Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 539: Eve

Dark moon, over the town of Dicco, the moonlight of the purple sè is covered by dark clouds. The sky is thick and the yīn霾 is as follows. Someone in the military account is yīn’s face.

Tomorrow is the rì period of the decisive battle, but the dìdū coalition commander, the empire angel regent Wang Hei. Lucifer's face is yīn cloud, not because of tension, but the huge changes that have occurred in these days.

Equal to the duel has not yet begun, it has been knocked by the opponent a few sap.

First of all, two days ago, a blue-sky-like message gave the black-shoulder, who was confidently conquering the dark moon, a head.

The angel dìdū was captured by the joint army of the Wallock Fortress and the White Territory led by the first general George Wells!

The veteran family and the left-behind kings vote for the enemy! The second general, Duolun Ruth, was killed, and the Red Devils Army was completely annihilated! All family of cronies have been uprooted!

In an instant, the black scorpion almost thought that his judgment ability had gone wrong, until after confirming it over and over again, the intelligence that had been suppressed in his hand was burned to ashes.

George! Sikari! The veteran family! Staying behind the king! The black screamingly cursed the name of each traitor, and the entire command center was almost smashed by the power of anger.

Compared with General George, who has always stood hostile, the black scorpion hated the shameless villain Sikari of the white-skinned territory. On the surface, he pleaded with the Druid, and used the plan to deal with the Warlock Fortress, but in the dark he turned to General George. Collusion to capture dìdū. There are also the royal family and the veteran family who stayed in the dìdū, and even joined the outsiders, and smashed his most deadly knife in the back!

The dark moon is rich again, and the threat is only a territory. Dìdū is the most important foundation of the entire empire!

However, the current situation is already difficult to ride the tiger. Whether it is not moving or rushing to withdraw from the army, it will be hit by both sides of the dark moon and dìdū. The only thing to do now is to kill the dark moon first at the fastest speed, and then kill it back to give those rebellious thunders a hit.

At the time when the news of the fall of the dìd came, only the black scorpion, the outstanding, and a few lords and generals were informed. Zhuo Che immediately proposed that the news should be sealed before the final battle. In order to avoid the shaking of the military.

Zhuo Chee’s reaction and loyalty made the black scorpion slightly wider. This suggestion was just right. He immediately ordered Zhuo Che to personally lead the team to monitor and conduct inspections in various territories. Prevent ān from spreading rumors.

The distance between Dìdū and Dike Town is quite far away. The channels passed by the information are all through the dedicated communication station, which ordinary people cannot know. Under the blockade of various means, the soldiers in the drums of méng did not know that dìdū had been captured, and they were still preparing for the decisive battle.

However, when the heart of the Regent’s Royal Highness was not completely put down, his face was slap in the face again – just this afternoon, the news of the fall of the rebels suddenly spread throughout the coalition!

Really afraid of what to come! Tomorrow is a decisive battle. At this time of death, there was a big scorpion, and there was no time for buffering or appeasement!

Black suffocating and ruining, and Zhuo Chee, who is in charge of supervision, slammed into the ground and blamed him for his dereliction of duty. He must be severely punished by military law.

Zhuo Che quickly explained that in the past two days, he has led the monitoring team to personally investigate in the military camp, and also placed in every military camp, and did not find the wind and the grass beforehand. According to the survey. There were two sources of news dissemination this afternoon, namely the black sergeant regiment of General Amstil and the squadron of the elders of the elders, Lagraros, who were the ones who had previously burned the intelligence.

Zhuo Che followed up with special instructions. There is no conclusive evidence that the news leaks are based on the instructions of Amstel and Lagraros, which is probably the enemy's trick.

The black scorpion was originally suspicious, and after the fall of dìd, he became suspicious of all the people around him. The most feared is that the veteran family and the royal family in the coalition forces betrayed him like dìdū, and now the news leaks like a fuse. It ignited the anger that Black Scorpion has been suppressing, and regardless of the pleading of the people, he directly took Amsti and Lagra Rose and bowed to the public.

