Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2447: Friends meet

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Mentioning Feng Ziyi, Su Zimo's heart can't help but think of another person.

Motosa County King!

At the beginning, it was precisely because of the hunting meeting held by the king of Yuanzuo that he knew Feng Ziyi and finally rescued Feng Cantian.

Thousands of years ago, in the vicinity of Datiewei Mountain, Yuanzuo County King joined the flying immortal gate to return to Tianxianxian, Pang Yi of the Pang family, Xie Tianhong of the Yangyang fairyland, including Tang Peng and other people in the academy set up an ambush and killed him. The four sacred souls awakened in the midst of the war were unable to be defeated, and suffered heavy losses.

Pang Yi, Gui Yuan Tian Xian, Tang Peng and others all fell in love!

Xie Tianhong, Jingyue Zhenxian and Yulong Zhenxian were all buried in Abi Hell. Only Yuanzuo County King saw the bad situation and fled back to the Jin Dynasty.

Over the years, there has been no news from Yuanzuo County King, as if this person has disappeared.

Su Zimo went to the Qiankun Academy and was backed by one of the four immortals. Even Qin Xianmeng Mengyao had no chance to shoot, and Yuanzuo County King could only give up.

"If you want to search for the whereabouts of Zhenye Zhenxian and Feng Ziyi, I am alone. It is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. You have to use the power of the academy."

At this point, Su Zimo prepared to go to the inner gate and asked Yang Ruoxu about the matter, what to do.

At this moment, not far away, an auspicious cloud came galloping, with three figures standing on it.

Su Zimo looked up and couldn't help laughing.

Yang Ruoxu and Chihong County Lord held hands and went together.

Beside them, there is a child eight or nine years old, wearing a green robe, with a face immature and cute, but with a somewhat mature look, it is Liu Ping.

These three men are the only acquaintances of Su Zimo in Qiankun Academy, and Yang Ruoxu is also among them, so he can save him to run again.

"Brother Su, don't come unharmed."

Before he arrived, Yang Ruoxu stood on Xiangyun, smiling, and said in a loud voice.

Chihong County Master and Liu Ping also beckoned towards him and greeted him.

Su Zimo smiled and said: "I got the true story of the patriarch, and I pinched my fingers. Today, some old friends know the visit, so I went out ahead of time and greeted me on the couch.


The three of Yang Ruoxu laughed for a while.

In a blink of an eye, the three descended, and Su Zimo took the three to the cave house and sat down one by one.

Thousands of years have passed since the last time the four met.

Yang Ruoxu said: "In the past few years, I have wanted to come over to you several times, but seeing that you have been retreating has not disturbed you."

"Unexpectedly, after you went out of this time, you ran to the Yuxiao fairy field, and also encountered a world war."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly: "This matter is also a mistake."

"Brother, you, you, you..."

Liu Ping seemed to find something, his eyes widened, and he pointed to Su Zimo said: "Have you already practiced up to the fifth order?"


Sweeping Yang Ruoxu's consciousness, he explored Su Zimo's cultivation as the realm.

as predicted!

"So strong!"

Yang Ruoxu could not help but exclaim.

The chief of Chihong County was also shocked.

You should know that at the Ten Thousand Years Convention, the three of them stepped into the Tianyuan Realm almost at the same time, and entered the inner door.

Over the years, Chihong County Lord and Yang Ruoxu have often stayed together and have been slacking in their cultivation. They have just stepped into the duality of Tianyuan Realm.

And after Liu Ping won the house, she was reborn, her talents were outstanding, and she dedicated herself to cultivation. Now she is only practicing to the peak of Tianyuan Realm!

And Su Zimo has cultivated to the fifth order of heaven!

Only 2,000 years have passed since the Ten Thousand Years Convention.

The speed of this cultivation is beyond common sense and beyond ordinary people's cognition!

"Brother Su, how did you practice?"

Chihong County Lord couldn't help asking.

Yang Ruoxu said: "Practicing in Tianyuan Realm is not enough for retreat and hard work. There are too many bottlenecks. You have to go out and practice frequently before you have the opportunity to go further."


Su Zimo was deeply touched by this.

He was able to cultivate Tien Xian Tianxian in two thousand years, mainly because of the trip to Abi Hell thousands of years ago, and this trip to the fairy land of Yuxiao.

These two experiences, his gains are great, not only reflected in the rapid progress of cultivation as a realm.

At this moment, Tao Yao came from the depths of Dongfu, carrying a pot of fragrant tea that had just been brewed, and came to the four people, filling them one by one.

During the first battle of Langfeng City, the martial arts deity was utterly dark and dark, and the battlefield was in chaos. No one noticed that Su Zimo left Tao Yao with him.

Therefore, he did not let Tao Yao hide.


The chief of Chihong County looked at the Daotong with pink makeup and clear eyes, and was surprised. He asked, "Brother Su, have you finally started recruiting fairy servants?"

All three knew that Su Zimo's Dongfu had never recruited outsiders.

Before Liu Ping took the initiative to ask for tassels, he wanted to come to his cave house for help and do some chores, but Su Zimo didn't agree.

Now, seeing a Daotong appear, all three are a little surprised.

What's even stranger is that the breath of this Daotong is extremely pure, clean, and not dusty.

The Chihong County Lord couldn't help but stretch out his fingers and gently pinched Taoyao's cheek.

Tao Yao didn't evade, just smiled.

Although he didn't know the three people in front of him, he saw that Su Zimo had welcomed the three people into the cave, and he knew that they must have a good relationship with Su Zimo.

Facing three people, he naturally responded well.

"Brother Su, where are the fairy servants you found, so nice."

The chief of Chihong County couldn't help but sigh, and wished to hold Taoyao's pink cheek in his hand and kissed him a few times.

Tao Yao never kills God, has no cause and effect on his body, and is not stained with blood. Any creature who sees him can't help but feel good.

"He is not a fairy servant, but my old man in the lower realm, and now he is a Taotong beside me, named Tao Yao."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly, without much explanation, but introduced Yang Ruoxu three people to Tao Yao one by one.

Tao Yao saluted Yang Ruoxu with respect and respect.

This move may seem casual, but it is not easy!

What is the status of Yang Ruoxu?

The disciple of the inner door of the academy, the true disciple!

If it was just an ordinary fairy servant, Su Zimo didn't need to let them know each other, and introduced Tao Yao to the three people.

This move means that this Daotong has a very important position in Su Zimo's heart!

All three of Yang Ruoxu could think of this, and did not dare to neglect and quickly got up to return.

Tao Yao smiled slightly and retreated.

Liu Ping's eyes rolled, and he couldn't help but mention the old things again, saying: "Brother Su, you have made an exception to recruit people. I have also moved over and become a Daotong beside you."

In fact, Su Zimo's thoughts in Liu Ping's heart were not just as simple as those of his brother.

In the ninth heaven of the Yanyang Fairyland, if Su Zimo helped him, he would have died.

Later, not only did he survive, but he was able to reborn and get an unimaginable chance!

Su Zimo is more like a benefactor in his heart.

Therefore, he repeatedly wanted to move over, helping Su Zimo to do chores and chores.

In fact, Liu Ping did not know at this time that he always had this tendency and consciousness, not only because Su Zimo had the grace to rebuild him.

Even more because Su Zimo's body is the only green lotus in heaven and earth!

The plants and trees between the world and the earth will gather around the green lotus!

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