Era of Disaster

Chapter 139: Bai Yi's planning

//After sobering, Raymond did not have any trouble. After knowing Bai Yi's identity, he immediately agreed to stay in the team. //In fact, he can't even ask for it. Although he fought violently, he still can't avoid the kind of violent utter loss of reason. Moreover, inexplicably defeated in Bai Yi's hands, although Bai Yi explained his double pupils later, Raymond still awed Bai Yi.

Several new members joined. After a few days of running-in, Hilois was a little surprised. This is the kind of person selected by accident. The strength is temporarily ignored, but in terms of personality, it is not bad. Even Raymond is not annoying after getting familiar with it.

But at this time, Bai Yi and they were in the snow valley, and started their own purpose.

At present, there are many problems faced by New Zealand's evolutionary humans. What Vera is doing now is to list all these problems and then list them in a table to let Bai Yiyi look at it. Bai Yi, on these issues, let everyone scoop up their ideas to find a feasible solution, not necessarily now, but at least it is necessary to plan a reasonable route for the evolution of human beings to get rid of the status quo.

During this time, Bai Yi also went to Gary once in a while, and the two discussed the issue. Vera, as a similar secretary, helped Bai Yi a lot.

After returning, Vera will also tutor Mo Mo's learning, from shallow to deep teaching, of course, because there is not much time now, so a lot of time, it is Alotiah with Mo Mo. In addition to teaching children, the two also have to learn basic knife skills. In the team, Bai Yi and they have summarized a systematic knife technique. Perhaps this knife technique is far from perfect, but it is ahead of everyone.

Malvi was busy restoring sword teeth and a weapon, but not just soaking in that solvent.

Raymond, Woolf, and Hilois helped Malvi to collect the materials used to prepare the solvent. With the strength of three people, there is basically no danger in the periphery of Xuegu. After returning, Raymond will also listen to Bai Yi explaining the knife technique. Of course, Raymond didn't want to learn, but knowing that some are not always bad, some of the power theories are still very useful for him. /

However, it was Vera and Alotija who were slightly affected. The two did not expect that Mo Mo was so powerful.

Purely speaking about swordsmanship, Mo Mo is actually the second strongest in the team. /

That's right, purely speaking about swordsmanship, Mo Mo is only worse than Bai, even Woolf and Helois can't compare. perhaps

The strategy of the reborn silly girl

It’s because Momo is so young, and perhaps Momo itself likes swordsmanship, so he learns more thoroughly. Of course, the combat power cannot be calculated in such a simple way. Momo is still the immortal **** king with the worst strength in the previous team. But now, Mo Mo fusion spirit eating butterfly, has the ability to cut soul, but it is difficult to say.

Vera and Alotia also consulted Momo when they taught Momo.

Vera uses a competition method to see who can learn better from each other, but allows Momo to work hard against a written children's textbook for a while.

I have to say that Alotija’s previous background was really unusual. Although he was only fifteen, he was really a child of a noble family in New Zealand. He was very educated, and even if he became like this, there was a kind of quietness. Peaceful temperament. Momo and Alotija stayed together, slowly learning with Alodija, and gradually began to change.

Bai Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, Mo Mo finally will not evolve towards the female man.

Therefore, the teaching of children is very important and may affect a person's life.


During this time, Bai Yi also negotiated with Gary. With Bai Yi's prestige, he called on everyone in the snow valley to work together to evolve the future of humanity. Gary was responsible for the specific implementation. This is a mode that Gary is more satisfied with. Although this will make Bai Yi’s reputation even greater, Bai Yi’s staff is not much, there are only a few people, so the two parties can get along like this, otherwise Gary will consider it to be Not tolerate Bai Yi.

After preparing for a week, a notice began to appear in the snow valley, saying that it was Bai Yi who came to the snow valley, preparing to announce something, hoping that the current status of all evolved humans in New Zealand would be changed. /

The appearance of Bai Yi has long spread. After this announcement, all the people in Xuegu became extremely excited. Is Bai Yi going to announce anything? Everyone was very much looking forward to the rally one week later after learning this news. At this rally, Bai Yi will not only release some information, but also answer some questions. /

And this week, Vera helped Bai Yi organize these materials more clearly. At this time, Bai Yicai once again confirmed that it was really helpful to meet Vera. Although he didn't have much combat power, the planning and processing ability of this kind of thing left others a few streets away.

A week later, it has been more than half a month since Bai Yi entered the snow valley. On the morning of the rally, all

Koto Zhourou

Evolutionary humans came to the central square early, crowded, discussing what Bai Yi would announce again.

