Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 561:  Foresee

"Speaking of this issue, we should really think about it." Edward smiled bitterly: "Today Nilu just questioned our identity."

"Nilu?" Allen shook his head and sighed, "Is she doing well?"

"The material aspect is of course okay, but she began to doubt whether Sir Ethan's death was related to us. And she put a big question mark on our origins, but you can rest assured, if necessary, I can make her amnesia. "Edward said seriously.

Allen looked at him and sighed: "This is still not the solution. In this matter, we always owe her. And Edward, after all, she is your wife. Perhaps you should care more about her."

"But I said earlier that our identities are destined not to overlap with someone like her."

"I admit, your judgment is very reasonable." Allen nodded and said, "But you can also look at it from another angle. Maybe there is a person you like and a person who loves you. This kind of thing is not necessarily very bad?"

"Of course, it is inconvenient for me to intervene in emotional matters. This is just a friend's suggestion."

The color in Edward's pupils quietly changed, and he was obviously worried: "Well, I'll consider it."

"Edward, the reason life is different from machines is that we have feelings." Allen said pointedly.

The color in the pupils finally freezes in the iceberg-like light blue, and Edward's tone becomes indifferent: "I will talk about feelings later. I don't think time is too luxurious to be wasted on feelings. But I will consider what you say. , I will make Nilu feel cared and loved so that she won’t think about it."

Allen was so angry that Edward didn't know whether it was a lack of emotional intelligence or was deliberately confused. His approach is completely turning the cart before the horse. Allen shook his head, knowing that Edward had his own ideas and would not change so easily, so he was not prepared to go further in this area. They changed the subject, and Allen briefly recounted the entire process of occupying Daniel's territory this time, in order for Edward to sort out the relationship of interests.

Edward had been listening quietly, and rarely interrupted, but he obviously remembered every word Allen said. After that, he has quickly put forward several plans for the development of territories, but one is in line with the actual situation of Allen. Being able to come up with a constructive plan in such a short period of time, there is no doubt that Edward can be called agile.

So one morning passed quietly, and the butler told them to go to the restaurant for dinner. Allen patted Edward on the shoulder and said, "This is why I came back. The development of the territory cannot be separated from you. See when things here will be handed over to the people below, and the Viscount will need you to go there. Host."

"I will arrange it. Since you are back, let's find a time to go back to the earth. In the past six months, we have already stocked about 100 kilograms of Thames silver, and we should be able to sell it for a good price if we get the earth back. And Mr. Lins still It is strongly requested that you can purchase two more weapons production lines from the earth. If the weapons workshop is moved to Viscountry, obviously the current production lines are not enough."

"okay, I get it."

When they walked into the restaurant, they realized that the restaurant was already full of people. Lucy and Adele are vying for the only vanilla grilled fish cake on the table, while Regis gobbles up several fried steaks in front of him; Beth Kod is slowly slicing up his own gravy barbecue. In a square grain shape, Regges stretched out a fork and snatched a small half of the barbecue. As a result, a knife and light sword appeared between Bethkod and Regis on the table.

Kira shook her head and moved a portion of grilled ribs in tomato sauce to Vera's eyes. The girl with black hair and black eyes only took a few mouthfuls to express that she was full; so the honest and unceremonious Father Milo next to her brought most of the ribs to her eyes, and then danced with the knife and fork with a smile on her brows and put the dishes on the plate. Food is wiped out cleanly.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Allen smiled and slapped Edward hard: "Quick, slow things down, I'm afraid these guys will eat it up!"

So the two also joined the ranks of food raids.

The housekeeper could only wipe the sweat dripping from his forehead, and ran out of the dining room from time to time to shout and let the kitchen continue to serve food. After all, the guys inside could really eat some. This lunch completely wiped out the small half of the kitchen inventory. The chefs who had worked for two hours sat down directly on the kitchen floor afterwards, too tired to move a finger.

In the restaurant, the table full of wolves have been cleaned up, and the silver plate that came up was a cup of black tea that was greasy after the meal. Regis grabbed his arms casually, poured it into his mouth, patted his stomach and left. Others still stayed in the dining room. Father Milo was describing the grand prospects of the church to Allen, and when he heard that Allen was planning to let him go to a new territory, Milo was overjoyed and patted his chest to make sure It will make the church vivid. In fact, most of the reason for Ellen's return this time was the priest. He wanted to inquire about Archimedes. It's just that now is not the time, so I just listen to the priest brag about it.

Milo was talking vigorously, and Vera next to him pulled him away and suddenly put a pile of things into Allen's hand.

"These are..." Allen looked at the things in his hand in surprise. They are some paintings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just the size of the drawing paper. Allen flipped through a few sheets, and the paintings on the paper looked very scribbled. , And some don’t even see what Vera’s paintings are, they are just childlike graffiti.

Vera’s deep pupils reflected Alan’s figure: “In the past month, I don’t know why, your future always flashes before my eyes. So I recorded some of the pictures I saw, but it’s like you are now As I see it, these images don’t seem to have much meaning. But the frequency of future images of the same person is a rare thing in my memory."

"In general, if this happens, it means that this person's life will undergo a major change." Vera's gaze seemed to penetrate into the distant past, and her gaze became dazed: "A situation like this has only happened once before. Not long after this time, my parents had an accident."

Allen was surprised: "You mean, do you see my death?"

"No, the picture in the future is always fuzzy. It can only be said that you will encounter a major event, but as to whether it will cause death, I am not sure. But one thing is for sure, you have to be careful Alan, don't be too careless." Vera's slightly hoarse voice made the restaurant in the afternoon waft a solemn atmosphere. r1058


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