Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 393: The body also resisted him

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

When Su Qianxun got out of the car, Sir Long had entered the elevator. He looked at her facelessly, and the little girl could only follow her head down.

The elevator door closed, and the elevator started to go up. Su Chihiro looked at the tall figure of the man in front of him, and he was inexplicably sad.

When the elevator door opened again, she quickly took a deep breath, fearing that she would lose herself in front of him.

Sir Long entered the living room and took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa. He ordered, "You make dinner tonight."

"Oh, what do you want to eat?" Su Qianxun asked with some restraint.

"Anyway," said Lord Long, then advanced into the study.

Suddenly the living room was empty, and Su Chihiro stood there for a while before returning to her mind. She put her things down and went into the kitchen.

When Su Chihiro opened the refrigerator, he got dumbfounded. The refrigerator with three doors was almost stuffed with dry noodles and a bit of vegetables and meat. Nothing else ...

The little girl thought it was incredible. Who put the refrigerator in her house?

Su Chihiro took everything out and started cutting vegetables and meat. There was a pack of mustard in the refrigerator, so she decided to make the mustard pork noodles tonight.

The little girl fry the meat and the noodles are cooked. Soon, two bowls of fragrant mustard pork noodles come out.

Su Qianxuan brought her face to the dining table. She was looking in the direction of the study, and Lord Long stepped out of it. He should have been in the bath, and he was only wearing a bathrobe.

"It's ready to eat." Su Chihiro quickly retreated.

Lord Long came over, sat down and picked up chopsticks, and began to eat noodles. Su Chihun also sat down and lowered his head silently to eat noodles.

The atmosphere was still very quiet. After eating the noodles, Long Siju took a cigarette and lit it.

Su Chihiro cleaned up the restaurant, washed the dishes, and walked out.

"Come here." Lord Long bombarded the ashes from the cigarette with a dumb voice.

Su Qianxuan took a deep breath and walked into the living room. As soon as she arrived at the sofa, Lord Long suddenly pulled her around and turned around, pressing her on the sofa.

There was no kiss, no caress, and even her clothes were not taken off, and the Lord Long took her.

Su Qianxun didn't know why. It had been a long time since he had n’t been so painful. Maybe he started to resist in his heart, and then his body resisted him. She only knew it hurt, but she still just endured it. There was no happiness, she even felt like being thrown into hell, she could only count in her heart silently, hoping that the man on her body would vent sooner ...

Lord Long looked at her without any reflection, and her strength was even greater. He just wanted her to give him a little reflection, even if he was crying and beating him.

However, until the end, the little girl did not respond at all, like a stiff dead fish.

After the Dragon Lord pulled away, Su Qianxun was relieved. She took a long time to get up. She looked at the mess on the sofa. The little girl thought, fortunately, this is a leather sofa that can be wiped clean. If the fabric sofa is troublesome ...

Su Qianxun didn't know which bedroom Long Sige wanted to live in, so she went to the place where she lived and took a shower, and then she fell asleep. Long Sige didn't come in. The whole apartment was a bit scary. ...

In the middle of the night, Su Qianxuan suddenly woke up. When she felt dry, she got up and went to find water to drink. When she went out, she turned her head inadvertently, and saw that Long Sijue was floating in the swimming pool not far away. The little girl's heart tightened fiercely ...

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