Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 299: Remember for 16 years

At the same time, in order to stop Huo Jialan's mouth, it was said that the mobile phone was indeed handed over to Luo Xinxue, and Gu Nianzhi specially called the military logistics staff.

At that time, they handed over Huo Guanyuan's relics to his wife Luo Xinxue.

"We can prove that when he handed over the relic of Colonel Huo to his wife sixteen years ago, the phone was indeed in the box." The soldier who returned the relics sixteen years ago is now the colonel of the Logistics Department.

Jin Dazhuang immediately hehehe: "Excuse me, comrade, how do you remember such a trivial matter 16 years ago?"

"No, this is not a trivial matter." The Colonel of the Logistics Department of the Military Department paused. "The mobile phone of Colonel Huo Guanyuan is his personal phone. It is said that the battery inside was specially made for him by a talented scientist of the Institute of High Energy Physics. of."

"A talented scientist at the Institute of High Energy Physics? May I ask what's the name?" Jin Dazhuang asked immediately.

"We don't know. Colonel Huo Guanyuan never mentioned the person's name, only that he was one of his most respected scientists." The colonel of the logistics department said he did not know the name.

Bai Jinyi suddenly raised his head, full of anger in his eyes, his lips continually mingled with anger, and he couldn't wait to have something to say.

Gu Nianzhi's gaze shifted in the court, glimpsed Bai Jinyi's condition, raised his eyebrows, and deliberately asked, "Do you know if the genius scientist is male or female?"

I did not expect that the logistics department still shook his head: "I really don't know this. Colonel Huo Guanyuan is familiar with people at the Institute of High Energy Physics because of the task, but we rarely mention things over there."

The most important reason should be related to the experiment with the military and high energy physics.

It seems that this experiment may be the key to the whole thing.

Gu Nianzhi was thoughtful, watching Bai Jinyi's complexion return to normal, and then turned his eyes away, listening to the other lawyer Jin continued to question the Colonel of the Logistics Department.

"Well, even so, after sixteen years, do you still remember such a sentence? It's incredible." Jin Dazhen still said he didn't understand. The implication was that the colonel might be conspiring with the plaintiff's lawyer. False testimony.

The Colonel of the Logistics Department also heard the meaning of Jin Daxing, and said with some anger: "Of course there is a reason. If you don't listen to me, interrupt me, and now you can't be trusted. What do you want ?! "

"I think Jin Dazhuang wants to go to heaven ..." Gu Nian's lips slightly tilted, mocking Jin Dazhuang, turning his head to comfort the logistics department colonel: "You continue to say, what's so special about the mobile phone, let you remember sixteen years ? "

"Ms. Gu still has the brain and can talk." The big bachelor of the logistics department gave Jin Dajin a bad look and quickly explained to the judge: "The special feature of the mobile phone lies in the special battery. It is said that the power storage capacity is very Powerful, it can be managed for ten years on a single charge. At that time, I was a serviceman of Colonel Huo Guanyuan. I often saw him playing with this mobile phone. Several of us also talked privately, saying that if it is not bragging, it is black technology in our country. Stare at Colonel Huo, not charging his cell phone, and see how long it will last. "

"How long can I manage?"

"It hasn't been charged for at least three years," said the commander-in-chief of the military logistics department. . "

"At the time of the accident, no one was there. His cell phone was still there?"

"No. Because that ’s his personal cell phone. You ca n’t carry a personal cell phone when performing missions. This is a discipline. The personal belongings of Colonel Huo Guanyuan are all placed in his dorm in the military department. Several of us took turns cleaning the room for him and packing. House, I remember very clearly. "

Jin Daxing's face was not so good: "Then when you gave the relic of Colonel Huo Guanyuan to his wife, the mobile phone was indeed in it? Who can prove it? Are you alone? I'm afraid not?-No third party certification Evidence, there are problems! "

But after 16 years, it's too difficult for someone to find a third-party certificate?

