Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 144: [The author says] Come and talk to everyone

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter brought by the national husband!

I have been thinking about how to speak, but I have never been able to really speak. Today I will talk about it in a serious way. The reason for chatting in advance is to allow readers of Zanwen to see this passage.

First of all, I’d like to tell you that it’s not good news, that is, “National Husband Takes Home” is coming to the market on the 14th. Well, it’s past zero, and the new day is coming, that’s tomorrow, there are still 6 today Zhang's free plot for everyone~

The readers who have followed the leaf for many years must be "cut". After all, this is not bad news for you, but normal news, but the reason why I said it is not good is because this book is single. Book, don't leave the month.

a bolt from the blue!

I heard that many readers of monthly subscriptions have countless horses running past!

After all, when I wrote "Gold Master", I promised everyone that I would only take a single order, and now I have such a sudden situation... I really don't know how to explain it. I can only say that the website stipulates that there is nothing I can do. I have seen that almost all the good-looking books are no longer in the monthly subscription library. Some readers said, is the monthly subscription just a display? Yep. . You can keep a monthly subscription. After all, reading books can be discounted, but if you only chase one or two author books, then you can really cancel the monthly subscription. Of course, if you still have a monthly subscription book, you can continue to open it.

How to say, in fact, I am now supportive of single subscription, one-time payment, free to watch for life, and monthly subscriptions must be paid every month to see, in fact, invisible, monthly subscriptions are more expensive than single subscription, of course, if you Just to watch it for the time being and not to watch it again later, then I will say something else.

Readers who are familiar with the leaves know that my writing is not long. "Nation's Husband Takes Home" has written half of the content so far, nearly 400,000 words, and wrote it for two months for free without earning a penny. The update speed will definitely be faster after being put on the shelf, that is to say, we may be separated in less than two months.

The reason for saying so much nonsense is that if you like this book, if you want to continue to read it and see the finale all the time, it will be 20-25 yuan~ If you have a high level or a VIP, discount it, maybe You can't get 20 dollars, the top-up method, the easiest way, exchange Q coins for book currency!

This price is really not high, the code is blood and sweat, earning hard money, does not require everyone to continue to support, only requires everyone to support the genuine version if the ability allows, there is really no money or think this book is not worth your expense For money, you can give up or choose other methods. Anyway, I am very happy. Everyone supports you for two months.

On the 14th, I will definitely say goodbye to most readers, but it does not matter. When the next book is free, we will meet again. I will still write half the plot of a book for free for everyone to watch for free.

Many people say that the book "National Husband Takes Home" is good-looking, and many people say good pit. Whether it is good-looking or good pit, in short, it is my favorite story.

A crush, youth, and perseverance are the melody that every one of us dreams of. This summer is the best gift I give you.

I know that many people have higher and higher demands on me, and I have done my best to make myself do better and better. I hope you can give me more patience and accompany me to grow better.

It is said that years have the power to remain silent, and companionship is the most silent confession.

Bow deeply and say thank you again, thank you who have been with me for two months, thank you who are about to leave, and thank you who continue to accompany me to go on.

Let’s talk about the situation of the book first. After all, most people want to see you again. The next book will write youth... Small and fresh texts, it is estimated that the plots of the books written before will not be so ups and downs, and many people will feel boring. However, what I try to write makes you feel interesting. Well, for the time being, I haven’t thought about the title and the name of the person. The story is just a rough outline. I’ll tentatively meet you in November this year. Sina Weibo (Ye Feiye is a fairy ) And Wechat public platform (yefeiye000) to release the news.

The last words are for readers who will accompany me to continue their journey after they are put on the shelf. Well, the support you give me is the most powerful force in the world. It is not so much that I have created one story after another that you like. One story after another is lovely, because without you, there is no motivation.

There are still some plots in this book that can be finished. Let's come to Japan to grow up. Some words, I will slowly tell you later.

In fact, I have more important things to emphasize with you: I remember to vote for me on the day I put it on the shelf, vote for it, and vote for it!

Frankly speaking, I only remember the scene of adding votes when I wrote the Black Emperor. Later, recommending votes became a habit of yours. I never voted again. This is very sorry. I have been giving me the best tolerance and love, and I never give you any more, sigh, because you are so spoiled and habitual, but with age, physical strength and energy are not as good as a few years I’ve moved forward, but I’m overwhelmed but I don’t have enough energy.

The monthly ticket is not the same as the recommended ticket. The recommended ticket is good-looking, but the monthly ticket is useful. My monthly ticket is often rewarded. Do you who have loved me for so many years do not want me to get a reward?

Everyone said that the monthly ticket is to beg on your knees~ Well, I knelt down and asked for the monthly ticket~ Asked for the monthly ticket~Begged for the monthly ticket~I have talked about important things three times, and I shed tears to write an update~ Because on the 14th On the day of listing, I want to update the 2W word, 2W word, 2W word!

Finally, the new week is coming. On Monday, those who voted for the recommendation, those who have not voted, who are about to separate, and who will travel together, vote one time. Click the next page to see how to vote the recommendation vote~

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