Lin Yun left the gold-plated roses and didn't care about these things. Now, characters such as Lyford have no energy to manage them. Besides, there is no need ...

The gilded rose opened in the Kingdom of Odin, and it was the most prosperous place in the never-wintered city where the Starry Academy was located. There were eighteen shops opened. In addition to the benefit of the battleship tied to the gilded rose, Lin Yunzai The Kingdom of Odin is not without foundation and anyone can step on it ...

When I got the materials, Lin Yun was a bit impatient, because now there are enough conditions for the patch alchemy 恢复 to return to the sky order again. Yes, the patch alchemy 傀儡 itself is the sky order alchemy 傀儡.

It was just that the parts of the alchemy 傀儡 were extensively damaged before the patch, and the energy system was damaged, coupled with a long period of silence, which was decayed by time. Because of this, the strength would fall below the heavens, and many of the systems themselves could not use the original ability.

I followed Gandalf to the plane, and two complete alchemy urns were obtained, and there were many important internal parts, which can be directly exchanged for patch alchemy with a little modification, plus these prepared The best of precious materials, the best of its kind.

Absolutely guarantees that the Patch Alchemy 傀儡 can be restored directly to the sky, and its strength is greatly increased, but most importantly, what Lin Yun sees is not the power of the Patch Alchemy ,, but other things contained in the Patch Alchemy 傀儡.

When I got this patch alchemy, Lin Yun was scared to death in one sentence. There was absolutely secret that Lin Yun knew urgently about the patch alchemy 傀儡. The phrase “Are anyone still alive?” Lin Yun felt a little scared now.

The most important clue to the truth of the doomsday in Northrend lies in patching the alchemy 傀儡.

Now that conditions are in place, how could Lin Yun not be in a hurry.

I returned to the alchemy laboratory, Lin Yunbu underwent three layers of protection, completely blocked the place, and then flashed into the half plane.

The development of the Half Plane is flourishing, and it was previously promoted by the runes of truth. Now it has almost stabilized, and the consumption of magic power has continued to decrease. The water surface in the lake of magic power has begun to recover some days. But it doesn't look like a tenth of its peak.

But it is this magical water that can completely supplement Lin Yun's magic tens of thousands of times!

的 The terrible nature of the natural half-plane has now been fully manifested. With the degree of magic consumed by Lin Yun, the natural half-plane has split and reproduced again. There are already more than ten kilometers of magic vine tearing magic, enough to ensure that Lin Yun will never lack magic ...

Entered into the half plane, went to take a look at Lena and off-duty, both of them have fallen asleep, the off-duty is wrapped in a huge blood-red cocoon, the cocoon beating like a heart, and the above The breath of several dragons permeates, and even the top, and the breath unique to the demon is flowing.

When the off-duty wakes up and breaks out of the cocoon, it is a complete fusion of those blood powers. When you really become a strong order.

On the other side, Lena stays far north of the half plane. The seawater has turned into the depths of the ice field. The temperature there is the coldest place in the half plane. The general Frost Dragon has become more beautiful and powerful, and her breath has become completely different. When she wakes up, she will also be in the advanced ranks.

Zhe Linyun took a closer look. The two orc ancestors took care of the three-eyed wolf honestly, and the little wolf grew up here fast, at least the body size has been several times larger than the beginning.

I think of the ability of the three-eyed wolf, Lin Yun felt. It's almost time to take the little wolf out, and it won't be long before there may really be a little wolf in order to carry out the next plan ...

After a turn, Lin Yun entered the huge alchemy laboratory in the half plane. This is Lin Yun's exclusive alchemy laboratory, which was also created by Lin Yun himself. The most complete alchemy laboratory is far beyond the limits that can be built by alchemists of this era. Many functions and even many alchemy equipment are not available in this era. Lin Yun also spent a lot of effort to make it.

I entered into the alchemy laboratory, and Lin Yun immediately took out the body of the previous two-step alchemy puppets, oh, all the parts of these two alchemy puppets ...

All the materials obtained from Faroe were also taken out. The first step was to complete all the materials for the first time to form materials that can be used directly. The subsequent processing depends on the situation and different effects. The same material may require different processing methods.

First took out all the parts that can be used for patch alchemy 炼, and then took the lead in transforming these parts. Although they can be used directly, they need to be slightly modified if they want to fit perfectly.

The degree of transformation is very fast. In less than three hours, all the usable parts have been transformed, and then the rest are the parts that need to be manufactured directly ...

