Era of Disaster

Chapter 214: Chess and cage

The little boy Pete was injured. Although he initially forgot it because he was too thrilled, he now feels pain and cries suddenly. m and some of the other children shuddered and wanted to run away, while others looked excitedly at Mo Mo. All of a sudden, the whole classroom was as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Shut up!" Mo Mo said suddenly.

Not a very high voice, but anyone can perceive the faint depressing breath of Mo Mo. For a short time, including the teacher, all the children really shut up. Following Mo Yi for a long time, Mo Mo also developed a unique atmosphere. This is not the so-called temperament, but the breath, the kind of oppressive feeling only evolved by human beings.

"Pete's injury is not serious. Hurry to the infirmary." Only then did the teacher react.

"It's okay, Miss Momo's shot is very decent." Alottia said. The teacher saw little blood flowing down Pete's neck, and he couldn't believe it. Of course, he didn't expect that the so-called Momo's shot size of Alotiah is actually... can't die.

The school is not big, and Bai Yi soon knew what was happening here. Bai Yi couldn't help crying and laughing. He hadn't left the school yet, and this kind of thing happened. Fortunately, Bai Yi's identity is not ordinary, and now it is not a peaceful world, and will not make a big hit with a bump. It took less than a moment to deal with it, Pete was sent back to rest, and the other children went to class.

In the first few days, all the children looked away from Momo. No, it's not just to stay away, but to be afraid. Momo is like a ferocious carnivorous creature who suddenly breaks into the world of herbivorous creatures and doesn't know how to suppress his own breath, so that all other students are shivering.

Even the teacher was careful in the last class.


"Student Momo seems to be in a good mood today, so can you come up and answer this question." Since this time, this teacher has also been more afraid of Momo. Today, Momo is staying by accident, as if thinking of something happy, I can't help but relax this atmosphere.

Mo Mo heard the words and immediately stood up and walked towards the stage. All the other students are watching below, dare not say a word. There is a math problem on the blackboard, it is not difficult, it is estimated to be small. Momo walked onto the stage, took the chalk, and began to answer. After a while, Momo finished the answer. However, the answer is wrong!

"Actually, this should be done here, multiplication." The teacher taught on the spot.

"No, no, it should be."

"Well, do this step first."

"No...!" The teacher taught several times in a row, but Mo Mo always answered wrong every time. At this time, everyone could see what was going on. That cold-hearted little girl will not be a fool. A series of crows called fools flew across the minds of everyone in the brain.

Finally, someone couldn't help it, and began to laugh, Mo Mo also stood on the stage blushing. After this incident, everyone's attitude towards Mo Mo has also eased, and finally no longer feels Mo Mo is so inaccessible.

When he came back in the evening, Bai Yi knew this and suddenly laughed.

"I don't want you to like to study, this is a shame, Mo Mo is a little fool." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"Dad!" Mo Mo hugged Bai Yi and began to spoil. In fact, Momo is really not a fool, but just does not like to study. And in Devil Island, there was not much time for learning.

"It is estimated that Shapi and Poo are smarter than Momo." Bai Yi teased Momo.

"Dad!" Mo Mo was really shy. Bai Yi is not deliberately making fun of her daughter, this is the end. In fact, Bai Yi is also worried about the relationship between Momo and other children of the same age. If Momo is still separated and alienated by other children after a few days, Baiyi is ready to let Momo return. Because of the long-term alienation and abnormal environment, Momo may become lonely. Unexpectedly, stupid still has this kind of benefit, it will make others easily accept Mo Mo.

Mo Mo's learning problems are also on the right track, and everything seems to be moving in a good direction. Bai Yi walked around the city all day long, observing this so-called autonomous prefecture. Because Bai Yi does not have any job positions, he has a lot of time and is very busy, so he has more time to really understand this autonomous prefecture.

It's really quiet. It seems that all evolved humans are living very well here, but Bai Yi always feels that something is wrong.

Bai Yi became more and more remote. Suddenly, Bai Yi saw a simple little garden where several old men played chess. Not much curiosity, just natural, Bai Yi walked in. Although these old men have fused active cells, the changes are not very big, and these people are already old, the youngest, and their faces are full of wrinkles.

Two old men are playing chess and Go, while the other three are watching quietly.


