Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 76: The encounter of Princess Square

When I woke up, it was already the noon of the next day. Chen Rui felt that the mental strength had recovered by about 30%, and he drank a bottle of the returned medicine. Although I figured out the mystery of deep analysis last night, I was eager to make a price. Spiritual power is not only the driving force of magic, but also the source of will and induction. In the case of insufficient mental strength, reluctance training will be counterproductive, so Chen Rui intends to wait until he fully recovers before starting practice.

He once experimented with the ordinary training ground that entered the time rule, but the time rule could not work for the mental recovery in this situation. He had to retreat and waste two thousand auras. It seems that he only responded by medicine and sleep. . Deep analysis is really powerful, but in the future, this skill needs to be judged and used with caution.

It is estimated that in two days, the mental strength can be fully restored. In terms of time, it can be supplemented by the rules of the training ground. However, it seems that it still needs a lot of aura. At that time, it was a little impulsive to drink black medicine, but in the face of drinking medicine The temptation to increase the permanent strength of the power, can leave a thousand aura, is not bad.

Counting the real. The powerful pharmacy that was given to Aldas and the 20,000 aura consumed last night, only 90,000 reiki is left. Aura is like money, it comes too fast, and it goes fast, but between this time, the growth is its own strength, nothing bad.

Black Pharmacy has no eternal body and eternal thoughts. The budget is 200,000 reiki, eight times gravity, ten times time rule and even hundred times time rule. The aura needs more. The last time I received 160,000 black crystal coins from Silva, there are still about 80,000 left, but now the aura materials on the market have been searched for by the old Goblin for a while, and there is not much left. .

However, Chen Rui had an idea, otherwise he would not rush to redeem black medicine.

That is Xiqiao Mountain. The “waste mine” of Xiqiao Mountain is an unusable waste for ordinary people. For Chen Rui, it is a much-needed source of aura, and it is a lot of! From the data point of view, this kind of waste mine appeared four hundred years ago, it is probably caused by a special "pollution" of the underground World of Warcraft, that is to say, Xiqiao Mountain has accumulated "disaster mines" for hundreds of years. Even if a piece can only provide a double-digit aura, it is far worse than the magic material in terms of "quality", but it is a rather scary data in terms of "quantity".

Danger and opportunity are always accompanied by twins. Chen Rui decided to go to Xiqiao Mountain before he had a duel with Aroks, but before that, he had to get a map, otherwise he would fly like a headless fly. Even if there is a two-legged dragon, it is a waste of time.

Just when Chen Rui thought, the little bad guy knocked on the door: "Master, are you there?"

Under normal circumstances, Sri will not rush, Chen Rui got up and opened the door: "What, Sly."

"His Royal Princess, please go to the Chamber of Deputies."

Chen Rui knew that Xia would not interrupt his "inheritance trials" for no reason. There must be important things. Moreover, the mental strength has not recovered and it is not suitable for practice, so he immediately rushed to the Chamber of Deputies.

In the Chamber of Deputies, in addition to Xia, there is a beautiful figure that Chen Rui has not seen for a long time. It has been a few months in the training field. To tell the truth, I still miss it a bit, especially in life and death. At the moment of the breakthrough, this figure is one of the reasons that inspired him to break out.

"Chen Rui!" The familiar voice sounded, with a few surprises, the familiar purple short hair, the familiar red eyelids, but the blushing blush on the bold face of the plain had a little strangeness.

"Athena!" Chen Rui is also very happy, "have you fully adapted to the power of high-level?"

"Well! But now it can only be regarded as barely reaching the level of the high-level early stage, and it will become more and more difficult later." Athena nodded hard and looked at him for a moment. His face suddenly became worried. "What happened to you?" Is it uncomfortable? Is there any medication?"

Due to the relationship between the deep analysis of the sequelae, Chen Rui's current state of mind is very bad, A Sina looked at it at a glance.

"Yes, there is a small situation, but it doesn't matter, just take a few days off."

Feeling that Athena did not hide his concern, Chen Rui’s heart was hot. He only listened to Xia’s mouth: “On the mission side, don’t be too reluctant, and the cloak that you mentioned last time has become a ban. One of the guard reserve teams."

"I understand, Princess."

Chen Rui heard that the first half of Xia’s sentence was a concealed concern, and that it was the “test of inheritance”. Although it was very cold in the face of Athena, it was quite useful in my heart. The latter part of the sentence indicates that Xia’s attitude towards the "Agulie" incident has undoubtedly already recognized Chen Rui’s trust in Agulie.

However, if it was only Athena and the cloak, Xia should not specifically call him to the Chamber of Deputies, and wait for her now.

"Tomorrow morning is the time of the quarterly meeting, you have to come."

Regular meeting? It seems that I have heard that Royce said that it is rare to take two days off, but I have to work overtime. I don’t know if I can get employee benefits...

"I didn't want you to attend this regular meeting, but Joseph and representatives of several families would like to see you as the new memoir. It is not good to refuse. This kind of request is reasonable, but Joseph will not Nothing is fixed. At the regular meeting, beware of his use of your human identity to make a fuss. If you can't, you can quit your job as a memo officer."