Using the mystery obtained from the study of truth runes, Lin Yun's thinking has also changed, and the manufacturing speed has been many times faster. After one day, all the parts have been manufactured, and only the patch Alchemy 剩 has to be replaced.

The energy system replaces the previous heart energy, uses the previous 43-level Heaven-level Alchemist's magic reactor to transform, and adds a lot of new designs. The magic generated by this magic reactor is absolutely far from the needs of the Alchemist. This also means that the magic explosion of the patched alchemist will become very strong, and this newly designed magic reactor is enough to use the patched alchemist until the forty-fifth level does not need to be replaced.

In addition to the talented runes of the alchemy 傀儡 previously obtained, the obtained talented rune migration method was also used to transplant a top-level **** rune, an element-enhanced rune, and a protection-enhanced rune for patching the alchemy 傀儡. .

Unfortunately, with Lin Yun's current ability, transplanting three talented runes is the limit. Otherwise, by patching Alchemy's carrying capacity, currently five talented runes can be transplanted.

You know, even if the planes claim to be the Cybertron alchemy of the Cybertron race, only some top alchemy kings can have two talented runes.

Even if it is an alchemy 移植 that can be transplanted on its own, there has never been a case of transplanting two talented runes to itself.

Carried the **** rune, the alchemy 炼 's power system was changed to make the alchemy 傀儡 suitable for melee, and the weapon was the laser sword newly researched by Lin Yun, which exploded by huge magic power, compressed and condensed into a laser. With terrible cutting ability, it can be stowed when it is not used normally, without occupying any space at all. As long as it is used, in conjunction with the rune of the god, the fusion shield of the ordinary sky-level mage will be instantly torn apart ...

元素 The elemental runes also correspond to new weapons. Loaded with two flame rays, two frost rays, and a ray ray weapon system.

The last rune of protection enhancement can be used to integrate the cymbal shell made of new materials by Lin Yun. All attacks are equivalent to being scattered all over the body surface of the alchemy urn, which undoubtedly strengthens the alchemy urn's protective ability.

But when the design is done, Lin Yun frowned. This heavenly alchemy urn is a common humanoid alchemy urn in the Northrend world, but it is not so common on the niche, in terms of combat ability. In many cases, the humanoid alchemy is actually inferior to other looks.

The flexibility and degree are not as good as the spider alchemy, the protection ability is not as good as the insect alchemy, and the offensive ability is not as good as some special forms. This is an inherent defect. The only good thing is the human alchemy. The balance is relatively comprehensive, there is no particularly strong place, and there is no particularly weak place.

But alchemy 傀儡, in many cases as long as there is a particularly strong one, it may affect the outcome of the battle.

Patch Alchemy 傀儡 is now a very strong energy system. The weapon system is also strong and terrible, but the protection ability is relatively weak compared to other people, even if it is a transplant of a talented rune. Still looks much weaker than the others.

The alchemy's weapon system, even if it is a spell, is still the strongest in melee. After all, the ray weapon is powerful, but the farther it is to hit the enemy, the lower the efficiency. In the battle of the sky order, such a straight ray spell, it is difficult to hit a sky order power after a hundred meters ...

If you want to shorten the combat distance, then you must have a strong protective ability ...

After I made a few designs, Lin Yun was still dissatisfied, but all of a sudden Lin Yun took out the box with the black substance sealed.

Looking at the box, Lin Yun suddenly had an inspiration. Although this black substance has the ability to continuously devour magic power, and it does not seem to be picky, any magic power can be devoured, but Lin Yun suddenly remembered that this was Gandalf. Found from within a heavenly alchemy urn.

If this black matter is completely uncontrollable, it will continuously consume the magic power. I am afraid that the magic power of the alchemy maggot will be swallowed cleanly. Even if there is a magic reaction furnace that continuously generates magic power, I am afraid that it may not be possible. Time, just occupying a part of the energy of the alchemy?

Why not add this black substance to the body of Alchemy 傀儡, specially design a new system architecture, add a new system for Alchemy 傀儡, devour the system!

Alchemy 傀儡 has a rune of protection, and any part of the body that is attacked will be scattered to every corner of the body. In this way, even a fatal attack can be dispersed into many points, which can be shouldered.

But if it is a large-scale spell attack, the spell itself can fill the body of the alchemist, and the effect of this protection rune will be weakened.

However, if a new engulfing system is created, all the spell attacks carried by the alchemist will be dispersed and guided into this black substance, the alchemist's protective ability will be relatively much stronger.

