Era of Disaster

Chapter 252: Messed up

Ulises resisted the pain and wanted to grab Bai Yi, but his right hand was stretched out and he was bound by the air. m From beginning to end, Bai Yi's eyes did not hesitate and hesitate. Ulises finally looked at Bai Yi, then slowly closed his eyes. Really, I didn't expect that Bai Yi would be so unsympathetic, and he did not care about his previous friendship. However, it’s okay to die, just a little unwilling, if you can see them again.

"Let's go!" Bai Yi's voice was like a farewell to a friend.

Ulises wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end. In fact, he did not resent Bai Yi, on the contrary, Ulises still had a feeling of relief. In fact, he didn't understand what happened to this world. Human nature and morality were close to the limit of loss. Selfishness and indifference were regarded as noble and cold. Even a gentle person like Bai Yi has turned into this cold look in such an environment.

Bai Yi sighed deeply after killing Ulises, and then flew Ulises, making Ulises look as if he was sitting on the street.

"Go." Bai Yi said to Alodia.

Bai Yi flew up with Alodia and disappeared here. Only Ulysses' body sat quietly on the street, and Bai Yi did not take Ulysses' soul-released wooden heart pendant. Obviously, Ulises' soul will be sucked into it. Without completely eradicating the soul of Ulises, it is the remaining pity in Bai Yi's heart. After all, even with a different purpose, it is a teammate for more than eight years.


Bai Yi took out his mobile phone, prepared to give a signal to everyone, and then looked for a meeting place. Tasmania is now very strange. Ulises belongs to the United States and Roman belongs to Germany. Wasn't it the way of the United Nations before? So, does it mean that from now on, each country has started fighting for its own benefit.

The text message did not go out, and Bai Yi and Alodia soon confirmed that the signal here was blocked.

Some troubles, I don’t know what is going on now. Bai Yi put down his phone and flew towards the street where Mo Mo was shopping. The streets are very chaotic, and many people are fighting. These evolutionary humans, who are generally in LV1, are fighting together in madness. Like the original Bai Yi, they can only use different energies passively, and more of them are fighting, but because of this, they are more direct and bloody.

"What the **** is going on?" Alottia asked.

"I don't know, but it's not normal!" Bai Yi shook his head, completely unknown.

It's really confusing. Bai Yi doesn't know what the people behind the scene want to do. Did Bai Yi's team face up with Tasmania's top leaders, just to shake their status. But why other people in the city also killed for no reason. What is the purpose of this?

"The smell in the air is wrong." Bai Yi and Alodia said at the same time. The two had just separated from the battle before, so they didn't notice it. It is only now that there is a weird smell in the air. And at this time, in another place, Nancy also smelled the air, and she said to herself. ‘Nerve stimulation components, confusion components, and... inducibility? 'Nancy smelled this smell and looked towards the center of the city.

Bai Yi and Alodia are not as proficient in medicine as Nancy, but they also feel very abnormal.

Bai Yi glanced at the baby girl in Alodia's hand and immediately fell down. Although Bai Yi did not know what the people behind were planning, Bai Yi could guess that the subsequent battle would be very fierce. With such a small tail, he could not devote himself to the battle. Bai Yi entered a very ordinary house at random, and then walked into it.

"Make a ventilated protective cover." Bai Yi said.

After hearing what he said, Alodia immediately put his hand on the ground, and the crystallization energy penetrated into the ground. The ground of the original tile suddenly began to bulge and gradually crystallized, and then formed a thing like a protective silo. Bai Yi put another drop of grass dew essence in the baby's mouth at the end, and then Alotija completely closed the crystal protection compartment, leaving only two ventilation holes under the side. From beginning to end, this little baby had never cried, but just smashed his mouth when he licked the essence of grass dew, and his eyes did not open.

"It's really quiet!" Alotiya's incomparable compassion, it is estimated that every woman has a mother's love.

"Well, very quiet child." Bai Yi nodded.

"Let's go." Bai Yi said, and Alodia walked out of here. Then just after Bai Yi turned around, the house behind him was instantly torn by a strong wind and suddenly collapsed. The crystallized small protective cabin was pressed underneath by the broken wall, and through the tiny gaps, the little baby slept peacefully inside.

At this time, Bai Yi's original friend, and now a group of senior Tasmanian people are extremely angry. They couldn't figure out why Bai Yi's team did this. Just because they used other people as experimental subjects, Bai Yi wanted to kill them all? Did Bai Yi manage too wide? At this time, many things have confirmed this fact, and the conflict between Bai Yi and them has been endless.

"Where is Bai Yi, answer me." Truman looked at Betsy and Bemira in front and said angrily.

"Bai Yi is not here. Also, the group of people was not killed by us, although they did fight." Becky explained seriously.

