In the misty layer, Labrador, in a silver robe, put away the hippie smiley face, the silver light flickered on and on, constantly opening a silver space door in and out.

Here, Lin Yun frowned when he saw the five black crystal statues appearing.

Five sleeping black mirror elements are really troublesome, these guys don't have the buffer time to wake up from sleep, five sky-order mirror elements ...

感应 At the moment when Lin Yun's magic wave was sensed, the five black crystal statues instantly became exactly the same as Lin Yun's, even holding the staff in his hand ...

The five body surfaces seemed to envelope a layer of black halo. Lin Yun raised his staff expressionlessly. Between the moments, the waves of extraordinary powers emerged, and the dense four-line element spells blasted to Lin Yun like a torrent ...

The flames, frost, hurricanes, boulders, and the chaotic storm of elemental spells swirled everything around them. The fog was drawn in and seemed to be torn into pieces ...

Zhe Linyun calculated the time silently, spit out three runes, and between twelve hours, a giant vortex of flames appeared on top of Lin Yun's head.

The endless stream of flame elements poured out like a flood flood. Lin Yun's body was instantly elevated, and the flames burned, and the flame incarnation was displayed in an instant ...

When the fire flashed, Lin Yun appeared more than ten meters away, then stepped out, stepped into another small piece of space, and then stood up again, flying to the sky and stepping into another A space.

After crossing three small solidified spaces that are constantly walking, only three mirror elements remain after him.

The remaining two did not catch up with the time of space interlacing and entered other small spaces ...

Lin Yun frowned and glanced at the three mirror elements behind him. He took out the book of death in his left hand, sang a short spell, and a series of ruled runes flew out, setting up seven faces behind Lin Yun. The giant Esrimu Gate.

The gigantic giant Frost Gate blocked the way for those guys, even if every three Eskreim Gates were torn to pieces every second ...

Zhe Linyun ignored the three mirror elements behind him, but looked forward without any different misty void.

In a moment when the space fluctuations that were so weak that they could only be captured with the magic energy array appeared, Lin Yun stepped out one step. After the two small spaces were connected, the moment when the pause time ended, straddled the past ...

In an instant, the three mirror elements behind him disappeared ...

After putting away the book of death, Lin Yun's complexion continued to move forward, these mirror elements are very annoying, it is difficult to say, there is nothing of value, unless it is a three-color mirror that is comparable to the level 5 and above Element, you may get a mirrored gem after killing the opponent, that is the more precious thing ...

This black or white mirror element, apart from being annoying, will not leave a hair after it is removed ...

Zhe Linyun moved on, and the group of heavenly steps standing next to the crystal ball had already looked dumbfounded ...

这 "What ... can you get rid of those annoying mirror elements? Who do you see?"

Blackman stretched out his arm, which was thicker than the other mage's big lame legs, and scratched his head, looking at the ghostly expression of his aunt.

Redman also looked at the crystal ball with a little surprise.

"How about the strength of His Excellency Marfa, now he really can't see it, but his accomplishments in the alchemy circle are probably comparable to the top creators, and we are from the Kingdom of Odin five hundred years ago. Please come, the creator who is best at the space maze is even stronger!

At least on the point of the space maze, the creator has almost reached the limit. He should have just stepped out while the space maze fluctuated. Those black mirror elements could not catch up with him at all, or, In that case, even Labrador, I'm afraid he can't catch up with him ... "

A group of people marveled, not because of Lin Yun's strength, but because of Lin Yun's accomplishments in the alchemy circle. Many people here have lived for five hundred years.

At that time, the ancestral land of the Meilin family was because of the mist fault. Every year, someone fell. Those who can enter the ancestral land are either talented and likely to advance to the advanced level, or they have contributed a lot to the Merlin family and stepped down. The homeowners will also enter the ancestral land.

Even if one of the ten people has advanced to the heavens, they are destined to take care of them. It is a pity that they fell on the misty fault with the white sky.

Until five hundred years ago, a child who was no less talented than Thornton Merlin. At the peak of the ninth-level titled Wizard, the Fog-Crossing Fault fell unexpectedly, and the ancestors of the ancestors made their determination. The Kingdom of Odin has invited a top creator who is best at the space maze.

What a pity, accidentally did not find a safe way in and out of the fog fault, the first time you enter the fog fault, you have to break through.

The most important reason for the Heavenly Order to enter is that the Heavenly Order can only leave a mark in it after breaking through the mist fault for the first time, and next time, you can directly open the door of space by your own mark.

Because the space here is too weird and complicated, the gate of space can only be guided by that mark, and other people cannot take shortcuts at all.

