Era of Disaster

Chapter 239: Understand the nature of the world

The root system of this carnivorous plant is very good, it is almost metamorphosis. More than ten kilometers away from M is the range of the root system of this plant. It can also hide in the ground to attack animals, and then absorb the animal body fluids from the tip of the burr, so there are no animals here. And after absorbing so many nutrients, the surface of this plant does not look very tall and strange, just an ordinary fruit tree more than 20 meters high.

Bai Yi they can probably guess that all the nutrients have gone among the fruits on the tree.

After spending two days, Bai Yi finally collected the fruits of this food. Since King R asked Bai Yi to come over, he would not deliberately frame Bai Yi them. This carnivorous plant is indeed very strong, but it cannot help Bai Yi them. It is just a little tricky if they are not aware of it.

After returning to the research institute, King R only said a hard sentence, and then nothing was said. On the contrary, this guy gave Bai Yi another place where they were also collecting something. Eleanor was immediately dissatisfied, this guy just regarded them as coolies.

"This was originally my purpose. You should know that the experiment requires a lot of materials. Before, there were too few people, and the strength was not good, so I asked you to work for me for three years, otherwise I want you to do what." r Wang said , Can't be more direct. Although this is the fact, it is really uncomfortable. Fortunately, Bai Yi did not care about this.

"The injured person stays, and it will hinder you when you go out." Bai Yi nodded and said.

"Of course!" King R nodded.

Over the next period of time, Bai Yi and they were tossed around, collecting things, either animals or plants. Plants are okay, as long as they are collected, it is enough, but if it is an animal, it is usually needed, preferably the one that can not be injured. Fortunately, there is Momo's soul temptation, most creatures, Momo can be tempted, not too much effort.

After more than a month, Bai Yi and they are also used to their current lives and have no difficulty. And in this month, everyone's body is gradually changing towards humanity. Bai Yi's fluff has faded a lot, and it is estimated that the true human form will soon be restored. Others are also recovering. Those who are very large, such as Woolf, are shrinking. However, although they shrink, the quality has not changed, but the body has become more solid.

Occasionally, Bai Yi and R Wang will discuss some research issues. At this time, Wang Wang only realized that Bai Yi's professional knowledge is not a lot, and he can also keep up with his research.

However, this routine only lasted for more than a month, and then one evening.

Bai Yi and King R, Eleanor and Cheryl are discussing something. At this time, Mo Mo walked in from outside, gazed directly in the hall, and put it on King R. . Everyone raised their heads and looked at Momo, but suddenly Momo pulled out the black knife directly.

A succinct and sharp knife, the knife qi and the mayfly spirit instantly moved towards bsp; Bai Yi instantly pulled out a red kiss and blocked it in front.

A clash of clang!

With a click, the knife chopped violently and cut the hall out of a gap of more than ten meters. R Wang's face and body instantly showed a wound of half a meter in length, and he was almost directly divided into two halves by a knife. Although Bai Yi blocked the positive qi of the sword, the mayfly spirit fell unrestricted on King R's body and began to bite his soul. R Wang suddenly fell to the ground painfully, constantly clutching his clothes, painful spasms.

At this time, Mo Mo had ejected again, and the black knife pointed directly at King R, and the killing intention in his eyes was not concealed.

"Bai Yi!" Xie Lier shouted.

"Mo Mo, stop first." Bai Yi shouted.

Hearing Bai Yi's cry, Mo Mo finally stopped at that moment, and Black Sword resisted King R's brow. Mo Mo's eyes are extremely cold and deep, and the pure double pupils seem to inhale all human consciousness, which is breathtaking. At this time, all talents remembered the words that Mo Mo said during the initial cooperation.

Kill you directly!

At that time, I am afraid that some people did not take Mo Mo's words seriously, but now seeing this scene, Eleanor shuddered in his heart. What kind of education did the girl receive? This really means killing without killing. If it weren’t for Bai Yi’s quick action, R Wang Bacheng was already dead. I really don’t know what this guy did to make people angry.

"Momo, first stop the mayfly's attack and talk about what happened." Bai Yi asked.

"He tortured those animals miserably." Mo Mo said.

"What, make it clear, to kill me, at least make me understand." King R said with a trembling voice, and he didn't even understand it.

