

I had all the generals of my army group up for a strategy meeting.

We talked about my world domination around a coffee.

To avoid giving my position to the midnight channel or other groups, we'll start the war far from my base.

Just to be sure, it also won't be on the opposite side of the earth or any obvious direction, it'll be at a place that doesn't have anything to do with my base. Far enough to avoid any problems if it doesn't go well, or any kind of suspicion, and close enough to have reinforcement arrive quickly and quick operations. The only think meeting that is a global war. A war in all the world, without any precise point.

As for the strategy…

I don't want to be the kind of dictator that has to hide because his bodyguards aren't nearly enough.

Based on that, I'll go for a peaceful behind-the-scenes war. I'll make it so I'll be seen as a hero by common people.

And mute uncommon people.

I'll have every single soldier of my army rewritten to be based on that.

I'll start by taking over a dictatorship country.

Then create a menace for the world.

I'll propose behind the scene under the false identity of the big bad guy to every leader in the world their life against their country.

If they refuse, and I know they will, I shall kill a few unimportant ones. As big countries will think they have a better security, and they do, they might still refuse. At that moment, I'll kill a leader of one of the biggest countries.

I'll leak the conversations on the internet, then, as everyone is in a fear climate, I'll be the saver who's going to propose to all the leaders a coalition to save the world, with my hidden secret weapon.

Obviously, the coalition will be in the shadows but once I "killed the big bad guy", the leaders will make communications to what they have been silent about. They'll say they fixed the problems by themselves, as I said I wanted to stay anonymous. Then, the information as which I did all the work will leak, resulting in a wave of indignation among the masses. I'll then announce that I create a country free from worry and very safe while allowing the inhabitants to have the maximum of liberty it is possible to have.

The country creation at a time of global insecurity will create a massive migration wave from all around the world, effectively making all the other countries crumble quickly.

I plan for my country to be a floating ecological one.

Once my floating continuously enlarging country hosts enough people, my political power will be high enough to slowly take over the world in a matter of years.

My island being totally green (due to the characters doing all the recycling and producing the energy), safe (due to the characters taking care of spying, prevention, and intervention work) and a paradise where you don't need to work and live for free with the country's allocation. Obviously, helping the country's interests will get you allocations, and breaking the law will have you banned from the country.

With time, everyone inside the island will consider the people outside as the criminals breaking the law.

Like that, I'll be able after 50 years at most to righteously invade the rest of the world to crush what would be left of eventual resistants.

Oh, and I'll name it Utopia City.

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