Fatal Shot

Chapter 552: The crisis of beetles

In fact, because of some vegetation in the canyon, it is impossible to completely calculate the number of beetles. The fastest update

However, the general number and type can also be determined.

In addition to not seeing the self-destructive beetle, there are all other types of combat beetles on the battlefield below. Not only the battle beetles, but also the beetles that collect the beetles and the reconnaissance beetles, which have little combat power!

Moreover, with the familiarity of the wind falling on the beetle arms, it is found that almost one-fourth of the beetles below are elites in appearance!

A quarter!

According to this ratio, the number of elite beetles in the canyon is definitely more than three hundred!

This is naturally a joy to let the wind fall!

You know, after so many days of incubation, the number of elite beetles that you have is not more than twenty. And just the elite beetle below is already more than ten times the number of elite beetles in his hands!

If you can really get all these elite beetles, although limited by the 24k solitude, he can't summon all at once. However, even if only a few dozen elite beetles are summoned, the combat power is no less inferior to a small team player!

However, although the heart is happy.

But the wind is also worried, because these may become his "beetle army" elite beetle, this time is falling down alone.

And killing their enemies is naturally the other cave cave spider in the battle of the canyon!

There are a large number of beetles, but the number of cave spiders is not inferior in number, and the attack power is full!

An ordinary cave spider with a volume of about 30 meters or so, using its eight flexible arthropods, moves between the steep rocky mountain walls.

Then either jump out of the air, hit the beetle group for a close-up attack, or spray a lot of poisonous mist from the mouth, causing damage to the blade beetle that rushes to the rock wall with agility!

Among them, there are a lot of 35 grades with a volume of two meters. The pattern of the abdomen is similar to a grimace with two dark red eyes and elite cave spiders.

This elite cave spider, in addition to melee and venom attack ability, the two eyes on the ghost face can shoot a reddish energy ray, and constantly attack the beetle group below!

"Hey, hey..."

"-567, -546..."

A single blade beetle, with energy rays hitting a hole in the dark red carapace, spewing a lot of mucus.

"-734, -778!"

The most vulnerable squirting beetle is even after being hit, even the poison sacs that store the venom are blasted, and the surrounding plants are quickly eroded!

Of course, the beetle group is definitely not the only one to be attacked!


"-334, -366, -345..."

On the ground, scattered off-road car-sized elite steel beetles, a pair of insect eyes also sprayed a continuous laser, moving gently against the rock wall, shooting some of the legs of the cave spiders Cut off, even scorch!

"Hey, hey..."

And a large number of jet beetles, constantly stretched the neck, spray venom with corrosion and negative state to the cave spider!


"-43, -40, -45..."

The cave spiders that were hit consecutively fell to the ground and fell to the ground and fell into a pile of green meat!

However, compared to the cave spiders, the beetle population is generally at a disadvantage!

Because, in addition to hundreds of elite spiders, there are still seven or eight volumes in the side of the cave spiders, which are more than five meters in size. There are four lavender eyes, 38-level cave spiders on the belly face!

In addition to energy rays, these command-level spiders have the ability to cast energy shields and spit out a small range of energy bombs from the mouth.

In addition to the steel beetles, the ordinary beetles that were hit were almost directly killed.

Even, it’s not just a blame!

In the position where the wind falls to the opposite side of the rock wall, the total length of the one is more than ten meters. The giant spider with six purple eyes on the face of the abdomen is truly invincible!

Even the elite steel beetle is killed by seconds after being hit by its energy bomb!

"After the cave spider, 40-level quasi-boss, species number: yzh-08477, hp: 176500/20000..."

"No... it turned out to be a boss!"

Even the wind and the wind, through the function of the legendary scope, to see the information about the giant spider when it is about 700 meters away, the face can not help but change!

Among the cave spiders, there is actually a quasi-boss!

40-level quasi-boss!

Although there is a quasi-word, as long as you take the boss title, no one is a good deal.

The most important thing is that this kind of quasi-boss with energy attack ability can generally have a large range of clearing ability!

"System, is this intentional?"

The brow on the face of the wind is crumpled.

This situation is really unexpected!

It took a few hours to finally trace the beetle group, and I was surprised to see the number of beetles.

But did not think, in a blink of an eye, found that this last beetle group has faced the crisis of the destruction of the entire army.

In the face of a quasi-boss, even if it is only a 40-level quasi-boss, even if he is not very sure. Not to mention, there are still seven or eight commanders, plus one hundred who can act on the rock wall to act as an elite!

"Hey, hey..."

Compared to the heart of the wind.

At this time, 24k was called out, and there was an anxiety and anger in the spiritual link.

The wind of course understands why 24k is so impetuous. After all, these guys used to be their "little brothers". Now they are randomly killed by these opposing and quasi-boss spiders. The heart of the boss is really angry!

However, the current situation, even if it is the wind, feels a little unsolvable!


The wind fell to the battlefield below, thinking about a plan.

If these beetles can have a unified command, in fact, there may not be hope of winning!

Because of the individual combat effectiveness, the cave spider is not too strong, after all, the level is only more than 30 levels and is the same as the beetle!

The difference between the two sides is not large, and even the beetles need to be more.

Just because the top fighting power is not enough, and the fighting method is too instinct, the different beetle arms are completely in a variety of positions, which leads to the situation is inferior!

Like most of the elite blade beetles, they don’t know how to use attack power to kill ordinary or elite cave spiders. They only know that they have a strong ability to bounce, and they are directly facing those leaders or even The boss's cave spider rushed away.

However, with their fragile blood, it is impossible to block the attacks of these advanced enemies.

The quasi-boss just squirted a bunch of green poisonous mist directly into the mouth, and it was so close to the elite blade beetles in front of it that it fell directly from the air!

The venom attack of the jet beetle is obviously a very effective means of attack, but it does not understand the effect of distributing firepower, only knowing that each is a political chaos attack.

Even with the blade beetle, there are quite a few caves that are directed at the commanding level and the quasi-boss cave spiders. As a result, the venom hits the energy shield and it does not work at all!

The steel beetle, I don’t know how to use my own meat shield to help the fragile spray beetle block the shooting of the elite cave spiders, and the most effective energy beetle for long-range attacks, all of them form a large energy shield into the sky, but the defense is Full, but it didn't work at all!

"No, it took so long to catch up, can you give up like this!"

The heart of the wind. (To be continued.)

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