"You grandson, you dare to frame this general, let's see if this general doesn't beat you to death!"

Ying Jianyuan stepped up again, ready to kick Ringer.

"Ying Jianyun!"

Shen Si got angry, he pulled out a sword from the guard behind him, and threw it directly in front of Ying Jianyuan, preventing him from harming Linge.

"Don't you still want to kill someone?" He continued angrily.

"My lord, he is framing the last general!" Ying Jianyuan retorted loudly.

"My lord, there may be a misunderstanding, my father will not lie about this matter." Ying Siyuan also stood up quickly, he supported Ying Jianyuan, and then anxiously explained to Shen Si.

"This is his own subordinate, not someone else's subordinate, how to frame him?"

Shen Si slapped the table with his palm, and he looked at the Ying family father and son with complicated expressions.

"Tell me, is this the truth?"

Shen Hezhi's cold eyes swept over the remaining four people.

The four people hurriedly kowtowed and answered one after another——

"General Han fell into a trap last night. We wanted to save people, but General Ying issued a military order for us to withdraw."

"That's right, General Ying told us to hide this matter when we come back."

"He also said that if someone asks, he will say that General Han went after the enemy himself, and it has nothing to do with him."

"Since General Ying asked you to conceal this matter, why did you tell it now?" Shen Hezhi said sharply.

Those people kowtowed again, and then replied: "Because we dare not lie to the lord and the prince. Also, General Ying is so disregarding the lives of his soldiers, last night he abandoned General Han, then next time it will be us."

"He is not worthy of being a general, and he is not worthy of leading us to fight. Even if we are killed by him today, we must tell the truth."

"I also ask the prince and the son to make decisions for General Han."


Hearing these words, Shen Si's expression was beyond description.

He asked Hanna’s subordinates again, only to get the same answer.

He suddenly smiled: "Ying Jianyuan, Ying Jianyuan, I know that you are a bit hot-tempered, but I think you are still righteous in your heart. I didn't think about it, it was my mistake."

At the end of the laugh, Shen Si looked very tired, as if he had suddenly aged a few years.

Ying Jianyuan was the last remaining brother among so many people who accompanied him to guard the southwest.

But he...

"No, my lord, they framed me, but I didn't!"

Ying Jianyun was so angry that he wanted to smash things.

"General Ying, now that your subordinates have personally testified against you, what else do you have to say?" Li Song also slapped the table and stood up, he asked Ying Jianyuan angrily.

Ying Jianyuan gasped for breath and was almost speechless.

"County Lord, please speak for my father, he will not do such a thing." Ying Siyuan looked around, and his eyes fell on Yun Xi.

He hoped that Yu Yunxi could speak for them.

Yu Yunxi frowned. She generally didn't want to intervene when her foster father was dealing with these matters.

Shen Si's tone softened a bit: "Xi'er, tell me, what do you think about this matter?"

"General Ying, actually, I have always had a question that I can't figure out. Why are you unwilling to send troops with me every time we fight for so many years?"

She walked slowly in front of Ying Jianyuan, and suddenly asked such a question.

When Ying Jianyuan heard this, he snorted coldly: "Of course it's because you are a woman with shallow eyesight, and if you can't keep it, you will become my burden."

Although Yu Yunxi had won many battles, he had already determined that Yu Yunxi's identity as a woman would not be a big deal, so no matter what she did, he would not recognize her.

Why is this man's mouth so ugly? Jiang Ying followed Feng Yili, and when he heard this, he wanted to refute.

But Feng Yili gave him a serious look and stopped his actions.

Looking back, Feng Yili looked at Yu Yunxi's back with deep eyes, but he didn't speak.

He knew that whatever she did and asked any question, she must have her plan.

"Yes, General Ying has always distrusted me. But why didn't you stop General Ying when I went to rescue people with me last night? You don't worry that I will become a burden to General Ying and kill him ?"

Yu Yunxi continued to ask.

"Ben, General Ben..." Ying Jianyuan frowned, his voice suddenly stumbling.

"Or, General Ying, do you feel that General Ying will be fine even if he meets the South Vietnamese army last night, so you are so relieved?" Yu Yunxi continued to question sharply.

"Yu Yunxi, what nonsense are you talking about!" Ying Jianyuan was furious, and he was about to hurt her by waving his hands.



"County Lord!"

Several anxious voices sounded at the same time.

Yu Yunxi frowned, she wanted to raise her hand to stop her.

But at this time there is already a person who is faster.

Feng Yili stood in front of her, and then grabbed Ying Jianyuan's hand.

"Ying Jianyuan, you have disappointed me so much."

Holding his forehead, Shen Si sighed in disappointment.

"My lord, I..." Ying Jianyuan wanted to say something else.

But Shen Si no longer gave him a chance.

"Come here, detain General Ying and Xiao General Ying and wait for their release."

"Yes, my lord."

In this way, both Ying Jianyuan and Ying Siyuan were taken down.

It's starting to get quiet here too.

Li Song let out a sigh of relief, and said fortunately: "My lord, fortunately, we have found out this inner ghost, otherwise we don't know what they will do to us."

Shen Si didn't speak, the atmosphere here was very depressing.

Feng Yili suddenly said in a deep voice: "King of the Southwest, we still want to discuss how to repel the South Vietnamese army."

His words made everyone wake up.

That's right, the top priority is to deal with the South Vietnamese Army.

After all, the South Vietnamese army approached the city again this morning.

"Father, the people in the city also have to live. If this continues, the people will not be able to afford it anymore. We can't just sit around and wait for death. We have to take the initiative."

Yu Yunxi raised her head and said to Shen Si seriously.

The South Vietnamese army was a mad dog, and it came to bite them from time to time.

If this continues, the opponent will only get worse.

Therefore, only by taking the initiative to attack and defeat them completely, can there be any hope of victory.

Shen Si had a complicated face, he also thought so.

But the South Vietnamese army was so brave and outnumbered, how could they win?

"Father, I have an idea." Yu Yunxi continued.

Soon, she brought everyone to the map.

"If we confront the South Vietnamese army directly, our chances of winning are not great. But if their troops are scattered, our chances of winning are great."

"County Lord, what do you mean?" Li Song didn't understand.

"There are many mountains outside the southwest city, and the terrain is complicated. We can lead the opponent there to fight. We are familiar with it. Not only can we suppress the morale of the opponent, but we can also set traps there in advance." Yu Yunxi said slowly.

"But will the other party be fooled?" Li Song frowned.

"So, someone needs to be used as a bait." Yu Yunxi looked at a place on the map and said coldly.

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