Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Volume One, Chapter 923: Is God going to destroy our divine race?

However, these personal guards are not without the ability to fight back. The weapons and configuration of these personal guards are definitely the best among all the Lion Clan armies. When it comes to domain weapons, there are about twenty of them in their team. This number Not too small.

As soon as the war started here, the Lion King was already protected by someone in his domain weapon. He didn't have the strength to fight with others. In fact, the Lion King was also a god-level strongman, but he was a king after all. He cannot be put in danger.

At this time, the Lion King's personal guards were already fighting with Qingfeng Mingyue and the others. One side was very powerful and fearless of death. Although the other side was slightly weaker, its equipment was much better, so no one on either side could fight for a while. Nothing can be done about anyone.

At this moment, the Pluto suddenly appeared next to the Lion King's chariot. The Lion King's chariot was also a domain weapon, named the Lion Chariot. The entire chariot was made to look like a male lion. The tail is the handle. This is a strange weapon.

However, no one in the Lion tribe expected the sudden appearance of the Pluto. At this moment, the magic cannon on the Pluto immediately fired a salvo at the Lion Chariot. This time, the Lion Chariot It was not blocked, and was vaporized in one stroke. Not only the lion chariot, but also the lions were killed together.

Now the attack power of the magic cannon on the Pluto is much stronger than before. Such a domain weapon could not stop the attack of the Pluto in the first place, let alone the current situation. The Lion King was not prepared at all. Of course, he was instantly defeated by Zhao Hai.

As soon as the Lion Chariot was destroyed, Zhao Hai did not stop immediately. He immediately released a large number of undead creatures to attack the Lion King's personal guards. The undead creatures released by Zhao Hai this time were not one million. Two million is so little, but five million undead creatures were released at once. More than five million undead creatures dealt with one hundred thousand Guards people, and also surrounded the Guards people in the middle. In this kind of situation Under the circumstances, those in the Guards had almost no hope of escaping. In less than an hour, the battle was over, so no one who followed the Lion King was alive, and not even the War Lion could escape.

As soon as the battle ended, Zhao Hai immediately received news. At the same time, he also transferred all the domain weapons in his hand to Qingfeng and Mingyue. The reason why Zhao Hai did this was to build Qingfeng and Mingyue into the second demon team.

The reason why Zhao Hai has so much confidence is because he found that undead creatures like Qingfeng and Mingyue can practice much faster than the undead creatures he made before.

Although undead creatures are fearless in fighting, they have inherent shortcomings in training. Their training speed cannot be compared with humans, and is much slower than humans.

However, undead creatures like Qingfeng Mingyue and others are different. Perhaps because of the spirit-sealing formation, the energy of their bodies is completely preserved in their skeletons, and after many deposits, their bones are very powerful. , they cannot turn into zombies like other undead creatures in the space, but they are much stronger than those ordinary undead creatures in terms of attack power and training speed.

It was precisely because Zhao Hai discovered this that he took such good care of this team. Zhao Hai also equipped them with those battle clothes to see if these special undead creatures could equip them with battle clothes.

But the result was that Zhao Hai was very disappointed. Not only could these undead creatures not be equipped with the repulsive power of those battle clothes, they were much stronger than those ordinary undead creatures. They were almost unable to put on the battle clothes. This made Zhao Hai was a little disappointed.

Now Zhao Hai has not found any weapons suitable for these undead creatures. If Zhao Hai can find weapons suitable for these undead creatures, the combat effectiveness of these undead creatures can be improved at least above my level.

Undead creatures are different from everyone. Even if they get good weapons, they need training, and they are easily affected by various emotions on the battlefield, which will also weaken their combat effectiveness. Undead creatures will not, as long as they They are well commanded, and their combat effectiveness is no less powerful than an army composed of humans.

After settling the affairs of Qingyue and Mingyue, Zhao Hai returned to Lion Drinking City. He wanted to see how the lion clan would react after knowing that the clan leader was killed.

Soon, Zhao Hai knew what the reaction was in the Lion Continent. Chaos, big chaos. Originally, because of the presence of the Lion King, the Lion Continent could suppress some people and make them have some scruples and not dare to act too randomly, but But it's different now. Now that the Lion King is dead, the last seal on them has disappeared, and the entire Lion Clan is in chaos in an instant.

Zhao Hai also discovered that the chaos here in the Lion Clan is completely different from that in the [Central] Central Continent. The emotions in the [Central] Central Continent are so intense that it makes people crazy, but here in the Lion Continent, it seems that social conflicts have accumulated to the point of A certain degree of success suddenly erupted through this incident.

Regarding this situation, Zhao Hai could only shake his head. He has achieved his goal here in the Lion Continent. The next step is to wait and see if the Supreme Elders of the Lion Clan will appear. If the Supreme Elders of the Lion Clan appear, If the supreme elders come back but the supreme elders of other divine races do not follow, then Zhao Hai will take care of them.

I am currently attacking bo times, but the first two bo times ended too quickly. The Japanese fleet that was originally prepared to take advantage of the chaos to attack became directly facing the prepared Essinger defense system.

