There is a natural half-plane behind him. Instantly, the magic power consumed is replenished, and then the throbbing of the soul also stabilizes.

Andefa and Theodos drifted back to Lin Yun's side. All three faces of Andefa were slightly twisted, glaring at the celestial alchemists and cursing.

"This group of abominable iron golems can play such a trick, **** bastards, really **** it, **** it, I want to take apart every part of them.

You Meilin, are you okay ... "

Qi Linyun took a few breaths and shook her head.

"I'm fine."

According to the tactics of these alchemists, they rely on the natural advantages of alchemists, and their computing power, whether they are power systems or combat systems, rely on computing power to work.

Although these alchemy 傀儡 battle systems are terrible, the computing power is even stronger, and the details of the battle situation have captured a very terrible situation.

巨 The giant artillery on their right arm, the strongest attack is only released when the best timing is found, and each hit is fatal.

I just overlooked the most important point just now, these are Tianjie Alchemy 傀儡!

They are all awakened to wisdom, and their combat system has the ability of tacit cooperation. Their ultimate goal is to kill the invaders, not who kills them.

The bombardment of the ice rays reduced the defensive power of the ruled rune shield. The burst ray supplemented the strongest attack of the blow, occupying the defensive power of the ruled rune shield in an instant, and then attacked the strongest storm almost simultaneously. Hitting the alchemy urn, with the help of the steel alchemy urn, instantly crossed a distance of more than 100 meters, and then used the power of the impact, plus its own power, to burst out the strongest blow.

Instantly, shatter the ruled rune shield composed of 70,000 ruled runes!

Perfect offense, perfect coordination, even for Lin Yun, it is a perfect match!

At the last moment, Lin Yun realized that there was a trace of something else, relying on that realization, delaying the attack of the crit Alchemist, until the opponent ’s power was almost exhausted, he resisted with a simple magic shield. .

For the first time, the ruled rune shield was torn apart by brute force, even if it had encountered a strong opponent before, the ruled rune shield had never been torn apart like this.

The feeling of almost dying, covering his heart, Lin Yun felt that he felt something he had never felt before, and finally knew where the key point of breaking through the heavens was.

I used to think that it was because of the war intentions, and there was no hearty fighting. All the fighting was in the hands, rhythm, victory, and even the process, too much control.

However, breaking through the heavens is something that no one can control, and no one can put the process of completing their extraordinary transformation on others.

Except for the mage who takes the gold transmutation potion, each mage's process and key points to complete the extraordinary transmutation are different. This is what I discovered on my own.

现在 But now, Lin Yun has finally found out what he needs to break through the sky.

Starting from the mage, each step is the most perfect, the strongest rune of magic, the strongest core meditative thought, and 融合 even incorporates the skull of the master of wisdom, Constanta, which is known as the source of all wisdom.

Therefore, the path of the mage has been perfected, and the foundation laid is so strong that it can be compared to the barriers of a large world. The door that lays deep in my mind is my own restraint.

The foundation of 强大 being too strong has long been a more difficult breakthrough, and it will become more difficult to achieve extraordinary transformation.

The Henggu gate, which cannot be broken by himself, now Lin Yun finally understands the method of breaking.

It's not control, it's the instinct to become a more powerful creature, or the instinct to live!

This is his most powerful thing, something totally out of his control, and this is also the key to his extraordinary transformation. The more fierce the battle, the more powerful the opponent, the more he can shake the door. Just because I want to live, I do n’t want to die, I really do n’t want to die again.

This power is the source of all potential and all power.

Zhe Lin Yun floated in the air, his eyes were bright, and the dragon's staff was slowly raised by him.

An old balance phantom appeared at his feet. The triad of An-Def controlled the wheel of Wan Fa on the tray on the right side of the balance, and Theodorus controlled the book of Mantra on the tray on the left side of the balance. .

For an instant, endless colors of light shrouded, the power of the chapter of the elements was urged to the extreme by the book of death, and the light of color shrouded Lin Yun.

Zilong incarnation shouted from the sky, the elemental power floated on the roulette ghost in his arms, and countless regular runes converged to Lin Yun's side to form a regular rune shield.

上 On the ground, the steel alchemy 傀儡 is holding the tower shield, and the critical alchemy 傀儡 is piled up behind the steel alchemy ,. The two cast alchemy 傀儡 are holding their arms, and the right arm frequently shoots hot rays and ice rays.

On the ground, the remaining dozens of thirty-nine level alchemy puppets are still casting.

A large number of spells hit Lin Yun's shield, but most of the ray spells approached Lin Yun's body as if they were distorted and shot obliquely elsewhere.

The shadow of the roulette wheel behind Yunlin Yun slowly turned, and numerous runes of rules spewed out, and a series of four series of explosive bombs were condensed out continuously, erupting like rain.

The wheel of Wan Fa controlled by Anderfa has been enhanced to an extraordinary magic weapon, Elemental Storm and the torrent of fire released by Theodos, mixed together, raging within hundreds of meters, those 39th-level alchemists In the face of the attack of two violent magical tools, they were not opponents at all, and were quickly hanged.