It is quite unfavorable to kill the generals before the decisive battle. However, in this very sensitive period, the black scorpion has already determined the steadfastness of the ambiguity - the truth that the current dìdū has been compromised cannot be concealed. Morale has been hit by the eyes, the ordinary method is difficult to work, can only use the fastest and most effective **** means to maintain the hearts of the people and the military. From this point of view, the two are the chickens that brought the apes, and whether they are innocent or not, they must die.

The executions of Amstel and Lagraros caused considerable incitement. The black scorpion quickly made a promise to defeat all the soldiers after the dark moon and allowed them to plunder, and barely stabilized the situation.

The black-hearted mind understands that this kind of stability is only superficial, and only with a big victory can it really stabilize the military. In any case, tomorrow's victory in the battle will not be defeated, we must defeat the main force of the dark moon. Otherwise, if it is delayed, once George leads the army, the coalition forces will fall into the danger of being attacked by the enemy.

On the other hand, Gerant, who is attacking the dark moon in the west, still has no news. Sometimes, no news is also a kind of news. Now, the black scorpion is ready for the worst. However, even if Jerant’s entire army is over, it can be said that there is a considerable part of the defense force in the west of the Dark Moon. The main force of the Dark Moon Army in Deco Town should be crippled, and tomorrow’s decisive battle will have a more chance of winning.

The Royal Regent may not realize that he was a war without suspense. When did he start to take such a point and carefully calculate it?

In the town of Luis in the south of Dike Town, in the middle of the Dark Army’s 〗 〖Central Army account, Xia quietly stood alone in front of the hanging military map, and the ups and downs, to this time, then temporarily study What strategy and tactics are already superfluous, the dragon is a snake, it depends on the battle of tomorrow.

The news that General George had captured dìdū had already been spread in the Dark Moon Army. The soldiers were all inspired, just as the daytime Shia said at the mobilization meeting before the decisive battle, tomorrow’s battle will be to regain the red blood flame flag. The glory of the dynasty, rewriting the history of the empire of the angelic empire.

In addition to the good news of dìdū, there was a good news from the west. Athena succeeded in dissolving the surprise attack of the third general of the empire, Gerant, in the blue fortress. Jerant himself was oystered and the two soldiers of the saber-toothed tiger army became prisoners. . The favorable factors that can be utilized today have basically played a role. The key is to see a battle tomorrow.

If you can defeat the black scorpion in this battle, then the father’s many years of dreams, the heavy mission she has been carrying, will be realized; if it fails. Not only will the soldiers lose their strengths, but they will be hurt, and they will be able to look up. The planning in front of them will be destroyed. The dark moon will also be in a desperate situation. For her, for the black scorpion, for the entire 堕 Angel empire, it is a decisive battle in the true sense.

This war, from her father, the former empire of the empire, Green Lucifer, has been waiting. After she took over as the lord, although the Darkmoon has been out of the difficult stage of being sanctioned and suppressed. But still have not given up this belief.

I have imagined the arrival of this war countless times, but now when I hope to become a reality miraculously, there is a dreamlike feeling in my heart. Everything is because of the man, the miracle creator.

If there is no such man, the dark moon will never have today's achievements, perhaps she is still the struggling lonely Princess. If there is no dark moon, with the man's outstanding ability, it can also create dazzling glory on another stage.

In the past, various kinds of pictures, such as pictures, generally appear in front of the eyes. The undulating thoughts of Chia gradually subsided, and only the kind of faint warmth lingered in the heart, showing an unprecedented tranquility.

It is different from the excitement that was made when Isabella deliberately stabbed her. This kind of true tranquility.

There is no turning back in the bow, no matter how the result of the battle of Ming Rì, she will not regret it, just as the man shouted "for the princess" when riding alone to the 100,000-strong army; it is like in the Chamber of Secrets. In the middle, a "stupid woman" was open to him for the first time.

I miss you very much.

Just miss you very much.

Shia closed her eyes gently.

At this time, in the northern part of the Darkmoon City, a dark horse stalked the town of Jumo in the night and rushed in the direction of Luis Town.

