Death Spiral [Infinite Flow]

Chapter 178: 1992-2020

After get off work, the key in the pocket appeared again by itself, which shows that the disappearance of the key was not man-made.

The meaning is obvious, it is to make him commute on time and live like in reality.

Xu Rendong and Lian Qiao returned home, but they were not at all tired. Compared with copying, the company's work is much easier - although they are actually copying, but Xu Rendong often has this illusion:

He has returned to reality.

The layout of the home is also a little different from when he went out in the morning. The luggage has already been put where it should go, and the furniture is not as new as it used to be. It's just that there is still an empty feeling in the house.

Xu Rendong stood at the entrance for a while and understood.

"A pair of slippers is missing," he said.

Xu Rendong went to the shoe cabinet to find a pair of slippers and put them together with his own. Two pairs of slippers are placed side by side at the entrance, and the familiar feeling comes.

Xu Rendong lowered her head and said while changing her shoes, "If I had never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness."

Lian Qiao was taken aback.

Xu Rendong smiled at him: "Come in. Quickly cook, I'm so hungry."

Lian Joe's cooking is as satisfying as ever. This is the first time they cook their own food in the copy. Holding the steaming rice bowl, Xu Rendong couldn't help but sigh: "It's really like I've already gone out..."

Lian Qiao: "Calm down." He scooped up a spoonful of hair from the soup bowl, and the muscles around his eyes twitched slightly.

The long strand of hair obviously does not belong to the cook. Xu Rendong lost his appetite instantly, and said helplessly: "Okay. Let's see if other dishes can be eaten."

Fortunately, nothing strange appeared in the other meals. Lian Qiao poured the soup into the trash can, and then took up the rice bowl again, and quickly settled the meal with Honeysuckle.

After eating, the two discussed what happened today.

Yes." Lian Qiao said.

Xu Rendong nodded: "There is also hair pulling me in the tunnel. That is probably the long-haired aunt."

"There is also a haunt in the company today. But the monk's ghost did not cause any substantial harm to you, he seemed to just want to scare you..." Lian Qiao pondered, "This is why?"

Honeysuckle was silent for a moment and said, "Maybe because he still has the memory of being a human being, he doesn't want to hurt me?"


Lian Qiao squinted his eyes: "Do you regret it?"

Xu Rendong felt that this topic was not suitable to continue, and said: "Don't talk about this. There are only three days left in 2020, and there is not much time left. I want to go out and explore again to see if there is anything. There's no whereabouts of buttons."

Lian Qiao's expression softened, but he shook his head and denied him: "No. Instead, I think we should recharge our batteries and face the last day of the battle."

According to the current trend, there will undoubtedly be a big battle in 2020. I am afraid that the group of teammates who died in the university will turn into ghosts and come to seek revenge one after another.

Xu Rendong thought of this, but there was not much fear in her heart. Anyway, they have mastered the weakness of ghosts, that is, they are afraid of things that have been turned on and chanting sutras. It doesn't matter how many ghosts come.

The difficulty is that they have to be at the intersection outside the company parking lot at ten pm in 2020, or risk missing the big truck and the elevator that comes with it.

Although the conditions for the appearance of the elevator are only Xu Rendong's personal guess, there is no more reasonable answer. Even Joe agrees.

However, Lian Qiao then said: "The ghosts in this scene seem to be strengthened. I suspect that it will not be so easy to fight then."

Honeysuckle was surprised, and after thinking about it, she understood the reason for what he said.

It's easy. The ghosts in this scene are no longer afraid of the sun, and can blatantly appear in broad daylight.

"Do you think this is..." Xu Rendong thought about his words, "Uh, the characteristics after being killed? Half human and half ghost, so it can appear during the day?"

"It's possible." Lian Qiao frowned and sighed, "This is troublesome. If this ghost can also appear during the day, then in 2020, we might have to fight 24 days in a row. Hours…"

Honeysuckle corrected him: "It should be 22 hours. The elevator should appear at ten o'clock in the evening."

Lian Qiao smiled bitterly: "Two hours is not much difference. Let's rest early today."

Honeysuckle also felt pressure when listening to it. So after a simple wash, the two turned off the lights and went to sleep.

In the darkness, Lianqiao felt Lian Qiao hug him. He couldn't help but struggled gently: "Didn't you say take a good rest? Don't... don't do it today?"

Lian Qiao's voice was gentle and low: "Well, don't do it. I'll hug you."