The attack of two extraordinary magic weapons, coupled with the torrent of four series of explosive shells released by Lin Yun, suppressed the four alchemy urns of the heavenly ranks. After the eruption, they temporarily suppressed the four alchemy urns.

But soon, the two alchemy maggots appeared behind the steel alchemy maggots. The steel alchemy maggots were all silver and white. Holding the giant pygmy tower shield, they resisted all Lin Yun's attacks and encountered four or five every second. The attack of a four-series explosive shell only took a step or two later. The Tower Shield did not know what material it was made of. After adding the power of the steel rune, the defense was terrible.

I hardly resisted so many attacks, the surface only had some scorch marks, the smooth surface became less smooth, but the whole had no effect.

Half a minute has passed, and the four heaven-level alchemists have not suffered much damage, and Lin Yun has erupted the power of the balance law. The time is only a little more than a minute. After this time, it can no longer erupt This is the strongest combat effectiveness.

In the distance, Constantine and the six of them had no opponents. They hid from a distance and watched two waves of battle on the battlefield. None of them could get in.

Qi Leibo ’s strength also began to slowly decline. Burning flames burned half of their vitality and continued fighting power. After all, they could not be maintained for a long time. If they continued to burn flames, they would die even if they finally won.

He was in danger of being persecuted by four melee alchemists. As his strength continued to decline, he finally failed to resist the power of the heavy alchemist during a block. The powerful force penetrated Leibo's body and let him His body flew upside down.

The Tatar was still in the midst of the air, and began to continuously bleed blood, and even a trace of visceral debris was spit out. When he was hit hard, the powerful breath emanating from Laibo's body fell faster.

Then, at this moment, the slamming alchemy urn and a magical alchemy urn abandoned Leibo and turned to help the four alchemy siege siege Lin Yun.

On the other side, the four alchemy crickets that were suppressed by Lin Yun's full-scale outbreak did not take the lead at all. On this side, they attacked the alchemy crickets and divine alchemy crickets to support them, and they got rid of the situation of continued suppression.

The speedy alchemy urn appeared first behind Lin Yun. The thin sword changed the point of the thorn stabbing behind Lin Yun. The thin sword stabbed on the surface of the ruled rune shield. After the bounce of the ruled rune of seven or eight thousand, it stabilized at this number. In the strongest time, the number of regular runes can be less than 10,000.

However, this broke the rhythm of Lin Yun's attack. He slammed into the alchemy urn, and the huge sword in his hand was slammed on Lin Yun's ruled rune shield. The diffused power penetrated and completely attacked Lin Yun's attack. The outbreak was interrupted.

Twenty-six heaven-level alchemists participated in the siege, and Lin Yun was suppressed even if all the combat power broke out.

The God of Alchemy 傀儡 is like a phantom, constantly harassing, and almost always keeps Lin Yun's ruled rune shields running at seven or eight thousand ruled runes, occupying one-tenth of the defensive power of the shields at any time.

The caster alchemy 拥有 who has the ability to weaken the frozen talent rune continuously releases ice rays and weakens Lin Yun's defense, which is another two-tenths of defense power disappeared.

Another cast alchemy 傀儡, ordinary scorching rays can occupy one tenth of Lin Yun's defense power. If burst rays are used, it is two to tenths of defense power.

In addition to the Critical Alchemy 暴 and Critical Alchemy 傀儡, it only takes one perfect attack to blast Lin Yun's shield and tear him to pieces.

There was still half a minute to go. Lin Yun was still under pressure. The offense had little effect. The steel alchemy was there, and it had no effect at all.

Lin Yun took the potion of the Weeping Blood Hymn and swallowed it without hesitation. In a moment, Lin Yun's breath rose again. Except for the lack of extraordinary strength, the breath of Lin Yun itself was already a day. Order strong.

At this time, the other two alchemy 进攻 who are still attacking Leibo, only one super fast alchemy 傀儡 is suppressing him, and the giant alchemy 加入 also joined the siege of Lin Yun.

Each of the seven alchemy puppets with upper-level talent runes can at least match the strength of a top-ranked first-level peak, and even four of them have the strongest offensive that is comparable to the top-ranked Second-level powerhouse.

In this case, even if Lin Yun took the medicine of the Weeping Blood Hymn, he still kept suppressing the other party, but couldn't kill any one at all.

傀儡 These seven alchemy 傀儡 s cooperated to the point where they were totally unreasonable and exerted a stronger strength than just now.

The time elapsed from one second to the next, Lin Yun's outbreak time slowly decreased, but the occupation did not make any breakthrough progress. Finally, it was possible to release a blow. It may kill the battered alchemist, but was saved by the rapid alchemist. .

Rule Rune Explosive Bomb, that steel alchemy 傀儡 can use the tower shield to resist it, the price is only a concave part of the surface of the tower shield ...

"Merlin, what do you do now, **** it, time is not enough ..."

An Defa's two faces yelled loudly, one face turned to Lin Yun, and his face was anxious.

Whether it is the power of the balance law or the power of the Weeping Blood Hymn Elixir, there is a time limit, especially Lin Yun has just used the power of the Weeping Blood Hymn Elixir to volatilize the potion, and the effect of the potion is stronger, but the effect But only half a minute.

