
As I was about to open my bag and to get a chocolate bar, thinking that it is good for my sugar level and to ease my hunger, I heard a commotion ahead.

Everybody was panicking and I have no idea what it is. And so, I asked the man on the horse who happens to be assigned to look out for me, "what had just happened there? mister "

He answered me, "the general has fainted, I think he is injured."

Suddenly I heard a voice and I think it is his assistant saying that we needed to stop here and set out a night camp to a safer place.

I thought to myself that we are just travelling for about 5 or 6 hours I don't even know how may kilometers that we have travelled or are we able to make far...far enough for the enemies to follow us.

I was a little worried about our current situation plus I don't think we can make it if the general is injured do I have no choice but to lend them my helping hand my motherly instinct.

"can you please ask his assistant, if he can allow me to look at the General's situation? I would really like to help." I said.

So the man who was sitting on the horse went down and walked to the direction where the assistant is.

And the he returned to me and he said that the Bo Hai his assistant's name has given permission for me to take a look as the General. @@
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