Gu Nianzhi's face sank, and he was trying to refute Jin Dazhen's questioning. He listened to the Colonel of the Logistics Department with a scornful expression: "We handed over the martyrs' relics with established procedures, and they were delivered by someone specially. After taking a personal count and matching the list, the family members still need to sign to receive all the relics.-This lawyer, what misunderstanding do you have about our army's working procedures? "

Jin Daxiang was almost speechless.

Where has he met in court in the past who didn't take him seriously? !!

This kind of lawsuit with the military department can't be messed up!

Are the most powerful people in the army? !!

Gu Nianzhi's heart was open, and she smiled slightly. "Jin Dazhuang doesn't understand our army's working procedures at all, so there is no misunderstanding at all." She said, handing over the list of relics signed by the Huo family in the military department. A copy of the form was taken out and shown to everyone in court.

"Look, at the time, not only Luo Xinxue was signed, but also Huo Guanyuan's father Huo Xuenong and his brother Huo Guanchen. Huo Xuenong was the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Commission at that time. Huo Guanchen was only a captain at the time, but now he is the director of the Political Department and a general . "

"Jin Daxing, with these people's signatures, you should believe that these things were all given to Luo Xinxue without a leak?" Gu Nianzhi first blocked Jin Daxing's mouth, and then formally asked the judge: "Master, We ask the court to issue a subpoena to the mobile company and retrieve the communication records of this mobile phone for future reference. "

"Agree." The judge knocked the mallet.

The court clerk began preparing the summons and sent it to the mobile company.

This has to be checked, and the records are not immediately visible.

Gu Nianzhi looked at Huo Jialan: "Huo Jialan, you said that the mobile phone could not be found, even if you lost it. Then do you remember when you lost it?"

Huo Jialan frowned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "To be honest, I have never seen this phone at all. After my mother died, I accepted all the inheritance from my mother. My father's relics are in a box and I also organize I have never seen this phone on the list. "

"So have you checked the list of relics?" Gu Nianzhi asked suddenly, giving Huo Jialan a surprise.

Gu Nianzhi didn't really know Huo Jialan, but before she looked so much at the ownership of these heritages, she felt that this person should not be a generous person.

What is the attitude of the less generous people to the inheritance they receive?

Gu Nianzhi's thoughts of Huo Jialan should be hesitant and even count according to a single order?

But even if a mobile phone is missing when counting, Huo Jialan probably shouldn't care.

It's not a valuable thing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you lose it, you will lose it.

Gu Nianzhi asked casually, and when he saw Huo Jialan hesitated for a moment, he shook his head: "... No."

She is lying.

Gu Nianzhi came up with such an idea.

Huo Jialan must have checked the list of relics and knew that the phone had been lost.

As for why she kept it hidden, it was another question.

Gu Nianzhi calmly knocked this question into the laptop and moved on to the next question.

"Director Wang said just now that you still have a birth certificate in a bank safe. You haven't handed it in. What's the matter?"

Huo Jialan still shook her head: "I didn't find it. What should I use?"

"Did not find it?" Gu Nianzhi frowned. "Are the bank safes insecure? Shall we ask the bank to bring up the safe video to see who took the identity certificate?"

Huo Jialan's expression was flustered for a moment, but she calmed down quickly and said lightly: "After my mother passed away, I took over her inheritance and took everything from the bank safe."

"So, is it in your hands?" Gu Nianzhi emphasized the ownership of the document again. "Why don't you take it out? Do you want to resist the court order and hinder justice?"

"Don't dare." Huo Jialan nodded slightly. "But when I went to the bank safe to pick up things, I did not see a birth certificate, only jewelry and certificates of deposit."

Huo Jialan insisted that there was no birth certificate, and it was also determined that there should be no way to prove whether there was any.


This is the first change. Remind you of monthly and recommended tickets!

Today is Monday, especially recommended tickets!

The second is seven in the evening.

muah! (To be continued.)

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