God Simulator

Chapter 98 Rich man’s choice

Lu Yao overlooks Yancheng.

In the simple little town, there are obviously more people on the streets than in the past, and the houses are constantly expanding. The low walls that seemed loose in the past are now tightly attached to the houses.

Lu Yao clicked on the population bar in the upper right corner.

Population: 23,215

In the details, the population of Yancheng is shown as 3,005 people, which is nearly 700 more people than a few days ago.

Due to the small base, fertility rate growth cannot increase the population by so much in a short period of time.

There is only one reason: migration of outsiders.

You can see them everywhere on the street: shirtless islanders, savages with hair down to their waists, and some foreigners with feathers on their heads and mud and paint on their faces.

It seemed that they had just moved to Yancheng and were new to everything here. Many people looked left and right, making gestures and communicating with local citizens.

Yancheng is a young city and relatively tolerant of outsiders. In particular, many of these outsiders bring their own special products.

For example, colorful clay pots, feather-woven clothes or hats, rare animal bones, grotesque wood carvings, and gemstones.

These foreign goods were very attractive in Yancheng and were robbed by merchants. Some of the immigrants came here and became quite wealthy and wealthy.

Lu Yao noticed a little man wearing colorful feathers. This little man bought a lot of things and directly pulled a camel to scan the stores and streets.

The top of the head of the villain shows: [Chief] Dolenunu.

Dolenunu does not know the Yaocheng language, but this does not affect a chief's life in other places at all.

In addition to two followers wearing feathers, he was also accompanied by a local businessman. The businessman was making famous gestures with Dolenunu, trying to explain his doubts.

This translation businessman is Shang Li.

Facing the foreign tycoons, Shang Li was very attentive.

"Chief, the houses in Yancheng are so solid and beautiful. Just buying an ordinary house is really not in line with your noble status."

Chief Dolenunu put his hands behind his back, and a garbled text appeared above his head.

Shang Li seemed to understand.

He continued to lobby: "Look in front, that is the mayor's house, and it is also the best house in Yancheng."

An exclamation point appeared above Dolenunu's head.

It seemed like he understood.

Seeing this, Shang Li quickly gave him guidance and walked to a tall stone house next to the library.

"Chief, this is the mayor's mansion."

Dolenunu looked up and down, and a bunch of garbled words appeared in his head.

Lu Yao took a glance.

The house in Yulian is much larger than the surrounding houses. The two stone houses are connected from front to back, like a small townhouse. To the left of the two houses is a small garden, and to the right is a stable-like place.

There was a big black dog lying at the gate of the mayor's residence. It was neither noisy nor fussy, just lying lazily on the ground.

After looking around the mayor's mansion, a smiling face appeared on the chief's head, and he was chattering for a while.

A lightbulb lit up over Shangli's head.

"Chief, the mayor's mansion is not for sale."

"This is where the most noble people in the city live. How could I just sell it to you like this, even if you are so noble..."

"Really? Do you really have to buy it?"

"Hey, that's not impossible."

"Please wait a moment, I'll go find the mayor to discuss it!"

Shang Li rode a horse and quickly walked through the streets and alleys, and soon found the mayor's fishing company next to the lighthouse.

He and Yu Lian chatted privately for a while, and an exclamation point appeared above Yu Lian's head.

Then the two rode back together.

"Chief, I tried my best to convince the mayor to give you this most luxurious and noble residence in Yancheng."

Shang Li said: "It would have been impossible for anyone else to buy this unique house. The mayor also reluctantly gave it up after hearing that you wanted it."

The smiley face symbol above Dolenunu's head grew larger, and he spoke in dialect for a while.

"Do you want it now? Okay, okay." Shang Li said.

Soon, the chief's followers brought a camel with two boxes on its back.

The follower moved the box down, opened the lid, and revealed the sparkling gems inside.

After paying the money, Dolenunu walked into the No. 1 mansion in Yancheng with his head held high.

The big black dog at the door obviously didn't understand the situation and roared at the intruder.

