2 in 1)

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"The basic situation is like this." After Zhao Kunlun's last introduction of the recorded martial arts, he looked at everyone faintly: "In addition, after entering the Holy Land, there are several basic rules that must be observed, and cannot disclose the holy places to the outside world in any form. The existence of the sacred place can not reveal the income learned in the Holy Land. In addition, no matter which force you join, it is strictly forbidden to step out of the Holy Land for any personal reason without the permission of the respective tutor. The offender will be Direct killing, there is no room for explanation, unless you break through the obstacles of the soul, you can regain absolute freedom when you enter the soul period. So those who think they can go home to visit relatives can now go home. As long as you enter the Holy Land, you must be prepared to stay with your loved ones. The Holy Land has too many so-called masters who can't break through in the English soul period. It is not so easy to achieve, even in the Holy Land."

Before Zhao Kunlun said that other things were still absolutely quiet below, some people were a little surprised when they heard this, and the arrogant arguments rang again in the crowd. Although I have heard that the Holy Land and the Earth are like two worlds, it will be very difficult to return to the Earth after entering, but I did not expect it to be so difficult.

The soul of the soul is so easy to break through. Even in the Holy Land, there are too many masters who have only stayed in the soul of the soul for a lifetime. Although they are all arrogant geniuses, no one dares to shoot. With the chest to ensure that you will be able to break through the soul of the soul, even if Carolyn does not dare to say such a thing. Is it true that after that, you can only choose to be alone in the Holy Land? This is too unreasonable.

Zhao Kunlun pressed his hand and indicated that everyone was quiet: "The Holy Land has the rules of the Holy Land. If you don't accept it, you can leave now."

He looked at everyone, although he could see some shock and hesitation from the eyes of some little guys, but after all, no one has chosen to quit. He has already come here, even if he knows that there is a thousand-armed horses crossing the wooden bridge, everyone can always I would expect myself to be the last one to succeed.

Zhao Kunlun smiled and said: "Very good. On behalf of the three major forces, my brothers and sisters are welcome to help, prepare and go with me."

His voice just fell, and there was a girl in the crowd who heard the voice: "Zhao Shixiong, there are people who have not come out, can you wait a second time?"

It was Lola who had been talking about Scarlett since the beginning, but she has not seen her yet.

"The girl named Scarlett?" Zhao Kunlun looked at the roster, with detailed information on it, and he shook his head.

Frankly speaking, Dimensional Blessed Land looks mysterious in the eyes of other people. In the eyes of Zhao Kunlun, it is as simple as a blank piece of paper. Once it is over, it will be the same.

Not being directly excluded from the space can only show that she is still insisting, but this kind of persistence can only be said to be a commendable, but actually meaningless. In the illusion space created by the blessed land to understand the law, the most efficient and most promising is to start the half hour. After this time period, the illusion will become more and more terrible, even if there is a strong will to persist, But it is the degree of the soul-casting period. Under such oppression, it can only be 'persistence'. It is impossible to calm down and feel what it is.

"Starling's Scarlett?" Ghost sneer sounded in the crowd: "The things that are not self-sufficient, it is impossible to achieve the law, Master Zhao, her strength is too weak, this waste is not worth wasting Everyone's time, if you don't believe, you can ask other people."

Everyone is immediately surrounded by everyone. Everyone is looking forward to entering the holy place as soon as possible. It is really troublesome to wait here. CHF is already a past tense. If Wang Zhong is here, everyone will give a few faces. After all, deterrence is still there. Carrie herself is really not in the eyes of everyone.

No, it doesn't work. She is not enough to get the approval of these days of pride. It just hit the big game and met teammates like Wang Zhong and Glei, and succeeded in holding the thigh.

"Ghost Hao, if you have no chance to be eliminated, you have to wait. Is there no rule in the Holy Land?"

The whole audience was quiet, everyone looked at Lola with a stunned look. I didn’t expect her to burst out of such tension. I dared to scream with Ghost, and brought three saints to know the situation. Next, even Caroline and others should be low-key.

