Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 569 It's My Time

However, there are some things that can't be let go just by letting go.

At least, the matter of Fentu Kuangxiao was a thorn in Kuangge's heart, because Huo Tie's brother played tricks the day before the battle, causing Kuangxiao to be injured in advance and unable to exert his strongest strength and was defeated.

"Kuangge, I just lost a game. They played tricks, but so what? I'm still not strong enough! If I'm strong enough, it's useless for them to play tricks, don't you think so? Be strong, make yourself so strong that the other party's tricks are useless, and you will succeed."

Fentu Kuangge still remembered the last words that his brother Kuang Xiao told him the night before he left him when he was still very young.

Since then, Brother Kuangxiao has disappeared. When he reappeared, his hair was disheveled, his eyes were full of despair, he was in a state of complete madness, and no one recognized him. In the end, he was locked in the dungeon at home, living a life where he could not see the sun and breathe free air.

All of this...all of this is thanks to Huo Tie's elder brother!

"I always thought that whoever made a mistake should be borne, not his younger brother or other relatives. But now it seems that I was wrong..." Fentu Kuangge's calm eyes suddenly became sharp and cold: "Since you are proud of your brother's tricks, and since you dare to speak of my brother, then you should be ready to bear the mistakes your brother made! Before I defeat your brother, I will collect some interest from you."

"Hit me? Are you going to hit me?" Huo Tiexiao's body trembled again and again, and his thick lips opened to the maximum extent: "You actually chose to hit me? Are you out of your mind? Your skin is itchy again? After the scar is healed, you forget the pain? Forget how I beat you like a dead dog last time? You spit out jaundice on the ground?"

Fentu Kuangge slowly lowered his head and walked towards the arena, exuding an indescribable power from his body, the students blocking the arena subconsciously retreated to the sides, not daring to make any contact with his aura, as if they would be swallowed by a tiger that suddenly rushed out if they made any contact!

These days, Fentu Kuangge doesn't show any tyranny beside Qian Jin, but it doesn't mean that he is really weak. Being able to survive such countless death battles is itself a symbol of strength.

It's not that Fentu Kuangge is not strong enough, but that Duanfeng Buer and the others are too powerful, which is why Fentu Kuangge looks weak.

murderous look? The warrior students who were watching around, those who had visited human-devil battlefields in various places, and even witnessed wars with their own eyes, always thought that they had developed a murderous aura, but compared with the strong murderous aura on Fentu Kuangge, mixed with the bloody smell and blooming with the smell of death, they might not even be qualified for anger.

Killing intent is like a knife, murderous intent is like a sword! The students just backed away in all directions, giving him a passage where two carriages could pass side by side, like a passage for an emperor ascending the throne, allowing Fentu Kuangge to step onto the ring firmly and slowly.

"Halter, Lilizago."

Fentu Kuangge took advantage of the height of the ring, calmly looked down at the two people below the ring, swiped the index finger of his right hand, and the two raised their ticks slightly in their direction: "You two, come up together."

Go together? Ordinary fighters challenge blood warriors and ask to go together?

These words appeared once not long ago. It was at Fabredis' funeral. The enthusiasm of the current number one in the academy's hundred battle list challenged the bold words made by the first place in the hundred battle list Thunder Lion King and the third Roaring Lion King.

Now the time before that sentence is still very short, and even the sentence has not stopped echoing in the ears of the people as it spreads among the people, but it is said again through the mouth of another ordinary soldier.

What is this for? Could it be that the era of ordinary warriors has come? In a short time, two ordinary fighters shouted to the four bloodline fighters, the words that you go together.

There was an unbelievable smile on Huo Tie's face: "Are you really crazy, boy? Did you forget who beat you like a dead dog last time? Who do you think you are? Do you think you are motivated? You are just a dead dog who was beaten by me and couldn't get up."

Fentu Kuangge quietly looked at Lilizago, who was not moving at the bottom of the ring: "Soldier of Viper Bloodline, why don't you come up?"

"Huo Tie can beat you, why do you need me?" Lilizago didn't take a step forward, but took a small step back. The strong murderous aura just now was really astonishing. Maybe this kid has really become stronger after following him for so long? Let's see the situation first.

Fentu Kuangge no longer insisted on Lilizago, and his eyes fell back on Huo Tie: "Then let's start now."

Roar! Huo Tie suddenly let out a deafening roar, and the blood power of the bear-blood warrior was fully activated. The moment the blood battle was completed, the two huge feet took heavy steps like the vibration of a war drum, like a ruddy bear, and went straight to Fentu singing wildly.

Sneak attack? No! It's assault!