First, Gary, the ruler of Snow Valley, went up and said a few words, but it seems that it is not very popular. Gary saw that it would be counterproductive to continue talking, and finally Bai Yi finally came to power.

"I'm Bai Yi!" Bai Yi said directly after he took the stage and didn't say those complicated words.

"Perhaps you are curious why I am here, then, I will tell you, the reason why I stand here is because all of us evolved humans... "future"!" Bai Yi's voice is not heavy, but it is as heavy The hammer strikes everyone's heart. Those people who were still a little disappointed with Bai Yi couldn't help but concentrate their spirits.

"I have a list of time and events here." Bai Yi shook out a schedule.

, Maternal active cells spread. Active cells erupt into almost all of New Zealand and the surrounding waters. In the next one to two days, the active cells of all people and animals are activated and enter the binge eating period.

Half a year is the most difficult period for all people and animals, that is, the binge eating period.

The body is crazy and needs a variety of food nutrients, and throughout New Zealand, food is limited, so various **** fights, fights, and swallows occur. At this stage, all humans have also begun to fuse the genes of other creatures and gradually become monsters. This change has made many people crazy and unacceptable.

During this half year, it is estimated that more than 5 million people across New Zealand died directly, in various ways. Some people may say that 5 million is not much, but this is more than 80% of New Zealand's population.

Half a year after the spread of viable cells, the food intake of all organisms has stabilized, but this is not happy, because all evolved humans and animals have begun to enter the lv1-2 fierce period.

Disharmony with the soul often makes the creature inexplicably enter into a violent state. And the more times and time it takes to enter a violent state, the more difficult it is to wake up, until it finally becomes a violent monster that is irrational.

And until now, although all living humans have gradually become accustomed to the status quo in New Zealand, this is far from being a life, it can only be said to be-struggling!

"Yes, this is struggling!"

Bai Yi's tone was cold and tragic, and the vibration of his voice brought the spirit of all people into that world. For almost a year, how did everyone survive in this turbulent New Zealand, and then continue to struggle to survive. Everyone couldn't help recalling everything, and then felt fear in his heart.


Hunting country

"No one comes to save us, no one, the only thing that can save us is only ourselves." Bai Yi said. Little by little, Bai Yi gradually brought everyone's attention into the situation described in his own language, and became involuntarily dignified.

"There are a lot of people here, maybe you have also learned the status quo of the outside world from some channels. New Zealand has officially changed its name to Devil Island in the outside world. The people outside will not come to save us, because, here is Various countries study natural ecological gardens where active cells change."

"However, without expecting other people's rescue, we can save ourselves." Bai Yi shook his right hand fiercely.

Save yourself!

"Captain Bai Yi, what are we going to do?" At this time, even those who were prejudiced against Bai Yi before, couldn't help looking forward to Bai Yi's explanation. What exactly do they have to do to successfully get out of New Zealand, now Devil's Island. Bai Yi pressed his hands down, and soon the crowd below gradually calmed down.

"For this point, I have made a simple plan, but what exactly should be done, you need to improve." Bai Yi shook another list.

1 Alive!

Nothing can be more important than being alive, because only being alive has infinite possibilities. Therefore, what everyone needs to do now is to live as much as possible.

2 Protection!

As far as possible, protect the talents that exist only in evolutionary humans. In all aspects, don't ignore them because of the current situation in New Zealand. Among them, the most important thing is the biological talents, especially those researchers who have been involved in the research of active cells before. Although they hate these people very much, they have to admit that these talents have the opportunity to work out a remedy that will restore humanity to everyone.

3 Communicate!

New Zealand should not be an isolated devil's island. Although all evolved humans have turned into monsters, most people still have their own reason, and they need the support of outside humans. Therefore, the network communication with the outside world needs to be reconstructed.

4 Rebuild!

Collect the science and technology and materials of the former New Zealand and rebuild a new safe human!

Evolutionary humans want to return to the normal world, they must control their own fierceness, and the appearance of monsters now. Therefore, even if the changes in New Zealand are now caused by the study of active cells, they must not abandon all of this. On the contrary, they must further research and find a solution.

And all this obviously needs a stable environment, so it is necessary to rebuild a new city.


Bai Yi said slowly, the big direction, the small details,

Huaxia Fusu

Everyone listened very seriously.

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The latest chapter of the 3wc high-speed first disaster disaster era, this chapter is the 139th chapter of Bai Yi's planned address. If you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in qq group and Weibo! (Go m)//

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