How come courage?

Lola was not afraid at all. Facing the eyes of the three saints, Zhao Kunlun frowned. A sacred apprentice in the district dared to provoke their majesty. If it is true, if it is at least a slap in the Holy Land However, their task is in the body, but it is really not good to play.

The seemingly hottest Rousseau stopped and looked at Lola, who had an amazing proportion. It was tempting, but in the Holy Land, it was not enough to rely on the sliver. It must have enough soul energy to attract people. There are also some guys who have a good appearance and basically have no future.

Helen smiled a little. "The little teacher said that it makes sense. If you wait, it will not be so bad, maybe there will be a miracle?"

Zhao Kunlun nodded, and there was a turn in his heart. In fact, Helen and Rousseau are obviously not directed at Lola. She hasn’t had such a big face yet. This is the sentiment for Molden. This guy’s mentor is very bad. Deeply trusted by the mentor, he was able to get a chance to travel to the outside world. He was too lazy to be a wicked person, and he could not waste much time anyway.

Seeing that the three saints did not oppose, other people could only stop, and they were amazed at the changes of Lola. They said that the soul of the soul and the soul of the soul are two states. The power has changed and the character will change considerably. I did not expect that One embodiment turned out to be Lola, frankly speaking, when she was at CHF, she was more of a mascot of the Potter family.

"I saw Scarlett before I left, she was not far from me." Someone said with a smile: "It seems that it is almost gone, and the expression is quite painful."

"Perhaps it is a horror that has gone through the horror. It can be said that it is a good spirit, but it must be said that the achievement is like..." Someone shook his head, not hostile to Tianjing or Scarlett, but did not want to be here. Wasting time.

“Everyone here knows that Scarlett is the weakest of us here, and it’s not a place to put it on CHF. It’s a waste of everyone’s time,” Ghost Hao did not give up, and played with the heart, “Three The saints took care of the overall situation, but really, there is no need."

Rousseau looked pale ghost-ho, "Here, you say not there, then bb I'll smack you."

Ghost Hao was ugly, but he shut up decisively. It was only this shame that he wrote down deeply. Wang Zhong let him die. He is a saint in the district. When Laozi starts, you must regret why. born to!

There are only two situations beyond the normal comprehension time, or the super strong and powerful, in comprehending the deeper mysterious things, the standard of the Scarlett-->>, the fastest update The latest chapter of the war frenzy!

It is clear that she is the law that understands deeper mysteries in it, no one believes. There is also a kind of accidental scorpion. After all, it is a student who has just arrived at the peak of the soul of the soul by the outbreak of the power. It is not the kind of metamorphosis that Wang Zhongmo asks. To put it bluntly, she has not yet qualified for the avatar. The foundation is too weak, and doing this kind of forcible understanding is likely to have been more terrible than failure.

In general, everyone is in a good mood, but it is a winner, and why not wait a while.

You can't see the inside of the mirrored door. Lola and Grae can't wait any more, and they can only wait. As time goes by, everyone feels impatient, because of the time in Dimension. It is distorted. If she has not come out and even died inside, do they have to wait for a lifetime?

This time Ghost Hao did not speak, just waiting to see the excitement and jokes, watching the three saints slap their mouths and let you go without leaving. This time, he did not prepare for the steps.

There were whispers outside, but it was obviously impossible to pass on to the huge world of mysterious ice.

At this time, Scarlett could not feel the temperature around her. Even the neurons had already been frozen in this absolute zero degree of horror. In this case, she should have been excluded by space expulsion, but she was conscious. There is always a reluctant idea to keep her up.

Others come here by virtue of their own skills, only she is not, she does not deserve!

At this point, Scarlett is deeply clear, even more clear than others, more concerned, this is the person she hated the most before, but she has become like this now, but she has too many reasons for persistence.

Giving up is the most extravagant for her, and even more unworthy.