These warships are currently stopped for this reason. They were deciding whether to continue or not. Everyone knows that it would be foolish to use a fleet to "suppress" the port without absolute firepower advantage. It would be easier to do a sneak attack, but now we are ready, and a sneak attack is no longer possible. There is no chance of winning if we continue to attack, and it would be too embarrassing to retreat." He hesitated and didn't know what to do.

Vida said to me: "The city lord is trying to trap people, should we take the initiative?"

I shook my head. "There are too many enemy ships. Even if we can win, our losses will be serious. It is not appropriate to take the initiative when the numbers are not dominant." We just need to be ready and wait for them to attack. The trouble is they are not us. Moreover, the distance is too far, and it is not cost-effective to rely on the air force in the city. "

While I was talking to Vida, in the conference room of a battleship that resembled an aircraft carrier in the Japanese fleet, the heads of Japan's major guilds were arguing together.

"Shinoda Zhizuo, didn't you boast that your flying dragons could blast Isinger everywhere in 30 minutes? How come our entire team was wiped out in just 15 minutes?"

A Japanese samurai with an upturned braid said angrily: "Kojiro Kojiro, don't just blame me. Didn't your submarine also fail to complete its mission?"

"Can you two be quiet?" A guy wearing a ghost mask slapped the table and cursed loudly: "A bunch of idiots. Japan's navy is here today." It only took 15 minutes to fight like this. How can you still Nice to say. "

The two scolded guys were not convinced, and Shinoda Zhizuo said angrily: "Miangui! It's our turn to say this, right? Where's your intelligence? Aren't you from [China]? Where's the intelligence? Why don't you tell us? Essinger has so many anti-aircraft guns? And what’s going on with the air force?”

Kojiro Kojiro also denounced: "That's right! Where's your information? What's going on with those ships? Why isn't it in your information? My submarine is still in the port." Do you compensate for this loss? Didn’t you claim to have been investigating this guild for a long time? Is this the result of your investigation? I don’t even know what their city looks like. No wonder that during World War II, a country as big as you [China] was occupied by us [Japanese] for such a long time. "

The guy wearing an oni mask, known as the Masked Oni, stood up. "My money" "No!" You know clearly how good I am at facing ghosts. Don't argue with me after the fact. I don't recognize this. There is something wrong with that Ziri. He turned a good city like Essinger into a military fortress and never opened it to the outside world. All lay members who enter are escorted by special personnel, which is actually monitored, from the moment they enter until you leave. My spies have sneaked in a few times, but they are followed by a group of guards and cannot investigate anything. Do you think I don’t want information? I fucking hate that Ziri more than you do. But his city is not open to the public. "What can I do? Do you think your players' messy cities are so easy to detect?"

The president of a small guild said: "Can you send people to join their guild?"

"I have already thought of it. This Ziri does not recruit people at all. All the people who join are those who join after multiple reviews of special relationships, and his main method of recruiting people is to merge guilds. How do I know what he wants to merge? Guild?"

Masamoto Matsumoto, who was sitting at the end of the long conference table, finally spoke. "Miangui, didn't you win the top three of the National Guild of China?"

"Yes, but who will be the boss in the end depends on the number of national weapons collected. The one who has a dime of gold coins among Ziri's men seems to have almost completed a set."

"We will help you with this. Do you know what the two sets of national weapons of China are?"

"The set from the Purple Sun Guild seems to be called the Tianzun set." The other set is so mysterious that I haven't seen any of it yet. It is said that it seems to be called Tianbao Armor. "

"Hahahaha." Masamoto Matsumoto laughed and said: "Thankfully, you are still from [China]! Let me tell you! Those rumors about your [China] country were all released by me, with the purpose of confusing the public. It is not easy for others to find real national weapons. In fact, the other set is called the Zhenwu suit, which is exclusive to the special professional martial artists of China. And I have already obtained two of them. "

"What? You already got two?"

"Yes. Don't you refuse the letter?"

"No. It's just too unexpected."

"If you hadn't said that there is another set of national weapons here in Ziri, I wouldn't have organized everyone to launch this attack."

At this time, the guild leaders around him shouted: "Aren't you here for the robbed magic crystal?"

"Nonsense, of course I have to get that thing back. System error!

. But this is more important. I already have two Zhenwu suits under my control, and the [Chinese] people are too busy to get a complete set. As long as one or two more of Tianzun's national weapons are taken away, [China] will have no national weapons. "Let's see how they fight the national war."

The masked ghost said: "Why don't you give me those two pieces, so that I can have a chance to become the leader of the [China] Guild of Nations. Wouldn't it be more convenient for you then?"

"That's what I mean." Masamoto Matsumoto congratulated: "I will have someone send it to you later. But today you have completely failed in this matter. It is estimated that the losses of Kojiro and Shinoda Shizuo are so serious. Say "What are we going to do now?" "

"That's right? You have put us in a dilemma now. What should we do?" People around him also began to agree with Matsumoto Masaru's meaning.

The masked ghost said with some embarrassment: "I didn't know it would end up like this. How about we attack on land?"

