Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 153: I beg you

Stepping out of the Secret Service Building, Huo Shaoheng looked up at the night sky, exhaling slowly.

He hurry up and let Bai Yusheng escape.

Yin Shixiong came together and handed him a cigarette.

The two stood under a tree not far from the Secret Service building, lit a cigarette and smoked.

For them, smoking is the quickest way to relieve tension.

Before smoking a cigarette, Yin Shixiong received a call from the upper house of parliament and the office of the head of government.

"Huo Shao, find you, they will let you go to the upper chamber of the parliament." Yin Shixiong answered the phone and told Huo Shaoheng.

Huo Shaoheng threw his cigarette **** in the trash can under the big tree, and the m16 submachine gun was collected and thrown to Yin Shixiong, "Go."


At three in the morning, Huo Shaoheng already stood on the podium in the upper chamber of the parliament and reported to the speaker of the upper house of parliament, the Foreign and Intelligence Committee, and the heads of government agencies on the operation.

Admiral Ji, commander of the military ministry, with a somber face, took the guard and the life secretary to sit in the last row, looking at his face full of anger, in fact supporting Huo Shaoheng.

Bai Yusheng, deputy minister of the special service department, is very high-level, and his Bai family is inextricably intertwined in the upper levels of the Chinese Empire, and has a huge influence.

Huo Shaoheng didn't say hello to anyone, he went directly to Baijiabang. If he doesn't have a good reason, I'm afraid it will be difficult to clean up.

Huo Shaoheng, a reserve echelon carefully cultivated by the admiral, intends to let him take over the position of the Supreme Commander of the Emperor's Department, and cannot afford to make a mistake.

At this moment, Admiral Ji even decided that even if he was fighting to be right with the entire Bai family, he would have to protect Huo Shaoheng ...

Huo Shaoheng didn't know the thought of General Ji, or he knew, but didn't want to ignore it.

For him, not being able to kill Bai Yusheng himself and being escaped from the Huaxia Empire by himself was already his biggest defeat since he joined the army.

Huo Shaoheng took a look at the information in his hand, including the list of China ’s imperial customs that Yin Shixiong had just sent him this month, with a sneer on his lips. I want to inform you of a high-level defection by the Secret Service. "


"Major Huo, don't spit yourself out!"

"My Bai family has worked for the empire for generations. I don't know how many lives have been sacrificed. How dare you stigmatize our Bai family ?!"

"Major Huo, you are so reckless in dealing with our Bai family because your father is the director of the military department's political department, and your grandpa is the former deputy commander of the military department?"

There are too many people in the Bai family holding senior official positions at the top of the empire.

Today's temporary high-level meeting was attended by only sixteen or seven people, including five surnames ...

Huo Shaoheng led a raid in the middle of the night to the office of Bai Yusheng, the Deputy Minister of the Secret Service, and arrested all his subordinates. He also informed the Military Police Gendarmerie to take over the Secret Service, which had completely crippled the Empire ’s intelligence service.

To these people, Huo Shaoheng's actions are more meaningless.

Huo Shaoheng stood on the stage with his hands on his back, calm and calm, without saying a word.

When the following people were finished, he slowly said, "The chiefs with surnames Bai, proceeding from the empire's confidentiality clause, the following content can not let you know. Please go out."

"What ?! Why did we get out ?!"

"Dr. Long, we protest! Shady! There is absolutely shady!"

"Shut up!" Huo Shaoheng's forehead jumped and slammed the table again. "If you make trouble again, people who died in the special service in North America will come to you to protest!"

The upper chamber of the parliament was suddenly silent.

The long-haired white speaker Long stood up and said to the Bai family, "You believe me, I will not let an innocent person be wronged, but I will not let those who betray our country escape punishment."

The Bai family had a discussion and said to Speaker Long: "Okay, Speaker Long, we believe in you and give you a face. As for him ..." They pointed at Huo Shaoheng who was standing on the stage, "If he doesn't give us a firm Explain that we're never finished with him! "

The Bai family left the table angrily and came to the corridor outside.

Huo Shaoheng's guards, led by Yin Shixiong, immediately detained these people separately.

To prevent them from reporting, they also used handcuffs to cover their mouths.

The Bai family was so angry that they didn't know what had happened and thought that someone was going to get rid of aliens on purpose.

In the parliament hall, Huo Shaoheng took out the evidence and used a computer to show it to the people present.