Chen Rui understands this. It turns out that the smiling face is behind the ghosts. It’s absolutely not good. It seems that tomorrow’s regular meeting is still very careful. However, as Xia said, it is really impossible to do this, and there is no chance to give Joseph a chance to play. With the trust of Xia to him, what should he do?

Xia met him and nodded. He knew that Chen Rui had already had a good idea. He did not say much. He put a space bracelet on the table: "This is the best rattan stone that Joseph came back from the red collar. Alice told me However, her six pieces have been promised to you, then the one hundred inside, and the space bracelet, are yours."

One hundred! Not sixty-six?

Chen Rui showed the color of surprise, almost learned the old goblin to say "the princess's generosity is comparable to the devil's double moon", but he knows that Xia does not like to listen to this empty talk, but simply said: "Thank you for your Highness!"

The space bracelet for Chen Rui, who is wearing a storage warehouse, is only a chicken rib, and he has already seized the space ring of Silva, not to mention the capacity of the storage warehouse has expanded a lot after entering the dilemma. It is more space and less things. However, the storage space equipment in the devil world, it is a relatively rare equipment, this is also the heart of the beauty boss, of course, to laugh.

Xia nodded slightly, looked at Chen Rui, and looked at Athena again. Suddenly she lowered her eyes and put her eyes on the copywriting in her hand. She said, "Athena just finished the practice. I haven't seen Alice yet. Go to the Princess Square and believe that Alice will be very happy to see you."

Athena also wants to see Alice, and Chen Rui left the palace. ·

"Chen Rui, isn't the princess assigned you a two-month assignment? How is it done?"

"There are still half left," Chen Rui thought of one thing. "Right, Athena, have you been to Xiqiao Mountain?"

"Well! I just came to the first year of the Darkmoon, I have been to practice in that area," Athena nodded. "At that time, the thieves had not begun to harass the mine."

"So... if you are riding a two-legged dragon, how long will it take?" Chen Rui saw fewer people nearby and whispered a question.

"Do you want to train long-distance beasts to fly?" Athena's eyes lit up.

Chen Rui naturally would not tell the truth, following her guess: "In fact, this is just an idea, can you answer me?"

Athena blinked and replied: "The flying ability of the Wyvern is strong, but there are limits. On the road, you must choose a place to rest, feed the dragon, and then choose a safe place to sleep at night. You go alone. If you have a map, it may take about six days. So if you decide to do this kind of training, if you have an experienced guide, you can save at least half of the time."

After all, Athena is not the kind of old fox. The eager expression on the pretty face has already written the words "I am the guide". Chen Rui smiled slightly, but his heart was calculating: six days, the round trip is twelve days, a total of It’s less than a month before you should fight Aarons. Time is really urgent. Can you really take this guide with you?

Just saying, the two have already arrived at the Princess Square, only to see the guests out of the room, and continue to look back, it seems that something happened in the store.

Chen Rui and Athena walked in and saw that the succubus and the inferior demon were only left on the first floor. The Kangliao, who was in charge of the "security", was gone. A group of people were stuck in the stairs on the second floor. The two quickly rushed forward.


A greeting from the entrance on the second floor made Athena's brow wrinkle, and the good mood suddenly became bad. When everyone heard it, they let the road open.

It’s one of the most annoying people in Athena’s voice, the Sheriff and guardian general Allen Caron.

"It turned out to be Athena, and there is our new secretary of the dark month, Chen Rui."

Another laugh in the knife also sounded also made Chen Rui feel uncomfortable, but still politely slightly: "Josef adults."

It turned out that the two sides of the confrontation were two groups of Joseph and Allen. Joseph was still smiling, but Royce and Vasasha behind him showed a strong hostility to the group of Allen.

Although Allen's subordinates are more, but there is no high-order demon, under the pressure of that momentum, it seems to be timid and shrinking, and there is a smell of swollen face and fat. Mainly because the Karon family's strongest high-end demon Sarato and Aroks lost both sides, and Mikas died again. Allen's hands couldn't get a strong man who could support the scene. People.

“Is it a discomfort for the official of the memoir?” Joseph saw Chen Rui’s lack of energy and asked with concern.

Chen Rui knows that this is a weasel for the chickens to be uneasy and good-hearted, and replied: "Let the adults laugh, I am not good since I was a child. I have been seriously ill recently, and I have not come out."

Joseph looked at Athena and gave a meaningful smile: "It turns out that it is no wonder that even the genius girl of our big devil family has barely appeared recently."

When this sentence came out, Chen Rui only felt that two smoldering eyes fell on his face. It was Allen. This kind of eyes Chen Rui has become commonplace and completely ignored. Only in a word, Joseph transferred Allen's anger to Chen Rui, and he was really sinister.

"Athena! Your practice is finally over?" The two men were separated, and Alice's surprise sounded.

This time, people are all together.

PS: Tomorrow is Saturday, 8:00 pm, a little bit will come to the Q group to discuss with everyone, welcome friends who are free to come together, group one: 195303468. Group two: 145313444.

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