"Fuck you! Land attacks will kill you faster!" shouted the boss of a small guild.

"How about we attack by force?" Yimu guy suggested.

Someone immediately objected: "You don't want the battleship? You all saw what happened just now through the telescope. The opponent's city is completely built according to military fortresses. When Shinoda-kun's flying dragon brought the Qianbang bomb, it only exploded with a few sparks." It’s a small hole, so you can imagine the hardness of the city wall. With our naval guns, if we want to attack a military fortress of this level, even if they don’t fight back, I don’t think your shells may be enough, right?” Also, Laura and the others, how about this? As soon as the door to someone's room rang, several people also walked out of the room. They had been practicing longer than Zhao Hai. The energy in their [body] was not as much as that in Zhao Hai's [body], and they could not be used for long distances. It's not as good as Zhao Hai's.

Zhao Hai looked at Laura and the others, and the temperaments of several of them had also undergone very subtle changes. They were now wearing home clothes taken from the technological plane, which seemed to be "luck". Sports clothes, but more brightly designed clothes.

Wearing such clothes on others will only make people feel lively, but when worn on Laura and the others, it will make people feel a quiet and noble temperament, very elegant.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw the appearance of these people. The changes in their temperaments made them even more beautiful. They were already beauties and had received a very good education since they were young. Their temperament also made them more beautiful. They were already very good, but now their temperament is better than before, and they are more eye-catching. If they were like stars in the sky before, now they are like the bright moon.

When Zhao Hai saw the looks of the girls, his eyes couldn't help but heat up. Laura and the others, who knew Zhao Hai very well, knew what he was going to do when they saw Zhao Hai's expressions, and they couldn't help but blush.

Laura turned to look at Li Ji and the others, and Li Ji and the others also turned to look at Laura. Then several people saw some joking in each other's eyes at the same time. Then several people turned around and looked at Zhao Hai with charming smiles. , slowly walked towards Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai suddenly had a bad feeling. He remembered a joke he had seen on Earth before. The joke said that what a man most wants to hear a woman say is, I want..., and what a man is most afraid of a woman saying is, I still want to... Why does he feel a little bad now?

At this time, Laura and the others had already walked to Zhao Hai's side. Laura suddenly said loudly: "Sisters, do it." After saying this, several people grabbed hands and feet and lifted Zhao Hai up.

Zhao Hai struggled and said: "What are you going to do? Let me go? Help..." Laura sneered and said, "Just scream, no one will ever save someone if you break your throat!" Zhao Hai then shouted Said: "Broken throat, broken throat, where are you? Come and save me!"

When Laura and the others heard what Zhao Hai said, they all laughed so hard that they bent down and almost threw Zhao Hai to the ground. However, they still did not let go and carried Zhao Hai into the hot spring pool. Next, Manchichun Color, spring color is boundless......

The supreme elder of the lion clan, Xinlea is standing in front of the ruins of Jietian Palace. The place has completely turned into ruins, not even a single intact tile, although Xinlea is not from the Central Continent. , but at this time, his heart was also very heavy.

The defensive force here in Jietian Palace is very powerful even without the use of the Seven Star Locking Formation. Otherwise, it would not always be regarded as a holy land by the Gods. However, Zhao Hai defeated this place in a very short time. In addition, Zhao Hai escaped the encirclement and attack by the five elders, destroyed the Taurus Continent base, and wiped out the entire Taurus clan. All these actions showed how powerful Zhao Hai's combat power was.

Zhao Hai is so powerful, which is definitely not a good thing for the Gods. He has a big feud with the Gods. The stronger his strength, the greater the threat to the Gods. But now, they have no way to find Zhao Hai. There, it can be said that they are completely in a state of being beaten, and Zhao Hai can beat them at any time. This feeling makes several people very unhappy.

The most important thing is that Xinlea is still a little worried. He doesn't know who Zhao Hai's next target is. Maybe when they arrive at the Central Continent, Zhao Hai will attack other places. They will always be better than Zhao Hai. Take a slow shot.

Thinking of this, Xinlea's heart couldn't help but feel heavier. He raised his head and glanced at Dingxing, who was standing not far in front of him. Dingxing was now very old and skinny, as if he was going to die at any moment. His condition was even worse than that of Umbrella Ben, whose entire clan was wiped out.

Seeing this situation, Xinlea couldn't help but sigh. He was so high-spirited before Dingxing, because he is the Supreme Elder of the Central Continent, and among several elders, he has the highest status. So although he usually seemed very approachable in front of a few people, Xinlea could see a hint of arrogance in him.

But for such a proud person to be like this now, how can one not be surprised to see him?

At this time Dingxing suddenly said: "Do the elders have any way to deal with Jing Zhao Hai?" So bad, now Dingxing is asking this, isn't this making things difficult for them?

Perhaps because he didn't hear the answer, Dingxing didn't speak for a long time. After a while, Dingxing sighed: "Doesn't God want the Undead God Clan?"

At this time, Jin Ben said in a deep voice: "I have a way to deal with Zhao Hai, but the sacrifice of this method is very high." @.

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