If you die here, maybe you are free.

She persists every minute and every second, every second is like a year, a strong freeze is freezing her mind, and there are hundreds of billions of neurons in the brain that represent thinking, at least nine percent. Nineteen have already been completely frozen, leaving only one percent of the area to be tenacious.

The will of this will ultimately not be the real strength, even if the strong will has its limits.

There is no limit to the law, but no one belongs to her.

In the corner of Dimensional Blessed Land, a gaze is looking at Scarlett, with a touch of gentleness and some regrets, she is hesitating, this girl is really good, but unfortunately the talent is too bad, too far, if the will can overcome everything, That man has long dominated the dimension world.

It’s a pity that it’s a bit late to interrupt, but at least it can save her life, otherwise her stubborn kid doesn’t know what it’s like.

Dimensional blessed land began to appear a vague figure, which is definitely squeezed by the power of personal tyrannical, horrific cultivation.

But at this time, this vague figure was fixed, because Scarlett across the face changed when he was about to die.

Scarlett with her hands on her knees, no praying for life, no desire for strength, her last wish is that if there is a person facing death under another sky, she is willing to use her death to exchange the other's Health.

A humble request.

Numerous rays of light were produced around Scarlett, and the stars were entangled in light, turning into two winding chains that locked Scarlett.

Being able to enter the dimension of the blessed land with the soul state, the strength of the coming person is absolutely incredible, but even she is surprised, can this be okay?

The soul body looks like a very beautiful woman. At this time, a smile of sly smile is revealed, and Scarlett is gently embraced. The beautiful body that has been completely cold is infused with a touch of warmth. This is not the body temperature, but the soul power, dangerous and powerful. .

Scarlett, who is already in despair and cold, feels a touch of warmth in her mother's body, holding a silky warmth like a little baby.

"everything will be fine."

There seems to be a very loving and elegant voice in the hustle and bustle. Scarlett’s expression is not sad, not painful, but rather quiet and gentle, with a smile, a statue slowly forming behind her, at the same time The two chains of the sky are wrapped around the statue.

Outside the mirror door at this time, Helen of the monastery seemed to feel something, his expression changed slightly, and he looked at the mirror door. Just a few seconds later, Zhao Kunlun and Rousseau also noticed that there was a strong breath. Even though the door of the mirror is separated, it is slightly scattered, even if it is very slight, it is only a slight change to the three sacred ambassadors.

The law image is just a force carrier, and it can't penetrate. What they feel is the fluctuation of the law power in the dimension of the blessed land. It is so fierce that it shows that there is a law in the dimension of the blessed land that affects the image of someone.

So strong? ? ?

The three people all saw the horror in each other's eyes. The dozens of people in front did not have much fluctuations. Who is it?

Isn't there just one Scarlett left? ? ?

The mirrored door flashed a bit, Scarlett appeared outside the door, and she could see a faint shadow behind her. It seems to be a humanoid figure tied by a人The type of law is certainly good, but it’s funny to tie it with chains and self-binding. Is this funny? Or is it that her heart is actually a prisoner? This is the self-denial and inferiority, and it is still a weak person who can't get on the table.

I was impatient, and some people couldn't help but laugh out. Let everyone wait here for a long time, and wait for such a thing. Fortunately, it was not thrown out of space after direct failure, otherwise it would be more speechless.

The Lola and Glei, who are next to him, ignored him. If he saw Scarlett coming out of it in good condition, it would mean success, no matter whether the image of her achievement is strong or weak, at least it has already entered. Qualification of the Holy Land.

A few people are preparing to rush to meet, but they are cold, and the three blast-like shadows have already been robbed in front of them.

The three figures were too fast. It was so fast that Lola even let Gloria not see it at all. He only felt a breeze blowing past him. The three figures had already grabbed Scarlett’s body.

(Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket support, thank you, in fact, consider whether to kill Scarlett, then think about it, I will be killed by everyone, or let Scarlett continue to attack)

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