"... That's it. Xin Xingyu, who sold the Nandou system's civilian code code, had a private relationship with Zeng Quan, the deputy director of the R & D department of the Nandou system, when he participated in the Nandou project. And it was also missed in our first investigation. Until recently, we received the exact news that the United States and the United States are still closely monitoring Xin Xingyuan and want to get more things from her. "Huo Shaoheng turned around, His expression was very grim.

"After Xin Xingyu went abroad, he helped Zeng Quan open the door to the United States, but Zeng Quan only gave her the code of the civilian code series, and did not give her the code for the encrypted channel. Zeng Quan intended to use the code for the encrypted channel as a bargaining chip. She bridged the line. The matter was known to the North American secret service personnel in North America, and the intelligence was passed back to Bai Yusheng, the deputy minister responsible for North America. "

Using the laser pointer in his hand, Huo Shaoheng pointed at the relationship tree on the display and scratched the skin.

"Bai Yusheng didn't notify us when he heard the news. Instead, he got a one-way contact with Zeng Quan and let him contact Xinhua of the United States through Xin Xingyu and tried to defect."

Speaker Long and General Ji opened their eyes sharply, their faces were very rigid.

If what Huo Shaoheng said is true, then because of Bai Yusheng's defection, the achievements of the Imperial Secret Service in North America for thirty years will be ruined!

"Where is Bai Yusheng ?! Hurry up and issue the highest wanted order! Hunt Bai Yusheng!" Speaker Long first stood up, "Can't let him succeed!"

"It's too late." Huo Shaoheng shook his head. "As soon as I got the news, I rushed to his office and found that he had removed the beacon chip and placed it under a potted plant in his office. He disappeared at least four days ago. "" Then, took out that list of customs officers, "This is the customs list, you see."

Speaker Long collapsed sitting on the chair, his lips pursed, and he couldn't say a word.

"After Zeng Quan and Bai Yusheng got online, he was also afraid that Bai Yusheng was fishing, so he secretly recorded every meeting with Bai Yusheng. If Bai Yusheng was really fishing, he wouldn't quietly ran away with fear of sin. Bai Yusheng should have arrived in the United States now, just do not know if he and cia are online. "

"The people in the Secret Service in North America hurriedly withdrew!" The highest head of government patted the table, "You must not let this traitor to hurt us!"

"I have notified the North American Secret Service not to accept any news from Bai Yusheng, and informed them that Bai Yusheng was treasonous, and the rest were evacuated."

The admiral wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He fought many battles in his life, and only this time, he was very aggrieved.

With the family's Liangzi, it was settled.

The Bai family has many potentials. Although Bai Yusheng is a treason traitor, but now they are not sitting together. Therefore, Bai Yusheng's fault cannot be implicated in other people in Bai family.

And with Baijia's intricate marriage relationship, it is impossible to completely eliminate Baijia.

Huo Shaoheng also understood that the influence of the Bai family could not be completely eliminated, but he proposed: "For all Bai family members who are officials at or above the department level, I recommend a comprehensive review, and you can be reinstated if there are no mistakes."

If implicated, it is best to convict and go to jail.

Speaker Long and the head of government looked at each other slowly and said, "You must check it. You give us the evidence, and we take over this matter. You will send someone to follow up on the matter of the special service department. — Divide!"

Huo Shaoheng walked out of the parliament building alone.

The sun leaped under the clouds, revealing a golden outline.

"Huo Shao." Yin Shixiong greeted him, his face was very serious, "Ozawa has confirmed that Bai Yusheng and cia are online. Would you like Nianzhi to come back?"

Huo Shaoheng squinted his eyes and looked at the rising sun.

The sun was shining on the turquoise leaves, like pieces of shredded gold.

"No. No one knows her identity, not even the Secret Service. As for Bai Yueran, who knows her identity, although she is a Bai family, she has always followed Ji Ji and let her believe in her." Huo Shaoheng refused to linger for a long time and refused Then, "In addition, Nian Zhi is still in a lawsuit with Xin Xingyuan."

"But, aren't you really worried?" Yin Shixiong was dying. In his heart, Gu Nianzhi was still a child who hadn't grown up.

"Worry, why don't I worry." Huo Shaoheng casually said, walking to his own car, "but worry about hiding her? Daxiong, you are chaotic if you are concerned."

"I care but chaos ?!" Yin Shixiong couldn't say it. He felt that Huo Shao just beat him up, as if he didn't care!

Stopped by Huo Shaoheng and speechless, Yin Shixiong followed the car dullly.