Bai Yi was slightly surprised, and then watched quietly. Bai Yi didn't know much about Go, he just knows all the rules, but he doesn't even count as an amateur. Seeing Bai Yi coming, the five old men did not greet, and Bai Yi did not speak, standing quietly beside him, watching the two old men playing chess there.

"Black chess lost!" Suddenly, an old man next to him said. And at this time, the old man who held the black just happened to admit defeat.

"Lao Qin, you really don't show mercy."

The two did not resume the test, and the old Oriental man known as Lao Qin just smiled and did not answer. At this time, all talents are now Bai Yi. Several old men are a little curious, and now there are not many people who can calm down like them. The fusion of living cells brings not only changes in strength, but also changes in thinking. As long as they are not too stupid, they seem to want to do something with this powerful force. They are because they are very old, and even if they are fused with active cells, they are already old, so they can be quiet.

Bai Yi looked very young at first glance.

"The young man saw it for the first time." The old man called Lao Qin said to Bai Yi in Chinese.

"Well, here for the first time." Bai Yi nodded.

"It's very remote, so you can find it here."

"It just happened." Bai Yi answered with a smile.

"You seem worried?"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"As you can see, you look calm, but there is a sense of irritability in your heart. The atmosphere of Go is quiet, so it's easy to feel it." The old Qin said. Bai Yi looked at Lao Qin opposite with some surprise. No, did he meet several old men by accident, or the kind of so-called peerless masters?

"Can you play chess?"

"Yes, but not proficient. Only in high school, I am interested in learning and knowing the basic rules of Go. As for the stereotypes, tendons, and general trends, I have only heard of them, and I don't understand them at all." Bai Yi answered seriously. Bai Yi answered very sincerely, just like Bai Yi said. In high school, he learned to play Go for a few days, and finally he was not very interested.

"Do you want the next game?"

"I'm really just a beginner. I have studied for two months more than ten years ago, and I have never taken chess pieces since." Bai Yi reminded once, meaning that he was a pure novice.

"It doesn't matter, except Lao Qin, the others are novices, so-called stinky chess baskets are not counted." The old white man playing chess said just now. Go was originally the essence of China. In modern times, Japan improved, and then basically spread around China, Japan, and South Korea. These old Westerners are really not very powerful.

Bai Yi smiled for a while, didn't he just play chess and couldn't afford to lose.

"Good!" Bai Yi nodded.

"Do you need a concession?" Lao Qin said.

"No, let's talk to each other, anyway, I'm very poor, let it be the same." Bai Yi said frankly.

"Okay!" Lao Qin started to catch chess after he finished speaking.

Bai Yi guessed the child, held the back hand, then the two started the next game of Go, and the others immediately started watching. It can be seen that, as Bai Yi said, Bai Yi is purely a novice. I didn't learn much for a long time, and then put it on for more than ten years. I still remember the rules are good. However, to the surprise of several other old men, Lao Qin's chess path also changed in peace, and he did not play against Bai Yi.

Guide chess?

At the beginning, Bai Yi thought that Lao Qin was playing chess, but gradually, Bai Yi felt wrong and began to think seriously about the game, his mind gradually sinking into the chessboard. Bai Yi is really a novice, but at this time, the heterogeneous energy in Bai Yi's body is surging so Bai Yi entered a 100% concentration and began to fly the calculation of chess.

Gradually, Bai Yi's mind became more and more devoted, and finally even felt an illusion in front of him. The entire chess board seems to have become a world. Black chess is like a big net, and Bai Yi's white pieces are firmly bound in a cage. This cage is vague, if you don't look carefully, you won't feel it at all, but Bai Yi's heart sinks in before she can feel it, and it feels very profound.

Is it really settled down?

Bai Yi asked himself in his heart, and Bai Yi finally got the answer, no!

Although Tasmania has become an autonomous state with sufficient supplies, there is not much danger. Although the United Nations has arranged very well, Bai Yi always feels that life here is very depressing, which is even more depressing than Devil Island. On the surface, it is an autonomous prefecture, but living here is like a cage with an enlarged range, and is still bound here. Not a prison cage, but Tasmania, which is comparable to a small country.

A snap!

Bai Yi dropped a white piece, and the heterogeneous energy in Bai Yi's body was too agitated. The stone chessboard below suddenly became torn apart.

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