Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 334: set off

Bai Datou shook his head towards the countryside and motioned to Alan to follow. It seemed that he was unwilling to expose himself under the gaze of the people of Sul City. Bai's intelligence is no less than that of an adult man. If he knows that he is like this, if he is seen by ordinary people, it would be strange if he is not regarded as a dangerous species. Although up to now, Allen found that the creatures on this planet have no clear concept of dangerous species, but only classified these abnormal beasts into the ranks of dangerous beasts.

But if Bai was exposed to the eyes of others, Allen couldn't guarantee whether Suhr City would organize a hunting activity against it. After all, Bai's appearance now feels very dangerous. Walking by its snake body that has grown to six or seven meters, Allen can fully appreciate the pressure of an ordinary person facing it.

After swallowing the heart last time, Shiba fell asleep in the cellar. Later, when Alan returned from the Aspen Mountains, the king snake had already left. Allen thought it was just hunting in the wild as usual, but he never thought that Bai's changes were so huge. Its scales are not as smooth as before. Each scale is covered with fine grainy protrusions and looks rough. When Allen touched it lightly with his hand, he could feel the white muscles tighten instantly, and then slowly relaxed.

At that moment of change, magma-like power erupted in Bai's body. That huge explosive force can make Bai launch a fierce attack in an instant. As for the snake scales, it was not cold to the touch, on the contrary, it was slightly warm. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, but the king snake seems to have broken this rule. Allen remembers that when he brought the Black Dusk King Snake to the snake's nest, he had seen it adjust its temperature to incubate its eggs. From this, it can be seen that Bai now gradually has the power of the King Snake.

The scales are rough, thick, and white like armor. Especially the coronal bone on its head, it almost covers most of the head, perfectly protecting the important organs. The bone crown is joined by many fine bone pieces, and the thickness of the edge serrations is about two centimeters, which shows how thick the "helmet" is. If it hits the enemy with this, it might still be used as a siege cone.

Stopped in a forest, his mouth opened silently. Before long, two giant pythons not much smaller than Bai got out of the grass. Their amber eyeballs kept staring at Alan, and they spit out snake letters with strong hostility. One of them even tried to get close to Ellen, whose thigh-thick snake body convinced Ellen that they could easily sever the body of an adult.

Bai Chao opened the mouth of the python and showed its fangs. The python was frightened and shrank back. Bai simply set up a snake formation centered on Allen, with his big head on top of Allen's head. Allen couldn't cry, Bai was like a hen protecting her young son, for fear that Allen would be injured by the python.

In addition to the python, a few decades later, colorful snakes swam out of the forest. They dared not get close to Bai and the boa constrictor, and hovered in the grass a little behind. Then there are many beasts, most of which are some strange little beasts that cannot be named. They are the size of a squirrel, with a big head and a small body, and their two round eyes are very cute.

But they occasionally split the top of their heads, and they have cross-shaped mouthparts and spit out long tongues with fleshy thorns. Allen knew that it was the mouth of the alien beast. These things deceive their opponents with a cute appearance like piranhas. When the target is careless because of their appearance, they will expose their big mouth and eat the prey in one bite.

Finally, there were three or four wild boars. They had long, curved fangs, palm-sized bone pieces on their ventral sides, and a row of spikes of different lengths on their backs, which were obviously the abnormal species.

Allen was shocked. These beasts and snakes were like white army, and they were clearly divided into classes. Since Bai is the king snake, snakes have the highest status in this special army, and they are also closest to Bai. As for the other wild beasts, they have to succumb to the snakes, and among the beasts, they respect the status of the few stinged boars. Even the two beasts that looked like leopards and tigers shrank behind the wild boars.

Bai lowered his head, two eyeballs showing a proud look. It tilted its head, as if waiting for Alan's appreciation. Alan was both angry and funny, and touched its big head and said: "Good fellow, have you developed your own power now?"

Bai nodded, opened his mouth to spit out, and licked Alan's cheek. Allen patted its head and said, "I'm going to leave for a while. You are now inconvenient to haunt Sur City, so don't go back temporarily. When I come back, I will figure out how to make you and Sur City get along in harmony."

"Try to keep your subordinates away from the city. When I'm away, you have to take care of yourself."

Bai straightened up and shook his head, looking nonchalant. It is just like a child who has just grown up, full of confidence in himself, and even a little disgusted with the "parent" of Allen, a bit long-winded.

Ellen and it had already understood each other and couldn't help but laugh. He beckoned, stretched his head over, and Allen hugged it. Bai closed his eyes and seemed to enjoy the hug.