Fan Jian, the serviceman, started the car and took Yin Shixiong and Huo Shaoheng to the airport.

When they came to the imperial capital, they took a helicopter, and when they returned to city C, they took a special plane.


At this time, in the international airport of city C, Mei Xiawen's flight was announced to be delayed for two hours, because there are special planes coming from Didu, and all flights must make way for military special planes.

Mei Xiawen had to text Gu Nianzhi: "The flight is delayed. It may take two hours to arrive."

Gu Nianzhi regretted it in the evening, and shouldn't immediately agree to Mei Xiawen.

Now seeing Mei Xiawen's text message, she hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, it won't matter after six months, I can wait."

Mei Xiawen smiled at the mobile phone, as if it was the eager face of nostalgia.

He was about to type, his slender palm stretched out, took his phone from his hand, and he wasn't allowed to text.

"... Xia Wen, are you really leaving? Really leave me?" Jiang Hongcha's sobbing face appeared in front of Mei Xiawen.

Mei Xiawen was really shocked, "You you you ... how do you know I'm here ?!"

"There is nothing difficult in the world, I'm afraid of someone who cares." Jiang Hongcha turned off his cell phone. "Xia Wen, don't go. I have never asked you, this time, I ask you!"

She bit her lip and looked at Mei Xiawen, the expression on Jixin's face was tender and touching.

Holding out her hand, she hugged Mei Xiawen's waist and looked up at him. "Xia Wen, give us another chance. I don't want more, just this half year. If you stay with me in this half year, if you don't OK, six months later, you can be with her, okay? "

Mei Xiawen closed her eyes.

What a proud man **** ginger tea used to be, and now he can do everything for him, what else does he ask for?

Mei Xiawen hugged **** black tea and buried her head on her shoulder. "Okay, I won't go to the United States. We try for half a year. You have to promise me that we are together, and I can't tell anyone, including Ai Venan. "

Ginger tea was relieved, with a gentle smile on his face. "Okay, I promise you."

Actually this is the best.

If the two try for half a year, it is still not appropriate, and after half a year they break up, God is unaware of the ghost, and is good to each other.

At this time, someone not far from the exit came to clear the martial law, saying that a special plane for senior military officials had arrived.

Mei Xiawen grabbed **** black tea by the shoulder, "Let's go, let's go home."

"Aren't you going to the United States?" Jiang Hongcha pointed to Mei Xiawen's cell phone. "Sometimes I have to tell someone. Maybe I'm still waiting for you."

Mei Xiawen smiled, picked up her mobile phone, and sent Gu Nianzhi a text message: "There is something at home, I can't go to the United States for the time being. I will wait for you to return in six months."


Gu Nianzhi had been restless when eating dinner, but he kept saying something several times, but he didn't say anything to Zhao Liangze.

Zhao Liangze helped Huo Shaoheng to deal with the withdrawal of the North American branch of the Secret Service. He also failed to take care of the emotions of Nian.

After finishing the meal in a hurry, he instructed Gu Nianzhi to put the dishes in the dishwasher, and then pulled back to the room to continue working.

At this time, Gu Nianzhi received a text message from Mei Xiawen, saying that there was something in his family and that he could not come to the United States for the time being. According to their agreement, he would return to China after six months to meet.

Gu Nianzhi breathed a sigh of relief, but I was no longer nervous. I frowned and put the dishes in the dishwasher, added the special detergent for the dishwasher, and then opened the washing and drying process before returning to my room to take a shower .

She is not in a good mood and plans to take a bubble bath to soothe the depression.

Put the water in the bathtub, add the liquid from the bubble bath, and finally add a few drops of rose essential oil. A fragrant bubble bath is ready.

She undressed, curled her hair over her head, put on a waterproof shower cap, stepped into the bathtub, and lay down comfortably.


Huo Shaoheng got off a special plane at C City International Airport ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and walked away from the VIP channel. He quickly returned to the station in the special operation department's special car.

He ran outside one night, and he hadn't slept for several nights before, and he felt a little tired.

After casually eating something, he plans to go to the bathroom to take a shower and then sleep.

Before going, he remembered his own dedicated number, and now he is used to check it every day.

I took a look at my phone, and found countless missed calls from Gu Nianzhi ...


This is the second more than four thousand words, two more together, including 3700 plus monthly tickets.

Ask for monthly and recommendation tickets.

o (n_n) o ~.

(To be continued.)

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