Cosma Empire

Chapter 13 Flames

"Only twenty boxes a month?"

The owner of the Wild Rose Bar frowned. When Graff first approached him, he said he wanted to sell a high-quality fruit wine, but he was not optimistic. The high-alcoholic wine market has been established for so many years, and it has already stabilized. Every customer has his own preferences. If a new product wants to enter this stable market blindly, the outcome will definitely not be good. But when Graf poured two small glasses for him to taste, he immediately felt that there was something to be said about this matter.

The positioning of Wild Rose Bar is middle-to-high end, and the main consumers are middle-class families in Tenell City. It is impossible for these people to come to drink every day and then go home drunk, but it is still possible to come and consume a cup every now and then. Among consumers of this level, consumers are no longer simply consuming goods. They all have their own taste and style, and they only consume what they like.

These two flavors are very unique. After he took a sip, he immediately felt that if nothing else happened, he should be able to have a certain market share.

But what he didn't expect was that both the first love and the snow elves were well received. Many men love the first love, while some young women like the snow elves. In just two days, the six bottles of wine that were delivered were sold out early.

For this reason, some old customers also complained to the bar because they could not drink these two new wines. This is a microcosm, a microcosm of a society, and Mr. Colt, the owner of the Wild Rose Bar, suddenly developed great ambitions. Since this new high-altitude fruit wine can open up the market in Tener, can it also open up the market in other cities? If it can be proven that this unusually strong cider can be popular elsewhere, why doesn't he represent it himself?

Everyone knows the huge profits of high alcohol, after all, the saying "the closer you are to the devil, the fuller your pocket" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As long as the price can be negotiated, even a profit of only two yuan per bottle is enough to make him an upstart in the Imperial Chamber of Commerce in a blink of an eye!

According to his own information, hundreds of millions of bottles of high-grade wine are consumed in the entire empire every year, as long as one percent of it, that is, a million bottles, is transferred to two yuan per bottle, there is also a gross of two million a year. profit!

This is much more than he can earn by opening a bar in a rural place like Tenel City. More importantly, he can completely rely on these two kinds of fruit wine to form a product chain with high-quality fruit wine as the core, sell more things, and Get more benefits!

As soon as he thought that he was going to step into the high society of Yaoxing Empire with his head held high, Mr. Colter was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night.

However, Graff's words were like pouring a basin of ice water on his head in the cold winter.

The output can't keep up. A bar only has 20 cases a month, which means 240 bottles. All pursuits and dreams have been wasted!

"Is it because the output can't keep up, or is it a transportation problem?" Mr. Colt tore the tie knot that made him uncomfortable at the neckline, "I don't ask whether you produced these wines yourself or where you got them. Is if, if I support you with a lot of development money, can I get more?"

Graf was taken aback for a moment. If he followed his thinking, it would of course be a good thing. I got a sum of money for no reason to develop and expand my business, where can I find such a good person? But the problem is that it is Du Lin who is in charge now, and he also knows that his brain is not enough, he hesitated and shook his head, "I am very sorry, sir, I need to discuss it with my partner."

Mr. Colter keenly grasped the word "partner", which means that Graff is not the principal. He investigated Graff, and Graff didn't have any specialties other than having a good body and being able to play very well.

If enthusiasm is also considered a specialty, then one should be added.

Precisely because of his zeal and generosity, in the Guart group in Tenell City,

He has a certain popularity and prestige. The Guarts would ask him for help when they were in trouble, and he would always oblige. The year before last, because of some conflicts between a guart trader and a certain gang, Graff beat the other party too hard to take care of himself. Not only did he lose a sum of money, but he also served half a year in prison. meal.

If someone hadn't paid the compensation for him and released him on bail, he might still be sewing sacks in prison.

Such a small person can suddenly come up with such a high-quality high-quality fruit wine, it must not be his own, and of course it cannot be the Gualt businessman's. After all, if the guy who has a certain status in Tenel City wants to do high-quality wine business, there is no need to be so troublesome.

So who is his partner?

Mr. Colter looked at Graff as he pondered this question.

There are always people who say that fools can also step on gold. He didn't believe it at first, but now he has to believe it. Once this business gets bigger, Graf will definitely benefit a lot, what a lucky guy!

After a while, Graf twisted his butt uncomfortably when watched by Mr. Colt, making the sofa under his buttocks make an unpleasant sound. Mr. Colt stood up with a smile and said, "Okay, first In this way, you go back and ask your partner. If he thinks it’s okay, I will provide 10,000 yuan to help you increase production. Of course, I also hope that he can come and sit down with me and have a good talk. I have a I want to do a big deal with you."

Graf quickly stood up, nodded with a smirk, just like those big figures in the upper class he saw, but it was always funny when he made such an action.

Less than a minute after Graff left the house, Mr. Colter called one of his subordinates, "Go and keep an eye on him, don't disturb him, and see who he has been in contact with for a long time these days."

After watching his subordinates leave, Mr. Colter sank deep into the sofa, with ambition shining in his eyes.

In one day, Graf visited several bars he supplied with a smirk and a smiling face. Without exception, all the bars hoped to eat a large amount of this new high-altitude fruit wine. To use a word from another world It is said that this high-grade fruit wine fills the gap that lacks fruit wine in high-grade wine. This kind of high-quality fruit wine has a very broad market and sales volume. Except for some honest bar owners who sell alcohol, there are two other people who have the same thoughts as Mr. Colt.

They want to represent these two fruit wines and sell them nationwide.

After ordering five beef ribs, two glasses of low-alcohol wine and four whole-wheat breads at the deli on the roadside, Graf patted his seven-point full stomach and left the deli with a full belch. At the corner of the street outside the door, a head poked out, with deep resentment on his face, looking at Graf who was fading away, he could only continue to follow.

When he returned to the workshop, he called Du Lin out and told everything that happened today. Du Lin nodded after listening, and trusted Graff even more. It's not because he said all the things today, but because he didn't make decisions indiscriminately. In Du Lin's dream, I have seen too many people who make decisions randomly. Maybe they have good intentions, but the reason why they fail in the end is all because of these people who make decisions randomly.

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