Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 734:  Burst

Chapter 734   Burst Sniper

In the middle of the hill, a dozen or so Catu people stood on a raised red rock several meters square. The one in the center is exceptionally tall, with a fur cloak hanging over his body, making it seem invisible. This Catu man raised a brass war gun and pointed in the direction of the mountain camp from time to time. At this time, there will be Catu people blowing the horn next to it. The sound is long and short, or a combination of long and short, which is a signal of some kind of attack.

Hearing the horn, the forward line will change the attack target according to the commander's order, so that the human defenders in the camp are exhausted.

Another trombone sounded, and the remaining Catu soldiers at the foot of the mountain roared, waving their weapons and starting to climb the hill. Obviously, this is a signal of total attack. The Catu commander also jumped off the huge rock, and his entire body energy climbed straight up, his body's skeleton slapped and slapped, his body swelled by several points. The armor on his body was almost bounced by the violent muscles, and the hand holding the gun creaked. He yelled and charged with the gun.

But the figure moved, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes. The life stopped and he was caught off guard, knocking the two guards behind him and flying out. The two guards of the Catu clan were smashed into pieces with their armor torn apart, bleeding from their eyes and ears, and severely injured if they were not dead. It can be seen how suddenly the commander stopped and how powerful it was. However, the commanding official stopped, and the ground in front of him blew up a puff of stone. As the shoulders exploded, fragments of armor and blood flew in the air. After two shots, the sound of sniper equipment sounded on the battlefield.

The crisp shots couldn't even suppress the bombardment of defensive heavy artillery!

The commander was furious, searched around, and quickly reversed the trajectory, and found a high ground in front of the camp. There was a slender figure bounced up, moving fast, shifting its position. After a few short roars from the commander, the Cato fighters located near the enemy sniper dropped the target they were attacking and went to annihilate the human sniper instead.

Seeing the actions of his subordinates, the commander was relieved. As for the gunshot wound on the shoulder, he didn't care about it at all. He dug out the bullet in the shoulder with his bare hands, threw it to the ground without even looking, and continued to charge.

The whole army assault!

A sharp alarm sounded in the c2 camp. Hearing this specific frequency alarm, everyone in the camp looked solemn. That was the signal of the enemy's full offensive, and the strength of the troops in the barracks alone could not stop the enemy's flood-like attacks. Even so, as long as they can move, even the wounded will rush toward the defense. Everyone knows that once the line of defense is crossed, no one here will survive.

At this time, there is no deadly effort, waiting for the enemy to enter, and there is no chance even to desperately!

For a time, gunshots on the guard walls on both sides of the barracks were tighter than ever, and all the tanks went into battle. The officers of the rank of officers acted as the nodes of the line of defense. They and the soldiers in charge of close combat guarded the fortifications in front of the barracks, resisting the tide of enemy soldiers, so that the colleagues behind them could pour bullets on the enemy.

But at this moment, several smart turrets on the turret were muted one after another, and the physical shells were finally used up.

Adele ran, looking for the battle position from time to time, using her improved magic sniper rifle to kill the enemy officer. It's just that the division of labor is very vague, except for their commander's special image and obvious goals. The other officers looked basically the same as ordinary soldiers, and they were only exposed when they were in battle with a hand gesture and a few commands.

It is conceivable that to kill such a person is a big challenge for Adele. Before, she wanted to kill the enemy commander once and for all, but unfortunately the opponent was not mediocre. At the moment she shot, the other party sensed her murderous intent and stopped abruptly, causing a killer shot to hit the empty space. Although she surpassed her usual level to make up another shot quickly, it was a pity that the second shot was rushed and could only barely condense into a source-strength bullet, but did not have special abilities, so that it only left the opponent with a slight injury.

Then she had no chance, and a group of Cato soldiers were chasing her. No matter how she moves on the battlefield, she can't get rid of this tail. In desperation, Adele had to withdraw to the camp, first to rest, and secondly to intercept the pursuers by the defense army. Otherwise, once her sniper was cut off, she would have finished playing everything.

But now the Catu people are fully offensive, and Zeke's main force is still being transferred. No matter how you look at it, the c2 camp cannot be held. Once this camp is lost, you can only return to the family camp at that time. What else is there to talk about assault?

At this time, there was a terrible whistling sound in the air, but a few of the Catu giants Glei took the materials on the spot, picked up the rocks several meters square and threw them over like cannonballs. Adele's eyes drenched, she raised her sniper rifle and fired at one of the rocks. The elementary bullet burst into the air, breaking the huge rock in midair, turning it into dozens of large and small fragments and falling down. There were also a few flames flying across the fortress in the air, intercepting the falling rocks one by one.

But there were still two pieces hitting the guard wall, and the terrifying impact immediately smashed two gaps in the guard wall, stimulating the Catu people to attack even more frantically. Adele screamed: "Kill those giants first!"

The Gryian giant is indeed a heavy weapon of attack, if left alone, the camp will not last for a few minutes. The head of the camp led a dozen officers to rush out of the line of defense, rushing into the enemy group and rushing towards the Gly Giant. The soldiers on the defensive line concentrated most of their firepower on this commando to cover their actions.

Adele quickly ran up to a gun tower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a sniper rifle on her back. Just as she reached the top floor, she saw a huge boulder across her head. Passing a parabola and hitting the emergency area behind the camp, he suddenly screamed. She clenched her teeth and took a deep breath. Turn the muzzle and inject the source force into the gun. The sequence on the gun was activated, and after the lines lit up, a blue light burst out instantly.

Almost at the same time, the entire head of the Grey Giant who was locked by Adele exploded, as if it was not a sniper shell, but was hit by heavy artillery. The tall body swayed twice and fell, overwhelming a nearby friendly army, causing considerable confusion.

With this shot, Adele's breath immediately appeared weak, drops of sweat continued to drip from her nose, and her palms became even colder. After sitting still for a while, her body temperature returned to normal. That wasn't an ordinary attack, but the ability she had reborn when she was promoted not long ago. Attach it to the sniper shell, and after hitting the opponent, it will produce explosive destruction from the inside.

The power is beyond doubt, but the consumption is directly proportional to the power. With the gun being thrown out, Adele almost lost her strength, and her source strength dropped to 10-20%. With her physical strength at this time, she can fire a shot at most.

But the enemy is far more than one!


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