After half a minute, the power of the balance law dissipates, the power of the Weeping Blood Hymn dissipates, and the strength that can be exerted by that time will plummet at least three or four times ...

At that time, it could take only ten seconds to be torn to pieces by the seven alchemy puppets.

As time went by bit by bit, the stalemate continued, but Lin Yun's face didn't have the look of anxiety, his eyes became more and more calm, and the burning flame in his heart became stronger and stronger.

In the endless dark void, a gate exuding an ancient atmosphere stood. The blazing flames burned on the gate. The colorful flames spread rapidly into the void, and the endless void began to be lit.

Time elapses one second and one second, which represents the end of life.

The closer the time is, the more the survival from the soul and the instinct becomes more and more intense, and the burning flames become more and more fierce.

I live ...

I must live ...

I must not die again ...

He did n’t die in the last days, let alone die here ...

Twenty-five minutes later, the shadow of that ancient copper-colored balance dissipated, and the power of the wheel of the law of Falun immediately fell from the level of the extraordinary magic weapon, and recovered to the level of the true magic weapon.

The power of the Weeping Blood Hymn Elixir dissipated, and the breath emanating from Lin Yun's body also plummeted.

这 At this time, a seven-tiered alchemy urn, which was previously suppressed, suddenly burst into the strongest strength.

Wu Hanbing Ray first hit Lin Yun's ruled rune shield. The huge power not only sent a large number of ruled rune bounces, but also weakened the power of the ruled rune shield a lot.

Within a second, the bursting ray hit the regular rune shield ...

Smashing Alchemy 傀儡 's smashing power, shaking the stability of the runes, the giant Alchemy 傀儡 fiercely launching a weird bombardment.

On the other side, Laibo's strength plummeted to the extreme. He was stabbed in several blood holes by his body, and his heart was pierced. Now this Alchemy Alchemy also joins another Alchemy Alchemy to join the siege of Lin Yun. .

傀儡 The combination of the two speedy alchemy maggots is completely different from the strength of one speedy alchemy maggot. The bodies of the two speedy alchemy maggots have already exceeded the extreme that Lin Yun's eyes can capture.

He can only capture the traces of two speeding Alchemists by relying on the magic and magic energy formation, but this is no longer useful.

Each of the two rapier swords of Alchemy is focused on attacking Lin Yun's head or heart, and these two points must be attacked more than ten times per second, fast attack, and constantly challenge Defensive limit of regular rune shields.

The strength of the puppet plummeted, and the strength of the ruled rune shields began to plummet. In the face of the six alchemy puppet attacks, the ruled rune shields have reached the limit. As long as a little bit of strength is added, it may be torn to pieces.

But apparently, the crit Alchemy 不 does not intend to do so now. The perfect cooperation just now made Lin Yun stand up. Now even if there are four helpers, it may not be able to kill Lin Yun in one shot.

Critical Alchemy's fragile defense. Almost all of its power is used in the offensive. As long as the enemy is not killed, the best price is to blow up an arm by the power of some regular runes as before. .

So Critical Alchemy 傀儡 is waiting, waiting for others to find the limit of Lin Yun's shield defense, waiting for the steel alchemy 傀儡 to slowly approach Lin Yun ...

With Lin Yun's current power, he only needs one hit. Yes, he only needs to hit Alchemy with a full blow again. He may pierce Lin Yun's head or heart with that dagger.

After a little time passed, Lin Yun's situation was at stake. There was still a little bit of power to fight back, but now he was suppressed by eight unscrupulous alchemists who did not fight back.

In the distance, Leibo fell to the ground, his face was pale, his huge vitality had been consumed, half of his black hair, and most of it had become silver-white. The remaining vitality had just accumulated to the heart. , Repair the pierced heart and maintain vitality.

Mariana, the six of them did not receive much damage, and gathered around Lebow, each with a hint of despair on their faces.

Meng Leibo sat up helped by Marianna ~ ~ looked at Lin Yun who was suppressed by eight alchemists, but her face calmed down.

"Marianna, Constantine, you all remember, the descendants of our Hidden Hill Monastery, although not hidden, but we are all those who have inherited the oldest will, and wait for His Majesty the defeat, we Can't just wait to be killed by those **** iron golems.

We have to fight to the last minute, but remember that Lord Mapha is our benefactor, and we cannot resent Lord Mapha because of the death we are about to face.

Because it is not His Majesty, we would all have died here ... "

After speaking a few words, Laibo's face became even paler. His heart was penetrated, and many internal organs in the body were also penetrated by sharp swords. Now, relying on the huge life force participating in the body, he can barely support it. It will not die in the future, or, if it is in a safe place now, Leibold will be able to recover by himself for a while.

Unfortunately, now here, there is no fighting power, and there is no difference between death.

Mariana pouted and nodded.

"Brother Leibo, don't worry, no one can beat the strongest Marianna, I will not confess, how do I have nothing to do with others ..." (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.) [This text provided by Kaihang Update Group @ 冰山 berg123]

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