Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2478: Ranking update

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Hearing this sentence, many of the disciples in the academy turned their heads and countless eyes fell on Su Zimo's body almost simultaneously.

Brother Su alone destroyed the thunder city of Daxian Kingdom?

Everyone looked different.

Some people are surprised, some are horrified, others doubt...

"This... won't it?"

"Although Brother Su has hatred against Yuanzuo County King, he is only a sixth-order heavenly fairy. Is he going to Dajinxian Kingdom alone to kill Yuanzuo and burn a city?"

"Even if Brother Su has the ability to destroy the Thunder City, how did he escape from Dajin?"

Ming Zhe, Guo Yuan and others were about to start with Su Zimo, but when they heard the news suddenly, they were secretly panicked and looked dreadful. They dared not act lightly.

Although everyone can't believe it, such major news should not be fabricated out of thin air.

If this matter is true, Su Zimo can kill the Thunder City alone and kill hundreds of Celestial Powers, then their group is not enough to watch!

This also means that Su Zimo's just threat was not a bluff.

A college student frowned and asked, "Is this serious?"

The younger brother Zhao nodded quickly and said, "It's true, now it has spread in the fairy land of Shenxiao!"

"What do you do with a prediction list?"

Another asked.

The younger brother Zhao said: "Brother Su became famous in the first battle and has already been on the prediction list!"

"How many?"

"17th place!"

Many disciples of the academy were shocked and their faces were shocked.

Based on the sixth-order Celestial Cultivation Practice, he was on the forecast list, but ranked 17th!

It can be said that in addition to Fang Qingyun, Su Zimo is the second highest heavenly **** in Qiankun Academy, still above Yan Bingying!

Even more ironically, Fang Qingyun, who had the first door in the academy and predicted the tenth in the Tianbang, is now covered in blood and disheveled. Su Zimo is holding it in his hands and has no resistance.

Not to mention others, even Su Zimo was a little surprised to hear this ranking.

In the city of Thunder, there is no top strongman among other heavenly gods except for a goddess on the forecast list of Yuanzuo County.

Although the movements of that war were not small, they did not show much.

Normally, anyone who predicts the top 70 on the list will have this ability.

However, no one dared to do such a thing.

Su Zimo originally thought that after this battle, he will be on the prediction list, but the ranking will not exceed sixty or seventy.

Unexpectedly, it is predicted that Tianbang will rank him 17th!

Yan Bingying's initial shock in his heart frowned slightly, and said with some confusion: "Even if Brother Su wiped out Leicheng, the ranking might not be so high?"

"Sister Yan said it well."

The younger brother Zhao said: "Brother Su is ranked 17th because of another battle."

After a pause, Brother Shi Zhao hesitated and said: "Well... to be precise, that doesn't seem to be fighting."

Everyone was confused.

"Reflect the latest forecast list in your hands in mid-air and show us!"

Ming Zhe said in a deep voice.

The younger brother Zhao quickly cast a spell, unfolded this freshly-predicted list of predictions, and reflected the contents in mid-air, making it extremely clear.

Everyone probably glanced.

The initial prediction list was not released long ago. Compared with the previous version, the overall change is not much.

The most obvious one is the Yuanzuo County King, who has been removed from the prediction list.

And the 17th place in the prediction list has indeed been replaced by Su Zimo's name!

"Life: Su Zimo."

"Realm: Sixth Order Celestial Immortal."

"Identity: disciple in Qiankun Academy, heir to the mystery of Qunxingmen, heir to Yuqing Yushu."

After the confrontation in Cangyun Mountain, it was no secret that Su Zimo had a jade and jade book.

"Historical record: Thousands of years ago, at the time of the Tier 5 Celestial Immortal, he relied on a supernatural power to defeat the White Feather of the first day of Langfeng City in Yuxiao Celestial Realm.

"Cultivate to Tier 6 Celestial Immortal, go down the mountain again, sneak into the Thunder City alone, behead the Yuanzuo County King, and hundreds of Celestial Strongmen, put the Thunder City on fire, and retreat all over."

In all fairness, there are only two battles in this line of record.

Many of the strong players on the prediction list have only a record of at least a dozen games, and many even have hundreds of games. They are densely packed with tens of thousands of words, which is extremely shocking.

Compared with the top 20 Celestial Immortals, Su Zimo's record is quite different.

It is even weaker than Yan Bingying's record in the 43rd place.

Many academy disciples frowned, looked confused, and wondered why Su Zimo could rank as high as seventeen.

Everyone continued to browse down.

The last item is the true immortal that Shenxiao Palace manages the Tianbang, and its evaluation of Su Zimo.

Surprisingly, the evaluation of this item is very elegant and extremely detailed. It occupies much more space than other monks!

"Evaluation: This son has become famous when he was in Dixian. He won the first place on the list. He has huge potential and a lot of cards. There is no obvious weakness in magical powers, spells and melee."

"Controlling the two sword tactics of heaven and earth killing, a vocal range mystery similar to Long Yin and the true dragon nine flashes, good at a magical power secret method that increases strength, understands "Tai Shang Xuan Ling Beidou Zhen Jing", Yuanshen is extremely Powerful, far beyond the same level, and control a variety of meta mysteries."

"Although there are two battles in this city, Leifeng City and Langfeng City, which shows its powerful combat power in Tianxian Realm, but its cultivation level is not high, it is only the sixth-order Tianxian, so the upper limit of the forecast is not too high. ."

It was predicted that in the first edition of Tianbang, it was precisely because Yun Ting was an eighth-order heavenly immortal and did not cultivate to the peak of heavenly immortality, so he ranked him third.

In the prediction ranking of Tianbang, comprehensive strength is evaluated, and cultivation as a realm is an extremely important criterion.

The evaluation given by Shenxiao Palace is not over yet, and everyone continues to read it.

"However, in the vicinity of Cangyun Mountain, this son had escaped the invincible blow and saved his life. This is not a battle, so it is not included in the record."

"If there is no such assassination, this child's ranking should be between 65 and 70. But because this child avoids this assassination, I all think that this child should enter the top 20 of the list!"

Shen Xiaogong's evaluation of Su Zimo did not end here.

The true fairy of Shenxiao Palace will explain the reason for this ranking.

However, many disciples of the academy are still confused.

"Who has no shadow?"

Many disciples in the academy did not know who Wu Juying was, and they did not understand why they could have improved their rankings so much by avoiding an assassination!

One said with a tongue: "There is absolutely no shadow, one of the three sword immortals in the fairy land of Shenxiao, the other two are the spring wind swords of Yufengguan, Brother Yuehua of our Academy."

"You think about it, if Brother Yuehua has a sword against you, what is the chance that you will survive?"

Hearing this, all the talents gradually reacted. This time, the assassination that did not include the record, why let Shenxiao Palace evaluate so high!

An assassination will increase Su Zimo's ranking on the prediction list by a full fifty!

"not only that."

Another said: "Never Shadowless, also known as the Shadowless Sword, is the most terrifying assassin among the true immortals in the fairyland of Jiuxiao!"

"The sword comes out without a shadow, silently. The shadowless sword takes a shot, even if it is a true fairy in the void period, it is also fierce!"

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