The speed of the black horse is extremely amazing, and even exceeds the speed of the flight of Warcraft in the air. There is a black shadow on the horse's back, as if it is asleep. This dark horse is very different. Although the speed is fast, it is much smoother than the average mount. No matter how steep the terrain is, it only makes the owner behind it shake gently. Will not fall under the horse.

This person is riding Chen Rui and the little black horse. Chen Rui learned the news of the dark moon and the coalition’s decisive battle after the dìdū, because of the two stars of the gate of the starry sky when stealing the sword of the angel They are all located in the dìdū, and have already rushed back to the dark moon, but he also has a shortcut, that is, the rainbow valley in the suburbs of Dìdū.

Chen Rui is now a true male owner of the Rainbow Valley. With his eyes closed, he can enter the valley and avoid those magical arrays. At this time, Rolla is no longer in the Rainbow Valley. Obviously, he went to the town of Luis to participate in the decisive battle. Chen Rui uses the Rainbow Valley. The space channel quickly returned to the huā garden of the dark moon residence.

At this time, the Darkfoot City's Wyvern and Flying World of Warcraft are basically all transferred to the front line. Fortunately, Chen Rui has a small black horse that has been raised in the yard. Although the ground is much more than the air, the speed of the little black horse. Should be able to make up for this deficiency as much as possible.

Chen Rui is not sleeping on horseback because of fatigue, but enters the training ground of the super system. It is not safe to enter the training ground in this state, but the rest of the time is not much, only Grasp every minute and every second.

All along, the super system is only a smart computer like Chen Rui's cognition. This "computer" can be upgraded and can be functionalized, and he is just a user with this unique benefit. . Dilemma, dilemma... From now to the present, with the improvement of the level, more functions have been developed.

Ever since the "inheritance" of the ancient alchemy civilization has been under the impact of the semi-god spirit, the perception of the super system has changed a new way, not related to "function", but the super system itself.

From chaotic space to stars to galaxies, the whole process is a process of evolution of the universe, especially the animals, plants and even humans on the planet. The feelings given to him are living existences, not digital virtual objects. .

In other words, the super system is life, and it is constantly evolving the living body that is constantly gestating.

What is life? Is it just a meaning of "existence" in the universe?

This is a big topic, and it is also a topic without a standard answer.

In the universe, the moment when life is born means the beginning of death. The dragons who can live for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years are also known as the dead corpses. Even the legendary gods, in the face of the vast universe of truths, are nothing but moments. Any immortal life has a decadent moment, including the universe itself.

Chen Rui did not think too much about this kind of thing in a broad sense. As a human being, he wants a simple meaning of life, such as himself. Human life can continue through the bloodstream from generation to generation. Even if it cannot be continued, the soil or dust that has been turned into the earth after death will be bred and released, and will exist as a new life. Life and death, destruction and birth, and continuous circulation, this is the true meaning of life and the truth of the universe.

Being alive is there. It has always existed before it died.

Existence is the reason, existence and meaning.

Don't give up life easily, don't give up your possession easily, and cherish everything that exists. is the meaning of life that he understands.

With the transformation of this concept, Chen Rui seems to have found a breakthrough in some kind of bottleneck and entered a realm of “seeing mountains is not mountains, watching water is not water”. For example, the same star running track, not seeing it "boot screen" does not see it "programs and formulas" but really understand the rationality and mystery contained in it.

When Chen Rui used his own meaning of life to understand and touch the life of the super system, there was an incompatible conflict, and a subtle fusion occurred. In this process of contradiction and unity, it was impossible before. The feelings of touching mō are deepening, and the degree of cooperation with the super system is also increasing a little.

The day in the training field is equivalent to one hundred days. As time goes by, the hard-working experience of the state bar has begun to beat at an alarming rate. But Chen Rui does not know this. He has forgotten his time, forgot himself, and is completely immersed in the mysterious realm of this fusion.

Not only that, Chen Rui is behind a long bag wrapped in black cloth, a sword that can't be stored in the storage warehouse. Under the analysis of certain skills, it quickly changes the unknown light.

In the dark horses running like the wind, the morning sun has been brightened by the mist. ! .

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