Anger flashed from the chief's head.

The two followers grabbed the dog and threw it out of the door.

Black Dog lost his job on the spot and lay at the feet of the mayor's fishing company, with a question mark on his head.

After a while, the follower brought a replacement for the black dog from the street: two pheasants with bright feathers. They pace slowly, gracefully and restrainedly.

Yulian and Shangli took the jewelry box and the dog and left from the mansion.

They walked around the street and came to a hidden corner.

"The third set was also sold successfully."

A smiley face appeared on Shang Li's head: "The name of the mayor's residence is really useful."


A sighing expression appeared on Mayor Yulian's head: "You have deceived the third chief like this. The last one is in the east and the last one is in the north. They must know that they have been deceived."

"How can this be called a lie? Mayor."

Shang Li argued: "It is indeed the mayor's residence, and you did live there for a few days, didn't you?"

"The hospital needs money, the library needs money, road construction needs money, the wall needs money, and the architecture school that you are so fond of, mayor, also needs money. This money is used to do these things."

Yulian said: "Okay. You really know how to make money."

"This is the job of a businessman, mayor." Shang Li said.

Lu Yao looked at it and called him a good guy.

The mayor personally leads the real estate sales, right?

At this time, Lu Yao also saw it.

The large influx of people into Yancheng are basically immigrants.

A considerable number of immigrants came from Yaocheng next door.

Yaocheng used food and material offensives to export large-scale faith and culture to the outside world, attracting many islanders, savages and mountain people. There are many leaders like Dolenunu among them.

After eating big fish and big meat, it is difficult to eat glutinous rice bran.

Especially the wealthy class among these indigenous people. They immigrated to Yaocheng, a big city, and enjoyed life with the property they brought.

Soon these people discovered that Yaocheng was not the best place.

Yancheng to the west is a paradise for the rich.

It is not compulsory to pray and recite the gospel, nor is it forbidden to fight animals or drink alcohol. Yancheng has clean and beautiful streets and houses, abundant goods, and few restrictions on people.

As a result, some wealthy immigrants came to Yancheng.

As a result, Yancheng was able to enjoy the benefits and indirectly robbed Yaocheng of the wealthy foreign population brought by the missionary work.

However, because Yaocheng had the only school [Theological Seminary]. Therefore, the foreign indigenous people usually studied in the seminary for a while to learn the local language and basic knowledge, which indirectly expanded the influence of Yaocheng.

Lu Yao looked back and forth between the two cities.

He discovered something interesting.

Like it or not, the two cities are working together in some way to achieve de facto cooperation.

Yaocheng continued to spread the belief in gods and theological awareness through its powerful cultural output. They spared no effort to promote it, which greatly affected the awareness of indigenous people everywhere, making them unable to help but come to this city to observe.

Yancheng, with its open and inclusive nature, firmly attracts this group of outsiders, allowing them to migrate and settle here to enjoy a better environment and a relaxed life.

On the other hand, Yancheng could not independently digest a large amount of foreign goods, so it increased trade and exchanges with Yaocheng, and disguised feedback activated the twin cities' economy.

Lu Yao muttered in his heart.

What is this called?

A beggar’s version of the Twin Cities urban agglomeration?

Lu Yao remembered a forgotten place.

He switched his perspective and moved to the south, which he had not paid attention to for a long time.

Seeing Saniro's condition, Lu Yao was a little confused.

What's going on?

In the city of Sanilo, there are now numerous [sandworms] infested, and these sandworms are strutting and walking around on the streets.

Monsters attacking the city?

Lu Yao took a look and saw that the city wall was not broken.

He looked carefully again.

Why are these sandworms digging ditches?

Lu Yao observed it for a while before confirming that he had guessed correctly.

Saniro learned to harness the extraordinary monster known as the sandworm.

This is a big job without making any noise.

Thanks to sound3d for supporting 2000 starting coins. The author ran away and supported 100 starting coins. After all, he supported 100 starting coins.

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