Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 118: Inside and outside the play (4)

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Pushing open the door of the bedroom, there was stillness in it. Lu Jinnian walked in and saw Qiao An sleeping sideways, lying on the big bed and sleeping deeply.

Lu Jinnian lightened her footsteps and walked silently to the bed. With the dim light in the room, she stared at Qiao An's good eyebrows for a while, then stretched out her hand and took away the cell phone in Qiao An's hand and put it in Aside the bedside table, then picked up the quilt and gently covered most of her exposed back.

Lu Jinnian sat at the bedside, and after a while, stretched out his hand, gently touched her cheek, and gently rubbed her under the eyelid with her thumb, like a tear-wiping action, and finally his hand, Stopped on her head and left quietly for a long time without moving.

Since more than five years ago, he knew that she was someone he could not love. He could always be calm and indifferent in front of her. Even if he occasionally lost control, he would quickly cover up his true emotions and let her The real reason behind his loss of control is deep love.

In his life, apart from his mother, the only person he cares about is her.

His mother gave him life, let him come to this world, feel all the coldest and darkest in this world.

And she gave him a rebirth, let him see that there is still a clean and warm existence in this world.

She never knew that she had been all the hope and motivation in his life.

Even now, he is flying high, he is high above, she is still his hope and motivation.

No one knows that he has a family in this world, but for so many years, he has been alone.

Even though there are so many people around him now, they do not know, but in fact his heart is lonely than anyone else.

From small to large, he didn't desire much, there was only one of her, but there were many things he couldn't get, but she was among them.

He had thought about fighting for it, but before he started, she was disqualified, and then she began to avoid him.

Even he himself couldn't understand, why did she start hiding from him?

Until now, he still clearly remembered that she completely withdrew from his world at a party organized by Xu Jiamu. At that time, he was in a bad state because of her. At that party, he drank a lot of wine, When she was confused, she felt as if she had come to her side and asked herself a word. He didn't remember exactly what he was because he was drunk and couldn't remember what he said at the time. He just woke up again. When she came, she was no longer in the box, he asked Xu Jiamu, when Qiao Anhao left, Xu Jiamu said that he had left early, he thought it was just an illusion he appeared, so he didn’t care much. .

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