"I'm going back, and I'll see you later. Work hard, white."

After a while, Allen let go of it and left the woods. When Bai came to the edge of the forest, he didn't follow him again, but looked at Alan from a distance. Alan looked back and saw that the beasts behind King Snake followed suit, which made him very relieved that Bai was no longer lonely on this planet.

Two days later, the prepared caravan set off in the square in front of the city lord’s mansion. The caravan consists of more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages, all of which carry freshly produced and top-quality fabrics. The merchant accompanying him was Sean, as well as three other workshop owners and their buddies. The **** is in charge of Ellen. In addition to the three elites of Willick, Adele, and Regis, there is also a mountain king force of 30 people.

There were even more people seeing off. The new city lord Edward and his wife Nilu both went outside at the same time, and other city officials, members of the chamber of commerce and ordinary citizens also saw off. After all, Allen and their trip symbolized the hope for the rise of Suhl City. No one insincerely prayed for this caravan, praying that they could return safely and bring a good harvest to the city.

The four of Allen rode on war horses, the horses draped in light armor. These four sets of war horse light armor are well-made and were found in the baron of York. They come from the interior of the empire and are one of the favorite collections of the Baron of York. I have to admit that after putting them on, the horses appear to be extremely glorious, but the significance of decoration is far greater than the actual use.

Although Allen prefers to exchange these four sets of harnesses for money, Edward insists that he use them on the horses, and must turn around in front of the citizens, in order to enhance the image of Allen, the new knight in their minds. . It seems that Edward, who was once a superstar, is much better at image packaging than Allen.

Sure enough, with the background of the war horse and the gorgeous harness, the image of Allen and the others should appear taller in the eyes of the citizens. Especially the knight badge worn by Alan on his chest, it reflects the morning light and dazzles people's eyes. When people saw him, they only knew how to shout for joy, and even some girls kept throwing fragrant kisses to Allen, which made Adele in the back want to blow these idiots with a shot.

Leaving Suhl City, the world gradually fell silent. The yellow-brown land began to become the only theme. On this planet where transportation is not yet developed, towns are the most basic settlement units. And between these units, there is often a desolate land. In this world, this era, people are not closely connected, which gives the land more gray areas.

The gray areas are filled with words such as violence, gangsters and chaos.

In the vast empire of Balegang, only the center of the empire can be called prosperous. Therefore, the country's vast territory and the insufficiently close relationship between each other made the war of the imperial princes continue for hundreds of years. The imperial house controls the most powerful dukes, and those grand dukes also rely on the imperial house to consolidate their power. The two are like holly trees and ivy, coexisting and prospering, thus constructing and extending the most central power of the empire.

Leaving this center, war became a subject of frequent discussion among the nobles and put into action. There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. This sentence perfectly reflects the normality among the middle and lower aristocrats of the Balkan Empire.

In this normal state of war, mountain bandits, thugs, and pirates are the products of this era. The city of Sur is located on the border of the empire, and there are far fewer thugs on the **** wasteland. However, there are also one or two hundred robbers who have been active all year round in this wasteland, looting the past merchants. The only thing they didn't dare to move was the troops of Storm City. As for the other caravans, they didn't pay attention to them.

Otherwise, Sul City does not have to sell the fabrics produced at low prices to Storm City all the year round, because Sul City itself does not have a strong enough army to **** the caravan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This year may be an accident. Sitting Sean on the carriage thought so, he looked out the window, and Allen riding a horse in front of him, his silver hair shining like a flame in the sun.

The journey on the first day was calm and waveless. As the sun rose the next day, the caravan set out again and stopped in front of a rift valley. The wind erosion rift is the only way through the blood rock wasteland. Riding on a horse, Alan saw a small stronghold at the entrance of the rift from a distance. Barricades were set up at the entrance to intercept people passing by. Behind the roadblock are two wooden houses, and two war horses are even tied to the front of the wooden houses.

Under the corridor of the house, a soldier was dozing off, and the muzzle of the fire/gun on the corridor fence was clearly facing the road outside the entrance. Coupled with the banner of Storm City on the wooden house, there is no doubt that this stronghold belongs to Storm City.

Allen smiled, and said to Willick next to him: "It looks like we have met the officials and bandits."

Obviously, Storm City set up checkpoints on this kind of traffic arteries, and it is definitely not just to protect civilians. Setting up card charges within the territory is often one of the most direct sources of income for the lord.



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