Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 290: The softest place in my heart

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"I originally wanted to ask them to let me take the young master home. I was worried that he would scare him to aggravate his condition, and I called you again. Who knows that they are so unreasonable, not only will I not send the young master Going back has been insulting. "Zhang Yan said tears fell.

"Oh, this is a lady, this is a young master, this is a wealthy child coming to this broken place to experience the suffering in the world! Give me nonsense, he smashed my car, you sent him back, who do I ask for? Where is the money? Losing money in the car is justified! "The man looked irrational.

"I'll pay for your car money, I'm his sister, but you have to let me take my brother back first!" Su Qianxun stood up, holding Su Jiye, looking at each other coldly.

"Less nonsense, you do n’t want to leave without losing money. He hit the place, the lights are broken, the paint has fallen off, and sheet metal is needed, and the repair fee is at least 300,000! Do n’t say I slap you, you see I know what kind of car this is! "The man went to his car and knocked hard.

"What? It costs 300,000 to build a car. Why don't you grab it!" Zhang Huan was anxious.

"What does your old lady know? Call the police today without losing money and catch this neurosis!" The man's finger pointed to Su Xiye.

Su Chihiro immediately blocked his brother behind her, and she said, "Okay, I'll pay 300,000, but I can't pay it now. You give me one night, and I'll give it to you tomorrow morning."

Zhang Ye was frightened by her, exclaimed nervously, "Miss!"

"No, just pay now!"

"Now we really have no money, you know where we live, we can't run, just one night, 300,000 points for you!" Su Chihiro's eyes were very firm.

the man,"……"

Looking at the lively people, he also started to speak for Su Qianxun, saying that she could testify to her and she would not break her word.

The man could only agree, and he also saw that he could not get the money today, and that his car for lamp repairs was only 150,000, and he would not lose even if he got 300,000 tomorrow.

"I will collect the money early tomorrow morning. If I lose one point, I will call the police to catch this neuropathy."

When the man drove away, everyone was scattered. Su Qianxun's body was very tight. She turned around and hugged her brother. The tears rolled down. She said, "Jie Ye is not a neurosis, and Ye Ye is not a neurosis. We don't want to be a good boy at night, the best and the best baby ... don't be afraid, my sister will take you home. "

Su Qianxuan really hurts him. Now her brother is the softest place in her heart. Just touch her and she will collapse ...

After returning, Su Chihiro personally cooked a little dumpling for her brother. Su Ji refused to eat it at night, so she fed him personally.

Zhang Huan is really anxious, 300,000, it is really an astronomical figure for them, where to find it.

Several times when she wanted to speak, Su Qianxun used her eyes to signal her not to speak.

After feeding Su Ji Ye for dinner, she took him to wash again, and told him a story before returning to the living room.

Zhang Ye stood up nervously when she saw her coming out, "Miss, what can we do? Where can we have so much money?"

"I'll find a way to make money. Take care of the night. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

Su Qianxun reluctantly glanced at the door of his brother's room, and she left heartlessly.

Although she saw that her brother was hurt, she didn't want to leave him, but her life and reality were cruel.

Su Qianxun hesitated for a long time, still called Long Sijue's cell phone, but showed that it could not be connected.

When she called Jinyuan, the housekeeper said that she did not know the whereabouts of Dragon Chief, and Su Qianxun was inexplicably panic ...


Roll and sell Meng for recommendation tickets, (* ^ __ ^ *) ...

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