
Second Chapter of the Day


When Nova went and landed in the tower he quickly put his wings away and put the shirt back on. He then went to the seventh floor in order to find the tapestry the Helena had told him about. As Nova hurried to the location, he thought about the Mark of Four, as he had never lost any of the artifacts that he had created but the ones his wife had on her that day were destroyed well at least he thought they were but now he knew at least one survived. The crown she wore was still around but only in this realm did he know it was called the The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. He didn't know why it people had said it had the ability to increase a person's wisdom, the only reason he could think of was the crown gave suggestions to help guide Rowena's thoughts.

His other concern was that the laws of the world had been changed. Upon seeing that his eyes were having little effect on the soul like they had a few weeks prior meant that someone was tampering with the seals with the world, but he didn't know who. Samuel wasn't smart enough to do such a thing, even if he claimed to be. The only explanation was that Samuel had pulled someone out of one of the realms to do his bidding for him. Nova could fix the problem of course but if he did so it would decrease the life of this world even further or he would be forcefully ejected by the world itself as part of the defense mechanism that he had installed when creating it.

Nova just shook his head as he appeared in the location Helena had told him about. All he saw was a blank wall, but when he looked closer, Nova saw that the wall was made up of a mass of magic energy. As he walked back and forth thinking about what he desired, he watched a the magic started to shape itself to fit the need that he required. On the third time of walking the wall generated a elaborate petrified wood door that had flames carved into the frame.

As he walked in, Nova was impressed at what he saw. In one section of the room was shelves with books on how to forge, craft, and created. Sections on sculpting, and manipulating magic into works of art.

On the opposite side was a workbench with all the tools that he would need. He found sculpting pens, iron working tools, levels, vices, and measuring equipment. Though he didn't really need it, he was impressed that the room could even generate tools of this level.

The main item in the room was the hearth itself that he would use to forge his projects. As he looked it over, he saw that the hearth was made of multiple layers of dragon scales and hide with layers of obsidian and pumice acting as the main structure of the foundation. WHile he poked around a bit he saw that the hearth had been used in the past but was well maintained and kept up with he was greatly appreciative of. As he checked out the bellows, he was pleased to see that they had no tears or broken seams. The anvil for working was a magisteel allow mixed with goblin steel making it strong enough to withstand his blows, since the impacts of the hammer would disperse around the base into the floors and walls.

Nova then turned the small pile on the side of the hearth, it was a pile of scrap metals, comprising of gold, some silver, jewels and failed trinkets. He figured these would do for a little while in order to satisfy his urge to craft but he would have to find other material for bigger projects, like the Sorting Hat and Helena's body for instance.

Nova nodded his head as he finished looking around. The only thing that was missing was fuel for the fire. But that was the least of his worries, as there was a whole forest a few feet away from the school.

Nova decided though to try to craft something small to get back into the swing of things. So Nova turned to the hearth and after picking up one of the gold bars with the tongs, he breathed a large breath of fire into the hearth and willed it to stay there till the gold heated up. After it was heated enough to shape, Nova through in some of the mithril that was in his ring and let that heat up as well. Now any blacksmith would be shock at what they saw, since gold was already quite malleable when cold. But after Nova threw in the mithril, he placed the gold on top letting it fuse and coat the mithril bar. As he watched, the metals for a few minutes longer, Nova moved the metal alloy to the anvil. Nova then closed his eyes and summoned out his hammer. The hammer was still the same as he use in the void. It's handle was still as dark as midnight with dragon claws holding onto the hammer's head. The only change it had now was its head instead of it glowing and pulsing like use it was dark and cold. But Nova knew it would change soon.

"Come on old friend it is time to work." And Nova swung the hammer down on the metal creating a large bang. With that first hit the hammer started to glow and with each consecutive hit, slowly it started to brighten. As he worked the metal bar shaping it into a crude form of a quill, the anvil held up under each hit. With each blow dispersing out of the floor and walls. After rounding and shaping the metal to the desired length and width, Nova then brought it to the work bench and with one of the etching pens started to do the detailed work. He carved runes of sharpness and unbreaking into the point and then he worked on the feathered end. With careful stroke on the metal, Nova shaped it as he felt it should be.

When finished Nova stood up and then looked at the tool he had created. The quill was a large as a eagles feather and the part shaped like a feather was gold while the end that did the writing was the mithril with gold veins carved around it to hold the ruins. Pleased with his work, stood up and looked at the clock, it was 5:30, and everyone was about to wake up soon. So Nova recalled his hammer to rest back in his soul, and put the sunglasses back on.

When Nova left the room, he put the fire out and closed the door and watched as it turned back into a wall like it was nothing but a wall to begin with. As he walked back to the dorm, he was surprised to see that there were people up and walking about.

It's a Saturday, what is everyone doing up for this early in the morning? Nova wondered to himself. Little did he know that the anvil did its job a little too well. When Nova had struck the hammer on the anvil, the force was too strong for the room to handle on its own, so when the force was dispersed it was sent through the whole castle in its entirety. This caused the castle to shudder and quake continuously for 3 hours straight gradually waking everyone up.

But Nova wasn't informed of this until much, much later.

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