Coupled with the ability of black matter to devour magic power, it can also be used to attack, and continuously engulf the enemy's magic power during melee. This will not only weaken the enemy, but also give psychological pressure to the local terror. The magic power is devoured. The mage was scared when he saw it.

With the idea, Lin Yun immediately started designing and making. First, a small place was vacated in the patch's body, and then obsidian was mixed with several obscurant materials to make a shell. The black substance was put in, and then passed. A design with more than a dozen channels on the core link of this devouring system.

These channels are linked to the alchemy's body surface, and will only be opened when the alchemy 傀儡 has suffered a spell attack or a melee attack on the enemy.

In this way, the black matter will not devour the magic power of the alchemy maggot itself, only the magic power of the enemy or the magic suffered.

A day later, the design, production, and assembly were all completed. The appearance of the patch alchemy has changed greatly, from the inside to the outside. It looks like it has been covered with a layer of mercury, and this layer of silver is constantly flowing. This is due to the power of the protective runes.

The body looks more like a melee alchemy 傀儡. The key parts are relatively large, but the body is slender, which is conducive to explosiveness.

And weapon systems are all hidden, except when they are used. Otherwise, it is impossible to detect in advance what the alchemist's weapon system looks like.

Lin Linyun stood in front of the alchemist, looked at his masterpiece, took a breath, and restarted the alchemist.

After a second, the reddish light suddenly appeared in the dim crystal eyes of Alchemy. The magic surge is almost about to burst out of the body. The three talented runes start at the same time, so that the too violent magic will be calmed down. These three talented runes are big consumers of magic power. If there are no three talented runes, , The current level of the patch alchemy 傀儡 can not withstand this powerful magic reactor.

Alchemy 傀儡 looked at Lin Yun, the red crystal eyes blinked frequently, and then kneeled on one knee, put his right hand on his chest, as if a knight saw the monarch.

"Great master. Pabet obeys your will, and your blade is the enemy."

A steady voice came out of Pabet's closed mouth, and then he knelt on the ground silently on one knee, waiting like a sculpture.

There was a hint of surprise in Lin Yun's eyes, and he was slightly relieved. Since the alchemist remembered his name, it meant that his wisdom had been restored, and it was no longer the kind of cold iron that would only obey orders. Hey, the same. His memory should have been restored, and many things have been restored.

"Papat, get up, do you remember your past?"

Zhe Linyun took the lead in asking about Pabet's past. But Pabet appeared particularly dazed when he stood up, and seemed to have no idea what Lin Yun was asking.

帕 "Papat, what I ask is what happened before you reawakened wisdom. How much do you remember?"

Pabet's tone is still the kind of answer without much emotional fluctuation.

"Great master, your most loyal knight. Just remember that you gave me life so that I can open my eyes to see the world, from the first time I opened my eyes to see you, to everything now, Pabel I remember. "

Zhe Linyun frowned.

"I'm talking about the past. Do you remember the sages of Cang Zhi? Do you remember the disaster?"

Pabet shook his head.

"Great master, Pabet cannot understand what you are talking about."

Lin Yun was completely disappointed at once ~ ~ Although Pabet regained his wisdom, he seemed to not remember the previous thing at all, only remembered what happened after Lin Yun let him restore the magic again, which should not be, or It's totally impossible.

既然 Since he remembered his name, how could it be that he hadn't remembered all the things before, and even the sages of Cang Zhi had never heard of it.

After opening the shell of Pabet's back, Lin Yun understood it instantly after seeing Pabet's memory system.

Previously unimportant things have been replaced, especially the magic reaction furnace has been replaced. Only the memory system Lin Yun did not dare to move, and even to ensure that this memory system is not damaged, Pabet's head protection is always the best. Strong, especially around the memory system, have special protection.

The memories of the alchemy 在 那里 are all stored there, but the awakening of the wisdom of the alchemy 智慧, a series of wisdom, like a miracle of life, does not seem to change much, but the change of a smile is born of the flame of life That is the source of the alchemy's life, or the source of wisdom.

Under normal circumstances, the power of the Tianjie Alchemy's memory system together with all the systems, and there will be completely different changes, awakened wisdom and no awakened wisdom, completely different, this is also Lin Yun could not know the Pabet memory before The reason for things in the system, because only when the wisdom is reawakened can the memory system be referred to as the Pabet memory system.

There is no awakening wisdom, and the memory system is just a patching alchemy's memory system. The difference is very big ...

But now when I see the appearance of the memory system, Lin Yun frowned, because almost 90% of the memory system has returned to its original appearance,

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