Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1467: Hunt

The Kidd class is clearly divided. The aristocratic class is represented by gold. The combat power of the golden aristocracy is equivalent to that of the federal admiral. Each golden aristocrat has the ability to stand alone. If a golden nobleman can be hunted down, it will undoubtedly play a huge role in the current situation, and it may even reverse the whole situation.

Catherine was walking quickly in the camp, and her deep eyes that had flowed like the waves of a Stygian river for a long time also lit up a ray of flame. When she opened a door, the people in the door obviously didn't expect Catherine to come here, all staying in place like wooden carvings, watching Catherine strode past.

After picking up a large and long magic sniper rifle from a weapon stand, Catherine put it on her back, dropped the sentence "I took the gun," and walked out the door. After a while, the Qi machine exploded, and the man had disappeared from the base.

After a while, an old man with white beard exclaimed: "Go and inform the generals that General Catherine has taken away the ‘Qu Guang’, this gun is not finished yet!"

After calling again, the old man's assistant hurried out of the weapons laboratory.

The Nirm city "Heck" occupied by the Federation was almost completely in ruins outside the inner circle of the Federation. Numerous steel buildings are tilted down and piled up in a disorderly manner on the original streets. The streets are broken everywhere, and the magnetic tracks and flyovers erected at high places are randomly placed on the ground, making the neighborhood more chaotic. This place has become another kind of jungle, where the Federation and Kidd teams are hunting and killing each other on the stage of this jungle.

Prior to this, the guerrilla team sent by the Federation did have the effect of disrupting the main force of the Kidd, but after the Kidd also sent a team to fight, it gradually evolved into the current hunting and anti-hunting situation.

In the ruins of a building, a team of Kidders is taking a break. They achieved outstanding results today and have already killed seven federal teams, including a lieutenant general. The Kidd are of distinct classes. The elite warriors wearing silver armor form a group, and on the other side sits alone a nobleman wearing a golden stomach.

The silver armor elites already belong to the noble class among the Kidd people, but they still want to be far from the status of the golden nobles. Therefore, when a golden noble is present, the atmosphere seems a little out of place. The soldiers sat in a circle and talked in low voices, and smiles appeared on the faces of these reformed soldiers. Today their results are very dazzling, this record is enough for them to exchange more resources, and even can be exchanged for an enhanced transformation.

Kidd people have received a limited number of reforms in their lives, especially strengthening reforms. In addition to the limitation of its own bearing capacity, it takes a lot of resources to carry out an enhanced transformation. Therefore, they must accumulate military merits before they can hope to carry out this kind of mechanical transformation that can instantly improve combat effectiveness.

As the rest time was approaching, suddenly the communication channel rang, and there was a short gasp from inside, and then a deliberately lowered voice said: "Master Ferid, we are under attack. Repeat again, we are under attack. I'm the only one left in the team, the other side"

When the voice came to an end, there was a sharp burst of air in the channel, accompanied by a scream, and there was only a rustling blind tone in the channel. After a while, a cold woman's voice came: "Don't worry, it will be your turn next time."

Then the communication ends.

The silver armor warriors all looked at the golden nobleman. The golden nobleman, who had been closing his eyes and dozingly, opened his eyes and said indifferently: "Confirm the situation of other teams."

"Yes, Lord Ferid." A soldier immediately used the tactical board to check the situation of other teams, and the Kidd had a vital instrument embedded in his body. After death, the vital instrument will send a signal. Now, except for their team on the tactical board, the signals of the other teams are all red, indicating that they have died in battle. The soldier's face sank, just about to report. Ferid shook his head, stood up and said, "No, prepare to fight."

To the west of the building where the golden nobles and a group of silver armored soldiers rested, on a broken magnetic track two blocks away, Catherine leaped down to the ground with the surprisingly large magic sniper rifle on her back, and turned towards Go in the proposed direction. Her movements are light and fast, but her figure leaves intermittent shadows on the broken streets.

At this time, Ferid had already let the team disperse, and the silver armor soldiers separated in a search formation, carefully using various cover to greet Catherine. The golden nobleman stood on a water tower on the street, and had a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery within one kilometer square. He monitors the whole block with his perception and complex wave energy detection system, and will launch a thunderous blow whenever something is abnormal.

Catherine has entered the Kidd's search range, and she has not completely restrained her aura, but the Kidd has never noticed it. Even once she and two silver armored fighters were separated by a wall, the Kidd missed it in person.

Now Catherine's aura is very strange, seemingly there is nothing, blending with the environment.