But now they see a guy who simply relies on the strength of the alchemy circle to move forward easily, just like he saw a ghost. You know, the ancestors paid for the top creator in the past. Small price ...

既然 "Since he can't see his strength now, then when Mafa breaks through the fog, who of you will try to try this little guy's strength ..."

Redman groaned and made this decision. A group of mages, look at me, I look at you, no one answered ...

For so many years, the method of testing the standards of newcomers and checking their strengths is to break through the mist fault for the first time, but this has never happened ...

Blackman groaned.

"Send a message to Labrador and let him come back. In the Mist Fault, I am afraid that Redman and I can't help the little guy, he is safer than anyone ...

After Labrador returns, let Labrador test the strength of the little guy ... "

In the face of such a horrible guy, no one wants to be a head bird. After all, these are the seniors of the Merlin family, and many of them are related. There are grandpa grandfathers of grandfather Lin Yun's grandfather. monster.

In this case, if you lose to a little guy in front of so many people, you wo n’t be able to lose face. If you win, there is nothing to be proud of. After all, you ’re learning more about magic than at least hundreds of years and thousands of years. It's time ...

Hearing Blackman's decision, a bunch of mages with their heads pretending to be dead were relieved ...

At this time, they were sitting outside the mage tower, and a voice came out.

"anyone there?"

When I heard this voice, a group of mages were petrified as if they had been petrified ...

Then all the people looked at the crystal ball. The picture in the crystal ball has lost the trace of Lin Yun ...

With a look of horror, Redman controlled the crystal ball and turned the direction to reflect the picture outside the mage tower. Lin Yun stood there watching the mage tower ...

"Damn, when did he come out? Hell, how long is this, not an hour, and he has broken out?"

"Do you guys see how he broke out?"

A group of sky-ranked mages were all scared, so many people didn't even see how Lin Yun broke through the fog fault, but it was only a short while before Lin Yun stood silently at the meeting of them This mage tower is outside ...

A group of people did not speak. Lin Yun's brows frowned slightly, looking at the mage tower in front of him. There were obviously fluctuations of the sky-level mage in the mage tower, and there was more than one, but no one should. Soon?

"See you, Mafam Merlin. Is anyone here?"

Lin Yun asked again, and then a group of sky-ranked mages looked at each other, and no one knew how to answer. None of them were aware of how Lin Yun got out of the mist fault and how it appeared outside the mage tower. ...

Suddenly, the silver light flickered in the air, and the silver light quickly gathered into a door of space, and Labrador stepped out of the door of space with a look of shame.

"Damn, I haven't found him yet. You just called me back. What's the matter? Has the little fellow who was favored by the Lord of Doom already fallen into it?

It's a pity that after all these years, it's not easy to have a talented junior. It is said that the talent is comparable to that monster of Thornton Merlin. Why did it fall on that **** foggy fault?

Aunt, how could there be five black mirror elements at the same time, and his luck is too bad ...

Alas, what are you doing looking at me like this? Marfa fell, and I am sorry, but why do you look at me like this ... "

Labrador glanced at the empty crystal ball with a sigh of regret and regret. At this moment, a voice came from outside the mage tower.

"anyone here?"

For a moment, Labrador looked like the petrification of Medusa, and looked at the crowd stiffly, with a hint of doubt and confusion in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty has broken through the Mist Fault, let's go out ..."

Redman sighed and patted Labrador on the shoulder.

Labrador was confused, shocked and a bit unable to think. As a sky-level mage, he was a dog **** and accidentally merged with a spatial fluctuation. The space mage laid the foundation of the rules.

Even if there is only Tier 1 Tier now, but the escape or speed is absolutely arrogant to all mages of the same level, even if facing a Tier 2 Tier, they can easily escape.

除了 The fastest record of the Fog Fault, except for the first time, is Labrador, but now, he has not found Lin Yun in it, Lin Yun has passed through the Fog Fault ...

It took less than an hour from crossing to the misty fault, and forty-six minutes passed through ...

It is three or four times faster than Labrador entering the Mist Fault!

到底 What kind of monster is his aunt ...

Labrador rubbed his face and followed the crowd out of the mage tower with a smile on his face.

I walked out of the mage tower, everyone's eyes looking at Lin Yun were strange.

Redman's eyes flickered a little, and Lin Yun looked up and down.

If I just watched, who would have thought that this guy who looked nothing special in front of me set a record for the first time to break through the fog fault.

And it was the record when the ninth-level titled wizard was set ...

You know, when the monster of Thornton Merlin entered the misty fault, he had already advanced to the heavens. When he first crossed the misty fault, it still took four or five hours, and these are already these The fastest record in a thousand years ...