The last time Huo Tie fought against Qian Jin, the lesson of being defeated at the beginning of the battle had already been deeply engraved in his mind. He knew that the man in front of him might become a strong opponent just after he came into contact with the murderous aura of Fentu Kuangge.

If Huo Tie knew that Fentu Kuangge's murderous aura was so strong and iron-blooded before the dialogue occurred, he would never have said such provocative words to trigger such a battle.

Since Thunder Lion was defeated by energy, many ordinary soldiers in the academy no longer bowed their heads and bowed when they saw other blood warriors, but straightened their chests, and their eyes were full of pride and confidence that they had never seen before.

Such a situation deeply hurt the nerves of all the blood warriors in the academy. The moment Huo Tie saw Fentu Kuangge, he thought of it. If he beat Fentu Kuangge to the ground again, and beat the ordinary fighter next to him so hard that he couldn't stand up, then the blood warriors would get back a lot of face.

In that way, he would become a hero among other blood warriors in the academy!

However, Huo Tie never expected that the Fentukuangge, which he played casually as a child a few months ago, seemed to have completely changed! It became as if he had become his own rival!

If he had known that this was the case... Huo Tie had no time to do anything to regret it, and now he could only go to war.

When Fentu Kuangge sent out the signal to start the battle, Huo Tie directly launched a surprise attack following the aggressive tactics of last time, wanting to take down Fentu Kuangge in one fell swoop before Fentu Kuangge had yet to gain a firm foothold and not really concentrate!

Huo Tie used all his strength as soon as he made a move, and he sprinted at close range in a simple, direct and neat way. The explosive bear strike condensed compressed high-concentration grudge in the fist, and the rolling flow could produce explosive power at any time. With a blow that has been hammered hard, even a war horse can smash the horse's head with a single punch! As long as he can hit Fentukuangge, it only takes one blow!

Huo Tie is confident that as long as he can make a sudden hit, the battle will be over in an instant.


Hall's iron fist directly hit Fentu Kuangge's lower abdomen. The sound made by the collision between the fist and the muscle didn't seem to hit the flesh, but more like it was resting on metal.

In the punch, Huo Tie himself couldn't believe it was so easy to succeed. The surrounding students instinctively closed their eyes, and some even exclaimed, not daring to look at the Fentu Kuangge who was hit hard by the punch.

One second...two seconds...

The crowd didn't hear the collision between the violently flying body and the ground. The students opened their eyes and looked at the two people on the ring for a moment.

This... this is...

Huoer Tie's eyes were also full of surprises, a punch hit the lower abdomen, even if it was an easy thing to knock someone into the air, it interrupted Fen Tu Kuangge's many ribs, he vomited blood when he was hit, and he knelt on the ground and couldn't stand up, this is a very normal thing.

But, why! This normal thing didn't come up!

After Fen Tu Kuangge got punched, he just stood like that in a very disrespectful manner, and didn't even bother to show a little pained expression on his face when he bent over.

Calm, all that everyone could see on Fentu Kuangge's face was a calm expression.

Huo Tie was temporarily puzzled, his left shoulder suddenly tilted down, his right leg suddenly lifted like a strong metal pillar, and there was a harsh buzzing sound, and he kicked Fentu Kuangge on the cheek with a sweeping force, kicking his head to the side.

With his legs back, Huo Tie found that Fentu Kuangge's head that turned outward had returned to normal again, and then the neck drove the head to shake from side to side for a few times, his eyes and expression were still indescribably calm.

The scene was completely quiet all of a sudden, and a very weak breeze suddenly blew up, blowing on everyone's bodies, giving people an indescribable chill, making people feel like they were stripped naked and thrown into the ice and snow.

how so? After all, Huo Tie has seen some scenes. After some battles, he felt that something was wrong and accelerated his attacks, elbows, knees, side kicks, shoulder bumps!

A series of fast, violent and violent attacks, all of which fell on Fentu Kuangge's body.

The attack was always about to stop. After Huo Tie released his grudge in one breath, he stared blankly at Fentukuangge who always had a calm face.

"Are you finished?"

It was still such a peaceful voice, but now it makes people feel cold in the bottom of their hearts. It is as scary as if the devil tells people in a very calm voice after waking up from a deep sleep, saying that he wants to eat someone's food to satisfy his hunger.

"Then it's my turn to fight." Fen Tu Kuangge lightly clenched his fist, and the fighting heart in his body had already turned rapidly, and it was transmitted to the palm of his hand through the fighting pulse, the joints were crackling like popping beans, and the fist seemed to suddenly grow bigger and swell in everyone's sight.

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