"Isn't you killing me, do you think my eyes are blind? I wanted to ask Bai Yi for a clear answer. Since you don't say it, don't blame me." Truman stepped **** the ground. . With a bang, the ground beneath Truman burst apart, and countless football-sized rocks burned with flames, blasting towards Betsy and Bemira like meteors.

When Truman started, Betsy and Bemira evaded behind. These flame-burning rocks crashed down like it dropped countless bombs.

Truman: The energy attribute is high temperature, and the life field has the ability to control the solid rock to a certain extent. Combining the two, the fighting power burst out by Truman is not trivial. If the temperature of these flames is not enough, Betsy must suspect that the falling rocks were not burning rocks, but directly magma or meteorites.

Betsy is also the energy of the flame system. When both sides are LV2, Betsy's flame temperature is even higher. It seems that a person's partiality is fixed. The more he specializes in a certain item, the more abnormal he is. But because Becky and others have been gradual evolution, they have not yet entered LV3, which is much worse than the current Truman. In addition, Truman can still control a large number of rocks, so Betsy and Bemira basically only escape.

Becky and Bemira evaded. Behind the two, countless burning rocks continued to chase them down. Every rock hit will cause a violent explosion on the ground, and high temperatures and shocks continue to spread on this street.


"Puff, what's going on now." Shapi found Puff, and Puff was looking at the east direction.

"Weird, **** darkness, breath of death... Let's go to the center of the city." Puff said. Although Puffy entered LV3, it was also the boss of Shapi, and the delicious lazy puffy did not think of taking the opportunity to bring down Shapi. What's more, Shapi is now on the verge of blooming, but Shapi and Woolf both want to completely pervert and then bloom perfectly.

Anyway, the five of Bai Yi, Mo Mo, Woolf, Shapi, and Poo Po were all perfectly transformed together at the time, and the difference was not much.

"Then let's go!" Sharpie ran out suddenly.

"Be careful, I saw your dead face!" Puff said as he ran towards Shapi.

Shapi glanced at him, and took this sentence seriously in his heart. Poo Poo, this guy has shown extraordinary spirituality from the beginning. After entering LV3, the genus finally came out, and there was no special genus in the energy and life fields, but poo poo seemed to be able to see some future things, similar to the ability to perceive and predict. Many times, these things are just a fragment, and the result cannot be determined, but no one can wait and see.

Poo Poo said that after seeing Shapi's death, then there must have been a scene of Sha Pi's death in Poo Po's mind. As for what is going on, is Shapi really dead, not even Poo Po himself. Moreover, Poo Po thinks that he is wrong, not only Shapi has a dead phase, the whole city seems to be shrouded in a dark breath, everyone has signs of death.

Shapi and Puff just ran a short distance above the street and ran into a group of people.

"This is Bai Yi's pet, grab it first." One of them shouted loudly, and a group of people immediately surrounded Shapi and Puff.

"Woo~~!" Sharpi screamed lowly, and the left head quickly grew out, splitting the sharp mouth. The cuticles on Pang Pang's body hardened instantly, and the heavy body stepped heavily on the ground.


Malvi has always wanted to build a more advanced weapon. Mo Mo's black sword is okay to say that the material itself is top-notch, and Mo Mo has been placed in the White Nether Realm since it opened the White Nether Realm, accepting the nourishment of the Nether Realm's breath, and has completely become a death sword. However, Bai Yi's red kisses can't keep up with the times. At first, the top materials are not good now.

Because the attributes are partial, the materials now obtained from the LV2 and LV3 creatures of Devil Island have special attributes themselves. For example, with high temperature, you can touch the flame; for example, the nature is extremely cold ~ ~ naturally dissipates the frozen gas; for example, with current on it, it can be paralyzed naturally. These are the characteristics of the creature, even if it is dead, these characteristics still exist.

Malvi was on Devil's Island, and he wanted to help Bai Yi build a new weapon, but how to squeeze out the properties of these materials was a troublesome question. This aspect of the refiner is even more difficult than the evolution system, because in this respect, Bai Yi and they can't help Malvi, he can only find out for himself.

Malvi held a piece of silvery white feathers, and there were continuous wounds on his right hand, but Malvi didn't care. The same is the ability to control the atmosphere. These feathers obtained from the big silver bird can naturally drive the air to cut the surroundings. This material is obviously suitable for Bai Yi's atmospheric control, but how to use these feathers?

"Malvi!" Suddenly, a clatter came from the outside door, and Woolf broke in with blood on his face.

"what happened?"

"Come with me, the city is in chaos." Woolf said, suddenly turning around, his right fist slammed out. A long knife was cut on Woolf's body, and no seal was left. Instead, the man and the broken knife flew out instantly.

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