This little monster is indeed a more terrible guy than Thornton Merlin's guy. More importantly, no one knows what the current strength of this little guy is ...

Redman didn't know how to speak, and the blackman, who was like the orc, grinned and grinned, striding towards Lin Yun, and could not refuse to embrace Lin Yun, like a fan. The giant **** patted Lin Yun's back severely.

Suddenly, Lin Yun's face became a little pale, and he had to quietly spread a little magic on his back to resist Blackman's terrorist power.

Damn, is this guy an orc? As a mage, how can there be such a powerful force, can all automatically resist the magic in my body ...

"Hahaha, Mafammelin, you are indeed stronger than the legend. Welcome to the real ancestral land. You set the fastest record for the first time through the misty fault. Those **** black mirror elements cannot. How come I got you, it's amazing.

You know, when I first crossed the Mist Fault, I was chased by the **** idiots for a full day.

However, your strength in the alchemy formation is too strong, none of us can understand your strength, come, fight Labrador first, let us first look at your strength.

After all, we do n’t know what we can tell you when we do n’t know what your strength is. "

Blackman laughed and stated his purpose directly.

Lin Linyun smiled a little, and she liked the bold look of Blackman directly. If you can tell anything directly, this is much stronger than making a tripod overcast.

Zhe Linyun nodded with a smile, then took out the dragon staff and the book of death very decisively.

The other mages stepped out in an instant and left the somewhat dumb Labrador in place.

Now Labrdo's head is still a little dim, looking at Lin Yun dullly, and then looking at those mages around with charming smiles, almost scolding on the spot.

Damn, I must have overlooked something, these **** guys must have seen something just now.

When I went out just now, there were five black mirror elements appearing at the same time. Even me, I dare not face the five black mirror elements at the same time.

But this is less than ten minutes. Mafa, the guy who does n’t know what a monster is, has already broken through the mist fault. There must be something I do n’t know ...

These guys have pitted me, **** it. I heard that Mafam Merlin's fighting power is terrible before. Now seeing the appearance of these **** guys, I must have lost a lot of money ...

Blackman grinned and walked over and patted Labrador's shoulder.

"Lord Labrador, be careful, Lord Marfa is very powerful."

Blackman narrowed his eyes and retreated, and a group of wizards stared at Labrdo. Labrdo didn't know how to refuse?

说 Can't I say no? This fight is quitting?

Lin Linyun didn't know this, and bowed slightly to a very formal mage ceremony.

"Her Labrador, please."

At this moment, Labrador couldn't resist it anymore, with a wry smile, he took out a pure silver metal staff, and returned Lin Yun a gift.

"Her Mafah, please go ahead."

Labrador was polite. Lin Yun looked around at the mage and wanted to say that you shot first, but after thinking about it, just after entering the ancestral land, it was a bit despising.

The two runes spit out directly, and the shields on all sides appeared around the body. The earth, fire, wind, and four-element shields slowly rotated around Lin Yun's body.

The next moment, Lin Yun once again chanted three rapid syllables. In a moment, a bright but unobtrusive brilliance appeared on the dragon's staff.

Suddenly, six flame swirls and six frost swirls appeared above Lin Yun's head, just like opening a plane channel full of elemental spells.

Twelve ten-meter-high vortexes blasted out fire and frost spells. These spells were twisted into spell torrents, and then flames and frosts twisted and twisted together like a tornado ~ ~ After the friction, it became a more violent ice and fire storm.

In a hurry, the surrounding range of 100 meters was completely shrouded in violent elemental forces, and Labrador's complexion changed, and he wanted to protect himself with space.

A layer of distorted space is turned into arcs around Labrador, and the violent rampant forces that hit the space protection disappear as if they rushed into a space channel.

At the same time, a few hundred meters away, the space in the air suddenly fluctuated a bit, and the violent ice and fire spell storm suddenly appeared, violently crashing into the layer of fog.

The entire fog layer began to fluctuate. Runes exuding terrorist forces emerged. Where the fog layer was attacked, the space was rapidly frozen. The torrent of spells was like a sledgehammer hitting the rubber fiercely. Same on the wall.

The foggy layer was smashed into a giant pothole, and more and more runes appeared around it. A few seconds later, the foggy layer in the range of four hundred or five hundred meters was activated.

Suddenly, the runes appearing in the fog layer seemed to strengthen the fog layer to the extreme. A hollow pit with a range of several hundred meters suddenly bounced back, and the offenses transferred by the space protection rebounded back instantly.

The rebounding spell torrent and the attacking spell torrent collided with each other on Labrador's space protection. The violent power instantly shattered Labrador's space protection ... ☆ (To be continued. If you like this one Works, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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