"The creatures I brought back with my soul charm, you are torturing them." Mo Mo said.


"I just saw the animals that I brought back with me, and a dozen of them are dead. The rest of my eyes are filled with crazy resentment. They are accusing, accusing me of deceiving them, and you against them. Cruel." Mo Mo said coldly. Mo Mo's body shook slightly when he said these words, obviously very excited. For Momo, this is like she cheated those animals, which is absolutely unacceptable to Momo's young and pure mind.

Soul stranglehold!

Bai Yi immediately held Mo Mo's left hand. If Mo Mo's left hand was held down, King R was really dead.

"Cough, cough!" King Wang coughed twice and coughed up the blood in his throat.

"It turned out to be because of this matter, what should I still be. What do you think it should be, is it good for me to let you catch these creatures back? Which one of those experiments does not need to use the experiment body, otherwise these conclusions How did the data come out? It seems that Bai Yi has protected you so well that he doesn't know the true indifference and cruelty of this world." r looked at Momo in a mocking tone.

"What do you say!" Mo Mo looked at the bsp angrily; "Bai Yi, you explain it yourself, even this time, I won't pursue it." King R stood up and let Xelil lean towards the healing in the back Went out everywhere. However, he really dared to start, just now he thought he was really dead. So, this kind of person is the most difficult to cope with. Whatever your conspiracy and conspiracy, just kill it if you feel uncomfortable. Let’s talk about it. Wisdom and evil do nothing.

"By the way, you don't think that the charm of your soul really makes the creature feel friendly." When he was about to leave, King R said again.

"What do you mean?" Even Bai Yi was surprised.

"I asked Sunshine and Yeye to do simulations according to her changing laws. Because she is very repulsive to this kind of experiment, so the data is incomplete, but you can roughly draw a conclusion. Soul charm is not something close to other creatures, but dead. Sleep well, directly charm other creatures, and induce them into the land of death." bsp; "You lied!" Mo Mo retorted loudly.

However, Bai Yihe and the Vera people around Mo Mo thought deeply. Sleeping in death... It seems that this is really possible. At that time, the Soul Release Tree had a feeling that made the soul ascend to heaven. Maybe, the soul charm is really the sleep of death. However, this kind of thing is still unclear now, Mo Mo certainly cannot hear it.

"Momo, come here, I will tell you something." Bai Yi patted Momo's small head. Now Momo is 1.6 meters, which is not much shorter than Baimo.

"Momo, do you know what a food chain is?" Bai Yi took Momo to the lake outside and said to Momo.

"Food chain!"

"Well, the food chain is a food path. The food chain uses biological population as a unit to connect different species in the community. In the food chain, most species simultaneously play the role of predator and captured person, which is the natural environment. Inside the food chain. And in the human world, there is also a food chain. This food chain is more indifferent and cruel!" Bai Yi explained slowly, very seriously.

"I know you like small animals, but the kind of situation where you want any creature to coexist peacefully is impossible. In fact, haven't we killed other animals and eat their flesh before?" Bai Yi looked at Momo.

"I, I am not...!"

"My original intention was not to make you cruel and indifferent, but there is an old Chinese saying that is-Dadao Ruthless!"

"This is a very difficult Actually, many people do not have the opportunity and mood to figure out the meaning of this sentence, just knowing it and not knowing why. However, I don't understand it very much, ancient Chinese culture It has always been very deep."

"Listen to me, I don’t mind that you maintain this kind of innocent personality, but the same, you must understand the cruelty in the biosphere and the social circle. Only by fully understanding the nature of this world can you stand in a higher position. , To look at this world with a more thorough vision. As for how to choose later, that is your real intention."

Bai Yi and Mo Mo said a lot, and many Mo Mo didn't understand much. Momo was originally only twelve years old. The education he received was very one-sided. The world view was very imperfect. Some so-called goodness and evil, cruel and warm, Momo's understanding is only superficial. Bai Yi's words today will obviously have a great impact on Momo. As for how to change, it depends on Momo himself.

"Think about it, do what you want, and don't regret it. Even if you go to kill the king, I have no opinion." Bai Yi said. Bai Yi left after finishing talking. Vera beside Momo did not say anything. The remaining Momo sat alone by the lake, thinking quietly.

Understand the nature of the world, stand in a higher position, and see the world with a more thorough look!

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