Hokage: Ryo’s Path

Chapter 391 Shukaku and Gaara

After leaving Urenin Village, Yamanaka never returned to Konoha, but came to Sand Ninja Village.

In the past few years, Yamanakato has often traveled back and forth between Sand Ninja Village and Ye Cang, and his relationship has become better and better. If it weren't for the relationship between the two villages, the relationship between the two villages has not reached the level after the Fourth World War in the original book. Married to Ye Cang.

Yamanakato teleported directly to Ye Cang's office. At this time, Ye Cang's disciples in the office were helping Ye Cang handle the official affairs of Sand Ninja Village.

Yamanaka Ryo's sudden appearance did not attract her attention, or she had seen it too many times, so she was no stranger to it.

Seeing Shan Zhongyuan coming, Ye Cang asked casually, "Yuan, why are you here?"

"It's nothing, there's nothing to do in the village recently, let's come to see you." Said that Yamanaka Ryo walked behind the desk and hugged Ye Cang, Ye Cang gave him a blank look, and didn't break free.

After get off work, Yamanakato teleported directly back to her home with Ye Cang.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Cang's older sister Xi got married a few years ago, and she married an ordinary ninja from Sand Ninja, so now no one in Ye Cang's family cooks for her.

Ye Cang usually spends his time dealing with official duties and cultivation, and he doesn't know how to cook at all. The time when Xi just left made Ye Cang feel very uncomfortable.

But this is good news for Yasco, since Xi can do whatever he wants without Xi's absence.

After helping Ye Cang finish dinner, the two chatted about what happened recently while eating.

What Yamanaka Ryo did and thought did not hide from Ye Cang.

The same is true for Hakura, except for some things involving the core secrets of Sand Ninja Village that cannot be said outside, everything else has been told to Yamanaka Ryo.

When Ye Cang and Yamanaka Ryo were talking about what happened recently, Yamanaka Ryo suddenly interrupted her: "Wait, Ye Cang! What did you just say?"

Ye Cang gave Yamanaka Ryo a strange look and said, "I said that Gaara has graduated, but because of his withdrawn personality, no one wants to form a team with him, so he arranged for his older brothers and sisters to form a team with him."

"That's it, Ye Cang, do you know? Naruto also graduated!"

"Naruto? Your nephew? Your Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

"Well, it's him! This kid is too stupid, and his grades in cultural subjects are a mess, but ninjas don't need these things, so I graduated for him."

"What about strength? Naruto has the teachings of you and Master Kushina, so it shouldn't be bad!"

"Well! It's okay! We didn't embarrass us! What about Gaara? His seal should have been perfect back then, and he should be able to use part of Izuo's power, right?" Yamanaka Ryo asked with a smile.

Ye Cang shook his head in embarrassment: "Gara's situation is more complicated. For some reasons, Shuhe and Gaara became mutually exclusive, so..."

Yamanaka Ryo frowned when he heard the words. Back then, in order for Sand Ninja to have perfect renju power, Yamanaka Ryo specially helped them build the most perfect seal, and he also specially asked Gaara and Shukaku to understand each other.

According to what Ye Cang said, something happened.

"Ye Cang, what's going on?"

After hesitating for a moment, Hakura gritted his teeth and said, "This... was originally related to the secrets of sand ninja, I shouldn't have told you, but Gaara's seal was designed by you, you have the right to know.

When Gaara was 9 years old, Luo Sha wanted to test Gaara's control over Shukuru, so he sent Anbu around him to test Gaara, but the ninja of Anbu missed for a while and accidentally hurt Gaara, Gaara ran away because of this.

At that time, the relationship between Gaara and Shuzuru was okay, so Shuzuru helped out, and none of the Anbu ninjas who went to test that day came back.

Therefore, Luo Sha felt that Gaara was unable to control Shuhe, and was very disappointed with Gaara, and reprimanded him in public.

Gaara was just a kid at the time and felt it was Shukaku's fault and blamed it all on Shukaku.

You know Shukaku's temper, Gaara blamed him, he simply cut off contact with Gaara, and never responded to Gaara since then. "

Shan Zhongyuan snorted coldly: "Hmph! Your Fengkage-sama really likes to find trouble for nothing!"

"Isn't this also to test Gaara's potential? And I also agreed at the beginning." Ye Cang lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Ye Cang, it seems that you still don't understand what I mean. Tailed beasts have life and emotions just like us humans.

And compared to us, tailed beasts have existed in this world for hundreds of thousands of years. They have seen countless human beings, and they have seen countless worlds. Their knowledge and vision are far longer than ours.

But there is a point that Tailed Beast's feelings are much simpler than that of us humans. If you give your heart to him, he will help you sincerely.

This is why Renzhuli has to be sealed from an early age, children's hearts are the most pure.

No matter what Jinchuriki will become when they grow up, at least when they were young, they all had a little kindness towards the tailed beast in their hearts.

It is precisely this trace of goodwill that allows the tailed beast to help humans in the future. But you guys destroyed this goodwill when Gaara and Shuzuru were at their best.

Or, do you think Shukaku and Gaara's 9 years of getting along can make Shukaku truly recognize him and lend him strength? "Yan Zhongyuan's tone was so indifferent that Ye Cang couldn't help shivering.

This was the first time Ye Cang heard Yamanaka Ryo speak in such a tone, she was a little flustered for a while, she quickly stood up and said to Yamanaka Ryo: "Yan Zhongyuan, I'm sorry!"

Seeing Ye Cang's nervous look, Yamanaka Ryo realized that what he said was a bit heavy.

"That, Ye Cang! Sorry, I shouldn't speak in this tone."

Ye Cang shook his head: "It's good that you don't blame me, besides, this matter was our fault in the first place. Is it too late to fix it now?"

"I don't know, because most of the tailed beasts have strange personalities, and Shukaku has the biggest temper. It's hard for him to forgive Gaara."

Ye Cang sighed after hearing the words: "Oh! It seems that the perfect Renzhuriki we have planned for so long is hopeless."

Yamanaka En said with a smile: "Why is there no hope? I said that it is difficult for Shuzuru to forgive Gaara, but I didn't say it was impossible!"

"Yuan, do you have a solution?" Ye Cang asked in surprise.

Yamanakato nodded: "If Shukaku still has a little bit of approval for Gaara, maybe it will be possible."

Ye Cang asked: "How do you know if Shukaku approves of Gaara?"

"That's it! You'll know later, let's eat first, don't let Shouhe disturb our long-lost world of two."

After drinking and eating, Yamanaka Ryo hugged Ye Cang and fell asleep early.

Early the next morning, the two went to Gaara's place together.

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