She passed through the Kidd ranks and went straight to the position of the golden nobleman. A few minutes later, she squatted halfway in a Pentagon, only eight hundred meters away from Fred. The magic sniper rifle named Quguang was placed on a stand that Catherine had built with debris. This unfinished magic sniper rifle only had the main part of the body, and other things such as sights were not rationed at all. Catherine had to adjust the trajectory through knowing perception. She breathed softly, and the muzzle of the sniper rifle was fine-tuned in millimeters.

After everything was ready, Catherine began to release the air machine rhythmically, conveying the source force, and then squeezed the trigger heavily.

Almost at the moment she fired, Ferid's face changed, and the golden armor on her body lit up with a brilliant light. The shield of the armor itself, Feride's own source barrier, and another ability generated after the transformation were activated. . Feride immediately dazzled with brilliance, but a silver ray of light penetrated many barriers, but Feride, who finally used these defensive methods to gain a breath buffer time, tried his best to make a sideways movement. So a silver Yuanli bullet grazed his chest, lifting up the piece of golden armor, revealing the chest with golden mechanical parts embedded under it.

Fred just breathed a sigh of relief, his face changed again, the bullet had been shot into the air, but it turned a corner in the air and ejected again. This time, Ferid couldn’t escape anymore. He was shot on his left shoulder, and then a dazzling glare burst from the bullet hole in the shoulder. There was a violent explosion on the water tower, and the explosion’s light radiated over 100 meters, attracting soldiers searching in the block. note.

The flame of the explosion did not go out, and a gas jet rose into the sky, and Ferid swooped out, and two blue electric fires ejected from behind, pushing him into the building where Catherine was hiding like a cannonball. Ferid had only one arm left. The arm on his left shoulder was all broken, spraying engine oil and blood out. The golden nobleman raised his right hand, and a high-energy light blade popped out of his right wrist armor, pulling out a fan-shaped light and slashing towards Catherine.

The Quguang Demon sniper rifle was immediately scrapped, and Catherine could not even be rescued, so she could only slide back. The demon sniper rifle was split into two by the fan-shaped knife without any suspense. Felid was furious, the light blade chopped frequently, the end of the knife ejected the electric snake, and from time to time it condensed into a ball of thunderballs, apparently using some ability.

Catherine already had an extra war gun in her hand. The war gun was made of unknown material, its color was deep, and it lacked a half luster. However, frequent collisions with Fred's light blade are not cut off, and there are large sparks between the two.

The two played against each other for a while, and the building was either cut through by the light blade or through the gun. When they hit the street, the building collapsed.

A shot forced Felid away, and Catherine flew back quickly as if sliding on ice. Two Kidd fighters outflanked from behind, intending to attack. Unexpectedly, at the end of the blow, a gun hole appeared in the chest of both of them, and Catherine didn't even notice when she took the shot, so she was pierced with a gun. When Catherine passed by the two people, they bumped sideways and the two bodies bounced toward Ferid. The latter's light blade flickered and chopped the body into several pieces. Ferid got through between the corpses, biting Catherine tightly.

Catherine stopped abruptly, and the gun lightly struck the ground. Fred squinted his eyes, but only felt that the light in the space was dimmed, nothing else was unusual. After a shot, Catherine retreated and slipped into ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took the initiative to jump over. Fred opened his mouth suddenly, spit out a muzzle from his mouth, and immediately spewed a string of bullets to Catherine like a whip. As he wished, the young federal female general dodged sideways, everything was as Fred’s calculations, joy flashed in his eyes, the light blade cut off, and he cut into Catherine’s shoulder as he wished. He saw the girl’s face full of astonishment. Emoji.

But the next moment, Catherine's figure dangled like a bubble.

There was a pain in his chest, and Felid lowered his head to hold it, and Catherine's gun had penetrated his chest from behind. What's more serious is that the violent source force attached to the gun blasted into his body, puncturing all important parts and organs.

Catherine retreated with a single blow, and Ferid's expression was distorted, clutching his chest and opening his mouth and shouting, rays of light pierced from him. Seeing those rays of light, all the soldiers who came were shocked. Every Kidd has a bomb hidden in his body, and the power of the bomb depends on his class. For a strong man like Ferid, once the bomb in his body explodes, it is enough to blow up most of the city.

Obviously, there is no more time for them to escape.

Catherine's expression also changed. After dealing with Kidd so many times, how could she not know their methods. She immediately raised her gun and pointed it at Ferid, and a dark gray band of light immediately appeared out of thin air, slashing in front of Ferid. Following the generation of the second light strip, the next light strips are woven into a multi-faceted grid pattern, which seals Feride in it like a fence. There was a glare in the fence, and Ferid blew himself up. However, the energy that was enough to blow up most of the city was finally presented as a thick beam of light, blasting only one block into ruins, and the power was reduced by as much as 60 to 70%.

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Source: Edge of Doom

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