But even Joe's embrace was warm and familiar, and he was really reluctant to push it away. Under all kinds of entanglements, he could only say something like resignation: "You can't lie to me."

Lian Qiao smiled lowly, leaned over and kissed his forehead: "I promise you."

This kiss has a strong soothing meaning, which makes Honeysuckle's heart suddenly settled.

Lian Qiao's arm muscles are strong and well-proportioned, and the pillow is very comfortable. Ren Dongqing couldn't help stroking the lines of his arms, and the scene of being held up and down by his waist appeared in his mind.

…crappy. He clearly told him not to mess around, but why did I get cranky on my own?

Xu Rendong secretly scolded her double standard, and forced herself to calm down by reciting the Buddhist scriptures.

Just like that, overnight.

Probably because she returned to her familiar home, Xu Rendong slept well after a long absence. Wake up refreshed.

The two left the apartment after breakfast. Sure enough, as soon as the apartment door was locked, the keychain in his pocket disappeared. Instead, a car key.

In real life, Xu Rendong bought a car at this time. At that time, he had already started to deal with some work with customers, so buying a car became a necessity.

Driving to the company, Xu Rendong found that today's colleagues are different from yesterday, and there are several acquaintances.

The industry is very fluid, and it is common for colleagues around you to change. Looking at the familiar faces, Xu Rendong's trance feeling of not knowing where he was became stronger. He had to turn his head to look at Lian Qiao, reminding himself that this is not reality.

Lian Qiao looked at him and said, "Sure enough, acquaintances still appeared."

Lin Dong felt as if he was expecting an answer, so he said, "Don't worry. If they do something to me, I won't be merciful."

Lian Qiao smiled: "That's good."

The work in the morning was nothing special, except for ghost images on the computer screen, hair out of tea, and a scarred face floating in the toilet, everything was normal.

Seriously, Honeysuckle is thankful for these little haunted events. This made him sober and reminded himself repeatedly that even if he was a familiar colleague and boss, he should not be soft-hearted when necessary.

However, at noon, the new boss called him over and gave him an unexpected task.

—Meet clients.

It's nothing to connect with customers, but the special thing is that this time the customer is his college roommate.

Honeysuckle doesn't really remember whether she has experienced this in reality. But it's safe to come here, anyway, the reception room and the office area of ​​their department are only separated by a glass door, and even Joe is sitting outside, even if something happens, he will take care of him.

The roommate seemed to really come to talk business with him. After Xu Rendong recorded the customer's needs, the roommate loosened his tie and smiled relaxedly: "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Looks like it's time for a chat.

Xu Rendong did not relax, but listened to the words of her roommate with more concentration than before.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." He said humbly.

The roommate asked: "How are you after graduating from college?"

Honeysuckle: "As you can see, it's fine. How about you?"

The roommate laughed and said, "Oh, I can't find a good job, so I have to go home and inherit the family business."

Honey Winter: "..." He glanced at the famous big companies on his old classmate's business card, and he couldn't manage his expression for a while.

"By the way, why is your brother here?" The roommate pointed out the glass door.

This glass door is transparent on one side, only the inside can see the outside, and the outside cannot see the inside. When Ren Dong heard the word "your brother", he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was talking about Lian Qiao.

Honeysuckle involuntarily looked at Lian Qiao outside the glass door. I saw him staring here with his brows furrowed, his eyes unblinking. He didn't know he was being spied on, so the worry on his face was unreserved.

Honeysuckle felt sweet, raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Because of some coincidences, he also joined this company."

"Oh." The roommate then asked, "Then how is your sister-in-law?"


Honeysuckle looked at her roommate in surprise. The roommate stuck his tongue out: "Uh, your brother won't change partners, right? I'm sorry."

…whether or not to change the object, you first explain to me what is going on with the "sister-in-law"!

Honeysuckle narrowed her eyes, lowered her voice unconsciously, and began to repeat the words of her roommate: "He has so many objects, which one of my 'sister-in-law' are you talking about?"

The roommate scratched his head: "Just...the one I saw in my freshman year."

Honeysuckle was stunned: "Freshman?"

Go up with him, and I'll help you bring the meal back later."

"—that's when I met your sister-in-law, uh, no, it was his girlfriend at the time. Anyway, that's what your brother told us... That girl is so pretty, with a red face, like an apple The same, very cute. She seems to have something urgent to call your brother, and your brother took her away, and forgot to give us the meal money..."

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